How to Use Cornstarch for Athlete’s Foot

athletes foot

Unhygienic habits leads to various issues, athlete’s foot is one among them. This ailment is triggered by fungus, which grows rapidly in moist environment. You can reduce the state of infection by using cornstarch for athlete’s foot.

Most people misunderstand that only athlete gets athlete’s foot. This uncomfortable condition is often accompanied by itchiness, peeling of skin and redness. Tight shoes and most environments help fungus to spread the infection. Men get affected more than women.

To get rid of athlete’s foot and to stay away from chemical filled creams, experts recommend cornstarch mask. There are bunch of home available remedies to thwart this infection, however I’ll be discussing about this particular remedy in this post.

Cornstarch is prominent for its culinary purposes, I too love chicken coated with cornstarch. Indeed, there is a long list of uses apart from cooking. Its absorbing property makes it easy to wipe impurities and absorb excess oil over the skin.

Rub cornstarch between toes and over the feet. To be creative experts recommend excellent procedure to use cornstarch for athlete’s foot.

  • Preheat oven for 325 degrees.
  • Take 6-8 tablespoon of cornstarch in a plate.
  • Place this cornstarch container in the preheated oven for few minutes.
  • Alternatively, you can heat the cornstarch over stove.
  • Rub the heated cornstarch over feet and toes.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes and the brush with towel.

Dry the feet if you want to wash them. Remember to clean your hands with mild soap.

Moist and warm places attract fungi. You must take utmost care to keep the moist away from your feet. Don’t share your partner’s socks or shoes. Wash your socks & shoes regularly.

When you wash your feet or after bath, dry the feet completely using towel. Another simple yet effective remedy is to sprinkle some baking soda in your shoes, so that anti-fungal agents kill fungi and restrain infection. To remove odor wash your feet in lemon water mixture.

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Argan Oil Face Mask

argan oil face mask

This liquid gold oil is extracted from nuts of Argan tree. Though it’s native to Morocco, people all over the world use argan oil face mask for skin and health ailments. This face mask is all in one remedy for skin, hair and health ailments.

Versatile nature of argan oil makes it easy to blend with other homemade recipes. Besides treating acne, you can use the face mask to get rid of dry skin, stretch marks, to heal minor injuries, moisturize nails and condition your hair.

You can directly apply this oil over your face, if you’d like to be more creative then blend it with other natural ingredients.

Argan Oil Face Mask Recipe

Excess exposure to sunlight and impurities makes your skin dull and leave dry patches. Accompanying them; comes dead cells which gather over skin pores and block them leading to acne blemishes.

Assorted properties in argan oil can exfoliate those piled impurities and restrain bacterial infection. Moisturizing activity of this carrier oil will help to get rid of dry patches over the skin. It tightens the pores by firming the skin, which makes your skin look radiant.

Are you worried about premature wrinkles? Directly massage argan oil mask over the skin and nutritional properties in it will penetrate deep into the skin to make it supple.

Anti-inflammatory agents residing in argan oil can reduce acne, minor sun burns and other injuries. Repeated use of this face mask will help you to fade acne scars and lighten stretch marks.

But you must take organic argan oil to reap these benefits. Refined version may fantastic aroma, but it lacks nutritional value. I recommend Instanatural organic argan oil.

Like said before, you can either blend it with other natural ingredients or directly apply this carrier oil.

#1. Argan oil, honey and avocado

This particular mask will help you to achieve alluring youthful skin.

  • Argan oil – few drops
  • Finely grounded oatmeal – 2 tbsp
  • Avocado – 4 tbsp
  • Honey – 2 tbsp
  • Essential oil – 2 drops

Grind avocado pulp into smooth paste. Add other listed ingredients to the pulp and mix thoroughly to make thick paste.

Wipe or wash your face before using it.

Evenly, apply the mask and slightly massage in circular motion to remove dead cells. After 15-20 minutes, when the mask dries up splash cool water and pat dry.

You can also apply natural moisturizer like jojoba oil or olive oil after face mask application.

#2. Argan oil face mask for exfoliating

Dry skin is the most common problem that triggers other chronic skin ailments. Loss of moisturize and impurities are main culprits of dry skin. Using argan oil you can remove these impurities and make the skin clear.

Take 1 egg white, 6 tbsp of milk, 2 teaspoon of rock salt and 1-2 drops of argan oil.

Beat the egg white after adding all ingredients to make thick paste. Wash your face and apply the mask evenly. Rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Don’t expect overnight magic, natural items take item to show positive results. You must regularly use this face mask.

Other innate ingredients that you can blend with argan oil include Greek yogurt and lemon. These ingredients can make your skin free from dark spots.

Let us know which ingredients would you like to use in argan oil face mask?

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Why Are My Fingernails Blue – Cyanosis?

home remedies for nail discoloration

Nails are like windows for your health. Blue, brittle, discoloration and dark lines on fingernails show that your body is facing some deficiency or ailments.

Pink nails are a sign of healthy and well hydrated nails. As most we know that pink color is the reflection of blood flow, similarly fingernails with blue color indicate lack of oxygen in the blood. Apart from being associated with serious health disorder, blue fingernails can embarrass.

Red blood cells in your body supply oxygen to tissues, because of which the cells are bright red and your skin appears pinkish. But, low oxygen in blood tissues results in bluish color also known as cyanosis. Experts say that it mostly happens due to climate change, which makes it difficult for blood to circulate.

In winter rubbing hands and body may help to improve circulation, but if the problem persists you must consult the doctor. According to Dr. Weil there are various factors that cause bluish or purple fingernails. Low hemoglobin may also one of the reasons for your blue fingernails.

Your skin color is the combination of melanin and blood color. Due to low oxygen blood turn blue-red. Further Dr. Weil states that cyanosis can be sign of heart problem, asthma, lung problem, breathing difficultly, bronchitis and other respiratory related issues. Other ailments related with this nail disorder are listed here.

If you’ve blue fingernails, then I recommend you to check with doctor to identify the mere cause of this change.

Cornmeal Face Scrub

cornmeal face scrub

Growing impurities around you gets assemble over your skin resulting in dark patches, dry skin and other skin ailments. Massaging it with cornmeal face scrub will clear the pollutants and improves your skin texture.

Blend honey or other natural ingredients with cornmeal and it can moisturize your dry skin. Exfoliating property of this face mask will help to get rid of excess sebum, dead cells and dry patches on the skin. Cornmeal is derived by grinding dry maize. In United States, finely grounded maize is known as corn flour.

This inexpensive face scrub can be helpful and has no side-effects. However, if you’re adding raw honey you’ll have to spend few more bucks. Humectant activity of honey will help you hydrate your skin, fade wrinkles, treat acne and other ailments.

Nutrients like vitamin B6, A, C, selenium, iron and calcium are packed in cornmeal, which makes your skin supple and flawless.

Check out your local store for organic honey and cornmeal. Best thing about homemade face mask is you can always reuse the left over mask in a couple of days.

Initially, wash your face with lukewarm water or cleanse it. Pat dry with soft cloth; meanwhile ask your partner to mix 1 tablespoon of cornmeal with 1 tablespoon of honey. You can add distilled water to make thick paste.

Evenly massage the cornmeal face scrub in circular motion. Leave it to dry naturally and then rinse it off with water.

For acne inflammation, experts recommend to mix apple cider vinegar with cornmeal. Repeated use of this natural face mask will treat acne and fade acne scars. You don’t have to worry about the chemical filled face wash for your skin.

Apart from removing impurities and dead cells, cornmeal face scrub can improve blood circulation, control excess oil, tightens skin pores, reduce fine lines and restrain infectious bacteria.

Did you ever use cornmeal or honey over your face? Please share your views about these natural ingredients.

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Carrot Face Mask for Skin Whitening

carrot face mask for skin whitening

Believe me, it’s always fun to make your own facial mask at home, because you incorporate the ingredients and exclude those that doesn’t cope well with your sensitive skin. Carrot face mask for skin whitening is one such try to know what these kitchen items have for your skin.

It’s a known fact that carrots are filled with vitamin A and beta-carotene, which are good for your eyes and health. Interestingly, you can use this root vegetable to achieve whitening skin. Antiseptic and assorted properties in carrot help to get rid of minor skin ailments.

Everyone yearns to be gorgeous, to achieve this people spend huge money on cosmetic products. Though few cosmetic creams may have shown positive results but, they include chemical ingredients in them which can trigger allergic reaction in sensitive people. Moreover, artificial products can’t combat with natural ingredients.

Being the largest organ of your body, skin needs utmost care. It protects you from harmful irritants and infectious germs. You need to pamper them; failing will result in various disorders. Dark patches or spots are one among them. Researchers say that prolonged exposure to sun rays, genetics, hormonal imbalance and low nutritious diet leads to hyperpigmentation.

Also read: Mustard face mask

You must know that your skin color is due to a pigment known as melanin. Excess exposure to sunlight increases melanocytes, resulting in dark complexion. Natural remedies like carrot facial mask, penetrates deep into the skin and lightens the dark skin.

Let’s see how carrot face mask for skin whitening works.

  • Vitamins in this mask helps to remove toxins and dirt piled over your skin.
  • Vitamin C improves elasticity of your skin and makes it firm.
  • Regular application will moisturize your dry skin and control excess sebum production.
  • Antioxidants thwart free radicals and fade fine lines.
  • Assorted nutrients help to reduce skin complexion and make you fell fresh.

Carrot face mask for skin whitening

Blend carrot juice with few drops of lemon juice. Optionally add gram flour and butter milk to it. Wash your face thoroughly and pat dry. Now, apply the mask evenly over the skin and leave it to dry naturally.

Use this face mask twice or thrice per week. Note to drink enough water and include nutritious diet.

Carrot and honey face mask

Slice fresh carrot into small pieces and grind them to make juice. Add 1 tablespoon of raw honey to the juice and mix thoroughly. Apply this mask evenly over the face and rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

Carrot peel off mask

Using this mask you can effectively remove excess oil, dirt and pollutants from the skin. Mix 1 tsp of gelatin, 1/2 cup of carrot juice with few drops of lemon juice. Keep the mixture over low flame so that gelatin dissolves and a thick paste is obtained.

After cooling the mask apply it over prewashed face and then rinse it off using wet cloth.

Regular application of carrot face mask for skin whitening can improve your skin texture, moisturize, treat acne and heals minor wounds.

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Papaya Face Mask for Acne Scars

papaya face mask for acne scars

Not just digestion, this fruit can improve your skin texture. You’d be delighted to know that you can reduce acne inflammation and fade acne scars using papaya face mask.

Acne is the most common skin disorder affecting about 40-50 million Americans. Apart from teenagers, adults within the age group 25 to 44 may experience this chronic skin condition. The condition ranges from mild to severe pimples.

Experts hold inflammation to be the mere cause of acne, which affects production of sebum. Along with dead cells, excess sebum gets accumulated over skin pores. P.acnes is one of the things which worsen the acne situation. The resulted bumps are red and accompanied by inflammation.

As the demand for anti-acne creams is growing exponentially, cosmetic industries are manufacturing thousands of different products. Though it’s enticing to read their claims, the effect is temporary. Natural remedies on other hand, penetrates deep into the skin and removes the root cause of ailment.

Papain is an enzyme found in papaya which breaks dead skin cells and hydrates your skin. Not just this, vitamin A and antioxidant properties in this mask will combat free radicals and lighten premature wrinkles. Other remedies which can treat acne include jojoba oil, cucumber, olive oil and manuka honey.

When acne gets treated, lesions leave a dark scar over your face. Acne scars aren’t associated with any health issue, but it’s a cosmetic concern. It’s really embarrassing to have big dark scars all over the face. Luckily using the same natural remedies you can fade acne scars.

Papaya face mask may not completely fade scars but it can lighten the appearance.

Also read: Sandalwood oil for dark spots

How to Use Papaya Face Mask for Acne Scars?

Alpha hydroxy acids in papaya face mask helps to lighten the appearance of dark spots and scars. As mentioned, Papain can exfoliate dead cells off the skin. When you regularly use this mask, dead cells along with impurities will be removed.

Instead of spending huge money over chemical products you can just bring one ripe papaya, make paste and then apply it over the face daily.

Unlike cosmetic creams, this face mask is soft towards your skin. However, people who’re allergic to latex must stay away from this face mask.

#1. Mix papaya pulp with milk in a clean bowl. Wash your face with lukewarm water so that the blocked skin pores open up. Now, topically apply the papaya mask evenly over the affected part and leave it to dry naturally. Yes, you can place two sliced cucumbers over your eyes to get that spa experience.

#2. Mash papaya with manuka honey or raw honey; rinse your face just as mentioned in the above step. When the skin is still damp apply the face evenly and leave it. Humectant and anti-inflammatory properties in honey will hydrate your skin and also treat acne.

#3. This is the easiest way, eat the delicious papaya fruit and keep its peel. Now rub your face with papaya peel evenly all over the face. Needless to say avoid eye contact.

Best time to apply papaya face mask for acne scars is morning or evening. Let us know how you feel after trying this inexpensive home remedy.

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Use Fenugreek for Hair Loss

This cuboid shaped spice has been used extensively for various purposes from thousands of years. Because of its wonderful nutrients and vitamins fenugreek seeds can be used for hair growth, improve skin texture and treat health ailments. Here we will be discussing on how you can use fenugreek for hair loss.

fenugreek for hair loss

Hair plays crucial role in achieving an alluring look. Graying or hair fall often results in depression and you hardly enjoy attending parties. Huge list of hair products are believed to control hair fall and improve its growth, but facts are before you. They hardly benefit your hair. says that every person sheds 100 hairs on an average, but things turn worse when more hair starts falling. According to American Hair Loss Association Americans spend about $3.5 billion every year. Besides hereditary, hair fall occurs due to stress, hormonal imbalance, health ailments, nutritional deficiency, aging and medication. There is no scientific evidence to back the claims that fenugreek seeds can control hair fall, but it’s an old folk remedy which most people follow.

In India fenugreek is known as Methi, its leaves are used for making curry and various other dishes. My Dad used fenugreek paste to treat minor injuries and swollen bumps over skin. Very few people know about its use in hair growth.

Benefits of Fenugreek for Hair Loss

Your hair and skin is made of same protein called keratin. Fenugreek seeds include proteins which can strengthen your hair from its root. This distinct smelling seeds can be added to other innate substances to make it more effective. Though there are many anecdotal reports claiming to improve hair, I recommend you to try it with caution.

  • Rich concentration of proteins in this hair mask will avoid baldness and hair loss.
  • Vitamin C improves your immune system functioning.
  • Lecithin is a compound which can strengthen hair follicles.
  • Iron and potassium restrain premature graying of hair and improve functioning of blood vessels.

Fenugreek seeds contain a hormone which works to rebuild hair follicles and enhance hair growth. This paste hydrates your scalp and hair, avoiding breakage. With its immense nutritional effect you can get back the luster.

How to Use Fenugreek Seeds to Control Hair Fall?

#1. Soak fenugreek seeds in water for about 24 hours and then wash your hair with this water. Leave your hair wet for about 3 hours. You can wash it with lukewarm water and apply amla oil to hydrate it.

Use this hair mask recipe for about a month.

#2. Blend fenugreek seeds with coconut milk to make thick paste. Apply this mask evenly on hair and leave it to dry naturally. Rinse it off using shampoo.

#3. Grind fenugreek seeds into fine powder and add olive oil to it. Mix both ingredients thoroughly and apply the mask over hair. Let it dry for about for 10 minutes then rinse it off using shampoo mixed with amla oil.

#4. Blend finely grounded fenugreek seeds in a bowl. Add few drops of lemon juice and thoroughly mix it. Apply the mask over scalp to get rid of dandruff.

Let us know in which way you use fenugreek to control hair loss.

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Use Sandalwood for Dark Spots

sandalwood for darkspots

Girls are surrounded by lots of problems, apart from selecting dress, hair style, shoes and accessories; you must keep your face free from annoying dark spots. Like many things, God Almighty had gifted with natural remedies to fade them. Nutrients in sandalwood can efficiently lighten the appearance of dark spots.

Also known as hyperpigmentation, dark spots are often caused by age, hormonal imbalance, unbalanced diet and life style. Because of your busy schedule you can’t reach spas every day to combat dark spots, moreover they’re not recommended by beauty experts as they involve more chemical ingredients.

Sandalwood has prominent space in Indian culture, apart from rituals; sandalwood has been used extensively to obtain supple and radiant skin. Its aroma makes your day and gets you out of stress. Antibacterial and antioxidants activity of this mask restrain infectious bacteria and thwart free radicals.

Rich nutritional profile of sandalwood attracted Indian cosmetic industries, now you can see many beauty products including sandalwood to allure their customers. However, homemade raw sandalwood mask has immense benefits.

  • Prolonged exposure to sun rays affects the production of melanin, which results in dark patches at different places of your skin. Anti-tanning activity of this natural remedy helps to clear complexion and protects from harmful UV rays.
  • Lack of nutritious food and few external factors results in premature aging wrinkles. Topically massaging your face with sandalwood face mask or with its oil will enhance cell regeneration and fade wrinkles.
  • It exfoliates dead cells, impurities and excess oil from the skin making it soft and supple.
  • Chronic skin diseases like acne and eczema can be reduced by anti-inflammatory property of this face mask.
  • Most of the skin disorders like itching, redness, minor burns, blackheads and inflammation can be reduced by sandalwood.

How to Use Sandalwood for Dark Spots?

One of the easiest ways is add some distilled water or rosewater to sandalwood powder and apply the paste over prewashed face.

To make it more effective, you can add other ingredients like milk, turmeric, lime and any essential oil with sandalwood powder.

Blend sandalwood powder with required amount of raw milk in a bowl. Wash your face with lukewarm water and pat dry. Apply the mask all over the face evenly including neck and forehead. Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off.

Alternatively, you can mix a pinch of turmeric powder with sandalwood powder and milk. You can use this thick paste over acne blemishes as a spot treatment.

Note that excess use of turmeric powder may result in yellow stains on your skin. Anyhow, they will disappear in few hours.

Other natural ingredients that you can blend in this powder are honey, lemon juice and essential oils. Remember to include nutrients in your diet and drink enough water.

Let us know how you’d like to use sandalwood for dark spots.

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Tomato for Skin Whitening

tomato for skin whitening

Your skin protects you from harmful UV rays, impurities, pollutants and other external factors. Spare few minutes to know how to use tomato for skin whitening.

Prolonged exposure to impurities and due to lack of sufficient nutrients, your skin experience many issues including dark spots. Cosmetic creams always promise to deliver flawless and radiant skin, but they fail because of the chemical ingredients in it.

Check your kitchen and you’ll find a bunch of substances that can help healthy functioning of your skin. Tomato face mask is one among them.

Extensively, tomatoes are used for culinary purposes. With its distinct taste and high nutritional value tomatoes fill the missing vitamins in your body.

Benefits of Tomato for Skin Whitening

  • Bleaching effect of this mask lightens dark spots, stretch marks and acne scars.
  • Lycopene is a compound in tomato, which exhibits antioxidant property. These agents thwarts free radicals and restrain infectious bacteria.
  • Nutrients like vitamins A, C and B-complex, fade acne scars, dark patches, enhance collagen production and tighten your skin pores.
  • Assorted qualities of this mask helps to get rid of wrinkles, heal minor burns and hydrate your dry skin.

Without using expensive cosmetic creams you can achieve a glowing skin. (This mask can remove dead cells, impurities and clear complexion. It may not change your skin complexion.) Most of the time, skin turns dark when it gets exposed to sunlight for longer time. Nutrients in tomato mask protect your skin from such external factors and avoid dark spots.

Take fresh tomato and slice it into two halves. Massage gently with one half over your skin for about 10 minutes. Add sugar to use it as face scrub.

Lemon and tomato face mask for skin whitening

Bleaching, acidic and antibacterial properties of lemon combine with tomato to reduce dark patches over your skin. Blend half ripe tomato to obtain smooth puree, add few drops of lemon juice to it and apply it over prewashed face.

Cucumber, tomato and honey face mask

All the ingredients in this mask recipe are renowned to hydrate the skin. You can treat chronic skin disorders like acne and eczema using cucumber and honey. Grind 1/4 cucumber with 1 tbsp of honey and 3 tbsp of tomato puree.

Don’t add ingredients which may trigger allergic reaction in you. Let us know in comments if tomato mask worked for you.

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Coriander Face Mask

coriander face mask

Coriander has extensive health benefits including reduction in cholesterol and healthy functioning of digestive system. Apart from this, you can use this aromatic herb over your skin to make it free from ailments.

Coriander face mask is one of the inexpensive yet effective home available remedies to obtain the radiant skin. It’s a known fact that your skin is the most exposed part of your body. Impurities and pollutants around you get piled over your sensitive skin leading to various cosmetic issues. Dead skin cells and bacteria accompany them resulting in acne or blackheads.

Because of its exceptional benefits cilantro or Chinese parsley is incorporated in many beauty products. As they use refined or processed version of natural ingredients to increase the shelf-life, nutritional level of these products is lower than expected.

Nutrients in unrefined coriander face mask include antioxidants, vitamin C, antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory agents. These properties in this herb helps to restrain free radicals, reduce acne blemishes, lighten acne scars and fasten healing process.

Benefits of Coriander Face Mask

  1. Free radicals in your body damage cell membrane resulting in wrinkles and cosmetic issues. Antioxidant activity residing in this herb fights free radicals.
  2. Acne inflammation can be reduced by anti-inflammatory properties packed in coriander.
  3. acnes bacteria that worsens acne situation can be removed by antibacterial and anti-fungal agents in the face mask.
  4. Vitamin C helps to thwart free radicals and enhance collagen production to fade wrinkles.
  5. Assorted nutrients in this face mask will hydrate your skin and treat pimples, blackheads and lighten wrinkle appearance.

How to Use Coriander Face Mask?

Cleanse your face with water or lukewarm water and pat dry with soft cloth. Blend fresh coriander leaves and add a pinch of turmeric powder to it. Now apply the mixed mask over your face and leave it to dry for about 20 minutes.

Limit the use of turmeric powder to minimize yellow stains on your face.

You can mix other innate ingredients with this herb. But, make sure you avoid ingredients that can trigger allergic reaction.

Coriander and egg mask

Take some fresh coriander leaves, 1 egg white and required amount of finely grounded oats. Grind them to make paste and topically apply it over the face.

Wipe the mask using wet cloth. This face mask will help you to remove dead cells and other impurities off the skin.

To treat blackheads and to lighten acne scars, mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to coriander leaves. Wash your face before applying this face mask. Excess use of lemon juice can strip natural oils from your skin, so limit its use.

Other ingredients that you can use with coriander face mask include honey, aloe vera gel and kaolin clay.

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