Oral Thrush – All You Need to Know

Also called “oral candidiasis”, oral thrush is an infection caused by the genus Candida and affects the mucous membrane of your mouth. How do you get oral thrush? Fungi like Candida Albicans, Candida Tropicalis, and Candida Glabrata are responsible for the infection

Oral thrush is usually not a serious condition and improves within a few days with simple home remedies. The outcome is generally very good too! However, people with a weak immune system can have very severe signs and symptoms of candida infection. It tends to reappear in people who are habitual of alcohol consumption and smoking.

In this write-up, we will let you know everything about oral thrush, including various causes, symptoms, and treatment, etc.

Some Facts You Should Know About Oral Thrush

  • Oral thrush is a very common condition and doesn’t usually cause major complications.
  • People having a weak immune system can get affected very easily, and develop severe symptoms.
  • Recurrence of oral thrush is common after chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  • Factors like wearing dentures, using steroids, and having diabetes are commonly linked with oral thrush.
  • A creamy, white-colored layer in the mouth is one of the most obvious symptoms of oral thrush.

What causes oral thrush in adults?

Your body is a house in very tiny quantities of a different genus of Candida Fungi. They survive in different parts of your body including the stomach, mouth, skin, and digestive tract, etc. without causing any problem whatsoever. However, people with a weak immune system, under certain medications, certain diseases, are prone to the Candida infection when they grow uncontrollably.

What Are Different Symptoms of Candida Infections?

Thick, creamy deposits on the tongue and the mucous membrane of the mouth is the major symptom of infection.

Some other accompanying symptoms are:

  • Slightly red, a swollen mucous membrane with raised patches accompanied by burning.
  • Bleeding when the deposits are scraped.
  • Change in the size, area and color of the deposits.
  • Redness and soreness of tongue and gums, especially in people who wear dentures regularly.

Symptoms of Oral Thrush in Infants:

  • Oral thrush in infants is usually mistaken for milk curds. The patches of oral thrush stick to the tongue and mouth and are not removable easily.
  • Soreness of mouth with difficulty swallowing
  • Diaper rash, as the infection-causing fungi will be in baby’s stool as well.
  • The baby is unable to eat due to excessive soreness of the mouth and throat. Sometimes, it is mistaken for the lack of hunger or poor supply of mother’s milk.

Classification of Oral Thrush Based on Appearance

  • Pseudomembranous – The classic, and most common type of oral thrush appearing as there is a new layer of the membrane inside the mouth.
  • Erythematous –Red and raw appearance of the mucous membrane
  • Hyperplastic – The least common variant, suggesting serious infection. It is also known as “plaque-like candidiasis” or “nodular candidiasis” and is due to the accumulation of solid white plaque which becomes hard with time.

How long does oral thrush last without treatment?

Usually, the cases of oral thrush are mild and go away with antifungal mouth rinse or lozenges. Very mild cases of infection are improved within a couple of weeks without treatment. However, you may have to take an oral antifungal medicine in the second week itself to improve the symptoms. In some cases, the symptoms don’t go away in several weeks even after treatment.

Also Read: Home Remedies for Upset Stomach and Diarrhea

If the infection is not treated for a few weeks, it may start affecting other parts of the body, including oesophagus, throat, skin, and even vagina and anus in very rare and severe cases.

Recurrence of oral thrush is seen in people who:

  • Use corticosteroids to treat asthma
  • Take antibiotics for a very long time
  • Have a weak immune system
  • Have artificial teeth

Is oral thrush contagious?

No, it is not contagious. Yes, the yeast or fungi can spread from person to person, but if you get in touch with someone having oral thrush, you won’t get the infection only by coming into contact.

Oral Thrush and Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can also be one of the rare cases of oral thrush. Candida infection can affect any part of your body, including breasts and nipples. But the infection can’t develop until you have an infection on the skin. You can identify the candida infection if there are more redness and soreness than usual.

If your nipples or breasts are infected, especially during breastfeeding, the fungi may transmit to your baby. Your baby may not necessarily get the infection through breastfeeding. However, if your baby already has excessive yeast in the mouth, the risk of developing oral thrush is increased.

And similarly, if your baby is affected with oral thrush, you may get fungus from the baby’s mouth to your nipples. And, again, it doesn’t mean, you will develop an infection unless you have a very weak immune system.

So, breastfeeding is usually completely safe whether you or your baby have oral thrush.

Home remedies to get rid of oral thrush

You can treat mild cases of oral thrush with home remedies, and without visiting a doctor. The following are some effective home remedies for mild oral thrush. Don’t rely only on these remedies if the condition doesn’t improve in a week or so.

1. Baking Soda

Washing your mouth with sodium carbonate may help you to get rid of oral thrush. Although baking soda is not among the best natural disinfectants, it can be a safe and viable natural alternative.

To use:

  • Add half tbsp of baking soda to one cup of warm water and dissolve properly.
  • Take a sip of the solution and swish in your mouth for a few seconds before spitting out.

2. Saltwater

Saltwater contains cleansing, antiseptic, and soothing properties, and can be a very effective home remedy for a wide range of oral complaints.

Rinsing your mouth with salt water can be helpful to improve the symptoms of oral thrush

To Use:

  • Add half tbsp of salt to one cup of warm water and dissolve.
  • Swish salt water in your mouth and spit out after a few seconds.

3. Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the best sources of “good” bacteria and can easily be among the best home remedies to get rid of oral thrush.

Bacteria cultures in yogurt don’t necessarily kill Candida but can stop the growth and control infection. It can also maintain a decent balance of good bacteria in your mouth. Yogurt is very soft, and can also be a good food option if you are having difficulty swallowing due to infection.

To Improve Symptoms

  • Add a bowl of yogurt to your diet, preferably to breakfast when you get early signs of oral thrush.
  • Probiotic supplements are good alternatives for those who don’t like yogurt or have allergies to it.

4. Lemon Juice

Thanks to its antiseptic and antifungal prowess, lemon juice can get rid of infection-causing fungi

  • Add the juice of half a lemon to one cup of water.
  • Add honey as a taste enhancer and drink or use to rinse your mouth.

5. Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract can be effective against various ailments. And due to its antifungal properties, it becomes one of the potent home remedies to get rid of oral thrush. Regular usage of the grape seed extract can also boost your immune system and prevent the chances of recurrence of fungal infections.

  • Get 250 mg grape seed extract supplement from a nearby medical or grocery store.
  • Consume this thrice daily until you notice positive results.

6. Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice is not only refreshing and tangy; it can control the growth of fungus in your mouth thanks to its acidic nature. It contains bromelain and hence is effective in breaking down the debris and thick white layer formed inside the mouth.

  • Cut a few slices of pineapples into small pieces
  • Chew the pieces numerous times a day to give quick relief to oral thrush symptoms.
Natural remedies for oral thrush in babies:

Babies are usually susceptible to the infection mainly due to a weak immune system, and you need to give some special treatment if your baby got oral thrush. Here are some effective remedies for oral thrush in babies.

You can use mild natural remedies like coconut oil, saltwater, and yogurt, etc. to help your baby overcome Candida infection. Instead of giving them for drinking or eating, you should apply these home remedies to affected areas using a cotton swab. That’s the most effective way of easing mild oral thrushes in babies.

If the condition doesn’t improve within a few days, you should not waste any time and visit pediatrics for proper antifungal treatment.

Oral thrush is not a serious complication until it is managed in the early days. If goes untreated, it can spread to other internal body parts, mainly the esophagus, and cause some very severe symptoms. We tried to discuss everything about oral thrush, including some very effective natural remedies. Hopefully, you are now very well on how to get rid of oral thrush when it is in an early stage. If the infection becomes moderate from mild, you may have to get some antifungal and even antibiotic medications. And hence, proper treatment under medical supervision is advised.








Home Remedies for Upset Stomach and Diarrhea

Indigestion is one of the most common health conditions and can affect anyone any day. You may suffer from indigestion, upset stomach, loose stools, and dyspepsia due to overeating, food poisoning, or eating excessively oily, junk foods.

Home remedies for upset stomach and diarrhea are very effective. The condition is usually not serious and can be managed very easily and successfully, even without visiting a health center.

All you need to do is modify your eating habits and diet slightly and get some help from easily available ingredients on your kitchen shelves. Here are some very good home remedies you can try very successfully to improve an upset stomach. But before moving ahead, let’s take a look at some common symptoms of an upset stomach:

  • Bloating
  • Excessive bowel gas
  • Frequent farting
  • Belching and sour breathing
  • Frequent watery stool with a very foul smell
  • Nausea
  • Heartburn
  • Hiccupping
  • Coughing

We are discussing some very popular natural and home remedies for indigestion. Let’s find out more about them.

1. Drink Enough Water

When you pass loose stools frequently, you may suffer from dehydration and start suffering from weakness. Nutrients from foods and beverages should be absorbed properly by your body for proper growth. And when you are dehydrated, digestion, and hence absorption of nutrients gets completely derailed.

According to the standard recommendation from the Health and Medicine Division (HMD),

Men should drink about 3.7 l water per day, and women should have 2.7 l water per day.

  • Your body gets around 20% of the required water from the foods and beverages you take. But you have to drink a minimum of 8 cups of water every day to keep your body healthy. Whenever you suffer from an upset stomach, increase your water intake slightly to avoid diarrhea symptoms getting worse.

2. Avoid Lying Down for a Long Time

When you lie down, your body gets into a horizontal position, and there is an increased likelihood of stomach acids traveling back towards the esophagus and causing excessive heartburn.

So, don’t lie down for long hours, even if you don’t feel better due to weakness. And if you feel better while lying down, get proper support from pillows to keep your head, neck, and upper chest at the recommended 30-degree angle.

3. Chew Fresh Mint Leaves

Menthol is the chief component in mint, which doesn’t only improve your breath and smell from the mouth, it also

  • Prevents diarrhea and vomiting
  • Relieves stomach ache
  • Reduces muscles pain and spasm in the intestines

Mint has been one of the traditional treatments for diarrhea and indigestion. You can consume raw as well as cooked mint leaves. Tea with cardamom and mint leaves is a very good taste enhances and mood booster and will improve your digestion for sure!

If you can’t find fresh mint leaves, packed mint juices and mint powder are easily available in most grocery stores. You can even suck some mint candies to feel better when you are down with an upset stomach.

4. Bring BRAT to Your Diet For A Few Days:

People with diarrhea find the BRAT diet very healthy and useful for them. BRAT stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. All these foods are great sources of starch and are good to make your stools firmer. BRAT diet can ease diarrhea symptoms by decreasing the number of stools.

These foods are very soft and are without any irritants. Therefore, they heal your intestine tissues that are irritated from constant stools and vomiting. The BRAT diet is very good at quickly restoring potassium and magnesium you have lost through constant diarrhea.

5. Avoid Alcohol and Smoking – As Much as Possible

Both alcohol and smoking are harmful, even for a very healthy and fit person. And can be very hurtful for those suffering from diarrhea and upset stomach. Continuous smoking can trigger diarrhea and vomiting by irritating your intestine. On the other hand, alcohol is a mild toxic and is very difficult to digest. Hence, it can severely affect the stomach lining as well as the liver.

Also Read: Is It Really Possible to Remove Kidney Stones “Naturally”?

We recommend you to quit alcohol and smoking as soon as possible. And if you have diarrhea, do yourself a favor by quitting them and to recover quickly.

6. Add Lemon Juice and Baking Soda in Water

You can get relief from many diarrhea symptoms by adding a few drops of lemon juice with a pinch of baking soda to one glass of water.

The water-baking soda-lemon mixture makes carbonic acid, which is known for reducing bowel gas and easing indigestion. The mixture can also improve the movement of the intestine and secretion of digestive juices from the liver. The acidic nature of lemon can improve your body’s ability to digest fats and neutralize bile acids and reduce acidity and heartburn.

Add one tbsp fresh lemon juice and a pinch of baking soda to 8 ounces of freshwater and repeatedly consume throughout the day.

7. Bring Cinnamon to the Equation

Cinnamon is a great source of various antioxidants and can improve digestion. Also, cinnamon heals the irritation of the digestive tract lining. Camphor, cinnamaldehyde, Linalool, and Eugenol are prominent antioxidants and make cinnamon one of the most effective home remedies for upset stomach and diarrhea.

Add one tbsp good-quality cinnamon powder or an inch of cinnamon stick to your meals. Alternatively, prepare a healthy cinnamon tea by adding it to boiling water. Take cinnamon, either way, numerous times a day to improve the condition.

8. Add Cloves to Your Beverages

Clove contains various substances that are known for improving numerous stomach symptoms. Cloves can reduce stomach aches and cramping and can also improve digestion. What more? It can be very effective against nausea and vomiting.

  • Add one tbsp of powdered cloves with one tbsp honey to a boiling water cup, drink slowly twice a day to improve the symptoms.

9. Figs Are Good for Indigestion Too

Certain substances in figs work as laxatives and can ease constipation, diarrhea, and other upset stomach symptoms.

  • Eat fig fruit numerous times a day to get rid of diarrhea. Alternatively, make a cup of tea by brewing one or two tbsp of fig leaves.

10. Drink Aloe Vera Juice

There are various digestive benefits of cumin seeds, including:

  • They reduce excessive bowel gas
  • Heal inflammation of the intestine
  • Work as antimicrobial
  • Reduce excess stomach acids and indigestion

If you have an upset stomach, try adding one or two tbsp of powdered cumin seeds to your recipes. Alternatively, make a cup of tea with one or tbsp of cumin seeds.

You can also try chewing a couple of pinches of raw cumin seeds to relieve heartburn.

11. Drink Aloe Vera Juice

There is a long history of using aloe vera juice for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). And various preparations of aloe vera are used to treat upset stomach symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, loose, watery stools, heartburn, etc.

Aloe vera can help you by:

  • Reducing intestinal inflammation
  • Encouraging better bowel movements
  • Removing toxins from digestive juices
  • Maintaining a balance of digestive bacteria
  • Improving digestion of protein

Drinking aloe vera is also linked with improving several symptoms of gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), including

  • Regurgitation of acids and food
  • Belching and flatulence
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea and vomiting

12. Enjoy Basil Tea – Quite Regularly

Basil contains various digestive substances like camphor, methyl cinnamate, linalool, thymol, etc. and can effectively improve various diarrhea symptoms like excessive stomach acidity, stomach ache, cramping, regurgitation of food, nausea, and vomiting, etc.

People with stomach trouble should add one to two tbsp of dried basil leaves to their meals until the symptoms are eased. You can make a cup of basil tea by brewing one tbsp of fresh or dried leaves in boil water for even better results.

13. Ginger is Much More Than a Taste Enhancer

Yes, ginger is one of those natural remedies that come in handy for almost all types of health problems, and you can’t ignore it when you have stomach troubles.

Gingerols and shogaols are the main chemicals in ginger and are especially effective in stomach contractions. They can also improve bowel movement and hence, ease the symptoms of diarrhea.

If you are annoyed with an upset stomach, try adding a few slices of ginger to your diet. Or have ginger tea regularly throughout the day to improve the complications.

14. Start Your Day with Coconut Water

Coconut water is a very good source of magnesium and potassium – both of which effectively reduce stomach pain, cramps, muscle spasms, and several other symptoms of an upset stomach. Coconut water becomes even more effective when you suffer from dehydration as it is low in acidity, sugar, and calories.

  • Enjoy two glasses of refreshing coconut water early in the day to give some relief to your digestive system.

15. Apple Cider Vinegar – Can You Keep It Away from Your Kitchen?

Most probably, no! Because apple cider vinegar comes to your aid in a lot of health problems. And, it can be effective in treating an upset stomach as well! ACV contains several acids and can decrease starch digestion, helping starch keep healthy gut bacteria alive and work on the digestive tract.

  • Add one tbsp apple cider vinegar with one tbsp honey to a glass of water and enjoy.

Prevention and Conventional Treatment

Although diarrhea is not a serious problem, it can be, if not given, proper and timely attention. Sometimes, severe diarrhea can even become fatal. So, you can’t always take it very lightly. Here are some important tips for the prevention and treatment of diarrhea:

The following are some key measures for the treatment of diarrhea

  • Oral rehydration salts (ORS) solutions: A mixture recommended by the World Health Organization to restore the body’s hydration. It is very affordable, easily available, and considered one of the most effective diarrhea treatments, especially when characterized by excessive dehydration and weakness. ORS is easily absorbed by small intestine walls and compensates for the loss of electrolytes and fluids through stools and vomits.
  • : Diet plays a very important role in improving diarrhea symptoms, especially caused due to a lack of nutrition. So, improving nutrition intake through diet is recommended.
  • Zinc supplements can improve the condition by reducing the episodes and duration of diarrhea by 25% and volume of stools by 30%
  • Oily foods can make the condition worse. You should avoid them completely for a few weeks and even for months if you suffer from recurrent diarrhea.
  • Get Proper Medical Assistance: If you suffer from an upset stomach quite regularly, and home remedies are not as effective, you should not waste your time, and consult a licensed medical practitioner. Maybe, there is something very wrong with your immune or digestive system. Maybe, you are very vulnerable to infections due to foods and unhygienic conditions. You might need proper, prolonged medical supervision to find the exact cause(s) of recurrent diarrhea. So, get in touch with your doctor to properly treat diarrhea if it remains for a few weeks or comes back quite regularly.

As we said earlier, diarrhea is not very serious and can be managed with some dietary adjustments and home remedies. These are some very effective home remedies for upset stomach you can try without any hesitation. If the symptoms don’t improve after a few days, we recommend consulting a licensed medical practitioner. Loss of body fluid is one of the major complications of diarrhea, and if not controlled on time, can become life-threatening. Always maintain personal as well as food hygiene. Ensure getting a healthy, balanced, and nutritious diet. Avoid regular intake of street foods. These very simple things are quite effective to keep diarrhea at bay.

NOTE: Diarrhea in children, especially infants, is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. If an infant or child in your family suffers from diarrhea, we recommend talking to a doctor immediately.






Home Remedies for Kidney Stone – Is It Really Possible to Remove Kidney Stones “Naturally”?

Kidney stones are common but can be very painful and comfortable. If you feel pain in the lower right or left of your back, there are chances that you may have one or more stones in your kidney. There are various factors responsible for the formation of stones in one or both kidneys. They are unhealthy diet, obesity, lack of physical exercise, and dehydration, etc. How to remove 8mm kidney stone naturally? Well, that’s an interesting question! Because stone of anything more than 6 mm can be very hard to remove without proper treatment!

But there are a few claims about the “natural removal” of kidney stones with 8 mm diameter. Is that really possible? If not, what are other successful treatments? How is kidney stone pain different from the general type of abdominal or back pain? What changes should you make to your lifestyle to prevent kidney stones? How can your life get affected? We will try to answer all these questions and more in this article. Let’s find out

How do I know if it’s kidney pain?

Abdominal or lower back pain can be due to loads of known as well as unknown causes. Sometimes, you may feel pain right at the “kidney region” due to excessive bowel gas! But pain due to kidney stones is a bit different.

Kidney stone pain is characterized by constant, dull, and very aching, deep pain at the right or left flank (depends on the affected kidney). If both kidneys have stones, you may feel interchanging or constant pain on both sides. But usually, one kidney is affected with stone at a time. So, it’s less likely to feel the pain on both sides of the flank. Pain due to kidney stone gets worse on touch. Even the slightest of touch can make the patient go mad due to pain.

Other Kidney Stone Pain Symptoms:

If you have some other accompanying symptoms with flank pain, you should know that you may have stones in your kidney without hitting the panic button. Some common accompanying symptoms of kidney pain are:

  • Frequent urination
  • Blood in urine
  • Constant nausea and vomiting
  • Intermittent fever with chills
  • Flank pain radiating to the groin region
  • Burning pain while passing urine
  • Urinary tract infection

If you feel flank pain on either side with one or more of these kidney stone pain symptoms, you should not take a chance and go for proper investigation and treatment.

What Are the Causes of Formation of Kidney Stones?

Finding one definite, single cause for kidney stones is hard. But some factors increase the probability of stone formation in your kidneys.

Kidney stones are formed due to excessive crystal-formation substances in your urine. They can be calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. Calcium or uric acid in urine is not uncommon, but when the quantity is more than the fluid in urine, the chances of stones formation are higher. At the same time, there may be a lack of crystal preventing substances in your urine that can cause kidney stones formation.

Different Types of Kidney Stones

Depending on the crystal-forming substances, there are different types of kidney stones, such as:

  • Calcium Stones: Kidney stones are mostly formed from calcium in the form of calcium oxalate. Your body either gets oxalates from your liver or the diet. Various fruits, veggies, chocolate, and nuts are prime sources of oxalate. Dietary factors like excessive intake of vitamin D and several metabolic disorders may increase calcium stones formation risk.
  • Uric Acid Stones: Increased uric acid is a common phenomenon in people with malabsorption and chronic diarrhea and those who get high protein in their diets. People with diabetes and metabolic syndrome are also at risk of developing kidney stones from excessive uric acid.
  • Struvite Stones: One of the less common types of kidney stones is usually seen in urinary tract infection. These stones are pretty larger and grow quicker than other types.
  • Cystine Stones: People having hereditary disorders like cystinuria are prone to cystine stones.
What Are the Home Remedies for Kidney Stone Pain?

Treating kidney stone pain at home is not the smartest idea, as it needs proper treatment under medical assistance. However, you can reduce the severity of pain with some home remedies for kidney pain.

Dehydration is one of the major causes of kidney pain, and staying hydrated is the most common advice you will get from doctors. The following are some home remedies to increase the chances of passing out kidney stones along with conventional treatment.

NOTE: Staying hydrated is the most important aspect of easing kidney pain.

1. Drink A Lot of Water:

Increasing your water intake is a must if you want to give your body even a little chance to pass out the stones. Instead of the standard recommendation of 8 glasses of water per day, drink 10 to 12 glasses.

2. Add Lemon Juice to Your Diet

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is not only a great mood lifter, but it is also packed with plenty of other health benefits as well. Lemon is a very good source of citrate and can prevent calcium stones from used regularly. Citrate can also break up small calcium stones to pass them through urine.

Lemon juice is more effective when it comes to the prevention of kidney stones. And you need a lot of them to somehow dissolve and pass through urine. Yes, lemon juice can dissolve kidney stones of up to 2 mm, especially if used regularly for a couple of months. But you can’t dissolve kidney stone fast with the only lemon if they are more than 4 mm in diameter.

3. Use Basil Juice

Acetic acid is one of the main components of basil juice and can help ease kidney stones pain. It’s packed with various nutrients. Basil juice is also a good natural remedy for inflammatory and digestive troubles.

Basil juice can keep your kidneys healthy due to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.

You can use fresh and dried leaves to prepare a cup of basil juice and drink twice a day. Juicing fresh basil leaves or adding it to a smoothie is also a good option.

Here are words of caution, though:

Using medicinal basil juice for more than straight six weeks can be a bit harmful, as it can cause

  • Low blood pressure
  • Low blood sugar
  • And increased bleeding

Also Read: How Long Do Canker Sores Last?

4. Is apple cider vinegar good for kidney pain?

Yes, you can use apple cider vinegar for kidney stones. ACV can flush out small-sized kidney stones. And improves other symptoms too. Let’s find out how ACV is good for kidney pain.

  • Softens and dissolves stones: ACV contains acetic acid and can break down the small-sized stones within a few weeks. In addition to breaking them down, ACV can also soften them and reduce their size to make them movable with the urine.
  • ACV cleanses your body: ACV prevents the formation of kidney stones by removing the toxins out of your body.
  • Breaks down the stone forming tissues: ACV also contains phosphoric and citric acid and can significantly break down the hard tissues responsible for forming kidney stones.
  • Improves Digestion: Alkaline properties of ACV help in the digestion process and trigger hydrochloric acid production.

In short, you can use apple cider vinegar in the initial stages of kidney stones pain. But relying on ACV in the case of large-sized stones is not recommended. Seek proper medical advice if you don’t notice any improvement. Here is how you can use apple cider vinegar for kidney pain.

  • Add two tbsp apple cider vinegar to one glass purified water.
  • Drink the mixture throughout the day.
  • Don’t consume ACV mixture more than 8-ounce.

5. Celery Juice:

Celery juice can also ease kidney stones pain and improve other symptoms of kidney stones pain by removing the toxins contributing to kidney stones’ formation.

Blend a few stalks of celery with water, and drink the juice numerous times a day.

Avoid this drink if you are using:

  • Lithium (Lithane)
  • Levothyroxine (Synthroid)
  • Medications that increase your sensitivity to the sun, like isotretinoin (Sotret)
  • Sedative medications like alprazolam (Xanax)

And you should also avoid using celery if you are having:

  • Bleeding disorder
  • A scheduled surgery
  • Low blood pressure

How can I ease kidney pain?

Kidney stone pain can be very severe and can make you feel uncomfortable very quickly. Proper diagnosis, investigations, and treatment are still very important. But if you suffer from sudden aching pain while recovering during treatment, you can ease the pain by:

  • Staying hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day is very important to ease the pain. Avoid taking alcohol or coffee until you overcome the infection.
  • Applying heat: When you feel pain, place a heating pad on a painful area to get quick relief.
  • Using painkillers: For severe pain, you may have to use painkillers like acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen, etc.

How long can kidney pain last?

Depending on the stones’ size and severity, you may frequently suffer from pain if the kidney stone is more than 5 mm. However, kidney stones of 2 to 3 mm don’t cause chronic or severe pain. Frequency and duration of pain depend on various factors, including lifestyle, diet, treatment, etc.

Will kidney pain go away?

Again, the size of kidney stones matters a lot when passing out on their own. Kidney stones with smaller sizes get out faster without causing a lot of pain.

Here are approximate timelines for different sizes of kidney stones:

  • Around 80% of stones with less than 4 mm diameters are passed through urine in about one month.
  • Approx. 60% of kidney stones with a 4 to 6 mm diameter take 45 days to pass without surgery.
  • Only 20% of stones of more than 6 mm diameter can pass on their own in about one year. However, when the stones are larger than 6 mm, immediate surgical removal is the best option.

How to sleep with kidney pain?

Sleeping posture can also play a key role in easing kidney stone pain. The pain usually gets worse if you sleep in one position for so long. Sleeping in one position is not advised, especially if you suffer from recurrent kidney stones formation. Simple behavioral adjustments, including frequent sleep position changes, can reduce the severity of pain to a decent extent.

Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Stones Pain

Some homeopathic medicines are very, very effective in reducing kidney stones pain. And can even dissolve the stones of up to 6 mm without causing any additional complication. Some prominent homeopathic medicines for kidney stones are:

  • Lycopodium: One of the most effective medicines for right-sided kidney stones. Pains usually aggravate between 4 pm to 8 pm, and there is red sedimentation in the urine.
  • Cantharis:  A very effective remedy for kidney stones pain, especially when accompanied by a constant urge to urinate.
  • Pareira Brava: One of the chief medicines for almost all types of urinary problems. Works superbly on chronic kidney stones with urine retention is characterized by great straining in thighs while urinating.
  • Berberis Vulgaris: An excellent medicine prescribed fora wide range of renal and kidney health problems. It helps improving kidney dysfunction due to chronic kidney stones and eases all other symptoms as well.

Advice: Homeopathic medicines are mighty effective in cases of kidney stones and other related problems. But you should not have them until and unless prescribed by a licensed homeopathic practitioner.

How to remove 8mm kidney stone naturally? This is the question we started this article with. And the conclusion is very clear: it is almost impossible to remove an 8mm kidney stone without proper treatment, and usually, a surgical procedure is required. We suggest you not to waste precious time in your quest to treat kidney stones at home. Small-sized stones are easily removed by the combination of some home remedies and conventional treatment.

Stay hydrated, eat healthily, do some physical activities, keep track of what you eat, avoid alcohol and smoking. Medical infrastructure around the world has developed a lot that kidney stone is no longer a very serious complication until you are very ignorant about it.









Apple Cider Vinegar for Sore Throat

Sore throat is a very common but extremely annoying condition. It can make your day worse if it is accompanied by inflammation and pain. Factors like a draught of cold air, environmental changes, cold foods and drinks, and certain infections etc. can cause soreness of throat. Some people find apple cider vinegar for sore throat very helpful. Is it?

That’s what we are trying to discuss in this article. Despite the insufficient scientific proofs, ACV does have good anecdotal evidence of being handy against sore throat. It can improve the condition, especially if caused by a bacterial infection.

You can use diluted ACV alone or with water to improve sore throat. But there are some other effective remedies you can use with ACV to get a more potent response. Before jumping on those ACV recipes for sore throat, let’s talk about some of its possible causes and why ACV can help you to get over this annoying condition.

What are the Causes of a Sore Throat?

There is a wide range of sore throat causes, including:

Bacterial Infection:

Infection from the Streptococcus bacteria is very common and can be characterized by sore throat among other common conditions.

Viral Infections:

  • Common Cold
  • Chickenpox
  • Influenza
  • Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
  • Croup
  • Measles

Some other possible causes of sore throat:

  • Dryness in the air: Prolonged dryness in the air can make your throat scratchy and rough.
  • Nasal Congestion: Chronic nasal congestion is also a common cause, and forces you to breath more from your mouth than nasal passage.
  • Allergies: Allergies to dust, pollens, dander, and moulds can also cause soreness of throat. Sore throat due to allergy is usually accompanied by irritation and inflammation of throat along with postnasal drip.
  • Irritants: Outdoor and indoor pollutants like smoke, cigarette, chemicals etc. can also be responsible for chronic soreness of throat. Irritation is sometimes induced by tobacco chewing, consumption of alcohol and eating very spicy foods etc.
  • Muscle Strain: People who work at announcement desks, call centres etc. are prone to strain to the throat muscles due to continuous and loud talking or yelling.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): It is a disorder of digestive system characterized by backing up of stomach acids to the oesophagus. It can cause sudden irritation to throat muscles and can be one of the rare causes of sore throat. GERD is usually accompanied by other symptoms like heartburn, regurgitation of stomach contents, hoarseness and sensation of a lump in the throat etc.
  • HIV Infection: A sore throat, especially when accompanied by other flu symptoms, can be an early sign of HIV infection.

Chronic and recurring sore throat is a common phenomenon in HIV-positive people, because people with HIV infection have compromised immune system, and can easily get affected by even minor infections.

  • Tumours: Cancerous tumours of larynx or throat can also cause sore throat. Other signs of cancerous growth are difficulty swallowing, lump in the neck, pain while speaking of eating, painful and noisy breathing and bloody phlegm etc.

Also Read: Apple Cider Vinegar for Toenail Fungus

Why Apple Cider Vinegar is a Good Option?

Despite a lack of scientific data for apple cider vinegar for sore throat, various studies suggest that ACV can improve the condition, especially if caused by bacterial or viral infections. ACV produces a slightly acidic environment in your body and makes the survival difficult for most types of bacteria and viruses, and can be a natural treatment for sore throat. Here are some proven benefits of using ACV for sore throat.

  • ACV is acidic in nature and can stop the growth of bacteria and viruses by balancing the pH level of throat tissues.
  • Thanks to its antibacterial properties, ACV can fight against certain bacteria and germs.
  • ACV is a very good natural expectorant and can thin the phlegm in your throat and nasal passage, and help you feel better.
  • Prebiotic content of ACV, known as inulin, can improve your immunity and can help your body stronger to fight against infections.
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Sore Throat?

1. Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar

Thanks to the antibacterial and acidic properties, diluted apple cider vinegar for sore throat can be very helpful in healing sore throat even without other home ingredients

What do You need?

  • One tbsp diluted apple cider vinegar
  • One warm glass water

Steps to Follow

  • Add ACV to water and mix for a few seconds
  • Gargle with the solution several times a day to feel better.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar with Saltwater

Salt (sodium chloride) is also known for its strong antimicrobial properties and can increase the effectiveness of ACV to fight with a sore throat.

What do you need?

  • One tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp salt
  • One warm glass water

Steps to follow:

  • Add ACV and salt to the water and mix well.
  • Use the solution to gargle multiple times daily to cure sore throat fast.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon

Hot water and lemon can be one answer to many health problems, including viral infections. Lemon is one of the greatest sources of vitamins B complex and C, iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Regular use of lemon juice can also strengthen your immune system and can keep viral infections at bay. And lemon with apple cider vinegar can eliminate soreness of throat within a few days.

What do You need?

  • One tbsp of apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp of lemon juice
  • One warm glass water
  • Honey (Optional)

Steps to Follow:

  • Add apple cider vinegar and lemon to warm water and sip very slowly.
  • You can add one tbsp honey as a taste enhancer as well.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar with Baking Soda

Baking soda is getting very popular as a second-line of treatment for numerous infections and can be a great home remedy for sore throat, especially if used with ACV. Also known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda works as a ubiquitous buffer in your body and reduces the pH gradient across the membranes of bacteria, and hence, controls the infection.

You Will Need:

  • One tbsp of apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp of baking soda
  • One glass warm water

What You Have to Do?

  • Add both ingredients in water, mix well, and use for a gargle in the morning.
  • Repeat it every day for a week to see the difference.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey

Thanks to its amazing antibacterial properties, honey is known as a very potent healer, and can be the answer if you are asking “how to get a sore throat fast overnight”. Yes, that’s how quick honey can work, especially when used with ACV.

ACV is packed with expectorant properties, and on the other hand, the anti-inflammatory nature of honey can provide very quick relief from a sore throat.

Ingredients You Need:

  • Two tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • Two tbsp honey
  • One glass warm water

What you should do:

  • Add ACV and honey to water and mix well.
  • Drink the solution once daily to improve your throat condition.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar and Cinnamon

Cinnamon is commonly used for soreness and infection of the throat. It is packed with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and can speed up the recovery from sore throat if used with apple cider vinegar.

You Will Need:

  • One tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp cinnamon powder
  • One tbsp honey
  • One tbsp lemon juice
  • One cup of warm water

What You Should Do:

  • Add all ingredients to one glass warm water and mix well.
  • Drink the solution slowly or gargle with it.
  • Repeat this thrice a day to cure sore throat fast.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin as the active component and can be very effective, especially against the inflammation of the throat. On the other hand, ACV can break down the irritating phlegm and also decongest your nasal passage.

Ingredients You Need:

  • One tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp cayenne pepper
  • Three tbsp of honey
  • One glass warm water

Steps You Need to Follow

  • Mix these ingredients in a glass of warm water.
  • Gargle with this solution three to four times a day to get relief from soreness.
  • You can also take small sips in between to get even better results.

Apple cider vinegar for sore throat is, without a doubt very effective, and you can fight seasonal throat infection with diluted ACV mixed with one of these remedies packed with anti-inflammatory and healing properties. In case, if you have a sore throat for a long time, you should not rely on these home remedies and get proper treatment from a licensed practitioner. If you have anything to suggest, or anything to share with us, you can reach to us through the comment section. We will be very happy to reply.




The Surprising Benefits of Hot Water and Lemon




Neck Pain – Possible Causesand How to Relieve at Home

You are trying to leave your bed in the morning, but finding it so difficult due to a stiffed and painful neck! Or all of a sudden, you are unable to rotate your head around due to aching neck pain! And you are looking for answers to “how to relieve neck pain”!

It is a very common lifestyle problem and can affect almost everyone on every other day. Factors like sitting with the wrong posture, wrong exercise, strain at physical work, wrong sleeping position – all can play their part in making your neck stiffed and painful.

Vertebrae extending from your skull to upper torso complete the structure of your neck, and there are cervical disks to absorb external shock between the bones. The bones, muscles, and ligaments of your neck provide support to your head and ensure proper motion. Any inflammation, abnormalities, or injury can impact your neck and make your day very uncomfortable.

Neck pain due to lifestyle errors is not something serious, but it can be if caused by contact sports, injury from fall, or whiplash, and needs proper treatment. Let’s find out more about neck pain.

Possible Causes of Neck Pain

There are various causes of neck pain, including:

  • Poor sitting posture
  • Sitting on working chair for very long without changing position
  • Wrong movement of neck during exercise
  • Sleeping in the wrong position
  • Injury

Your neck is almost always vulnerable to injury, especially if you are frequently involved in sports and other physical activities. Extra pressure on the neck while running, sudden wrong movement of the neck in the gym, or a car accident can severely affect your neck muscles and ligaments. In short, you may feel neck pain due to injury when your muscles and ligaments are forced to do the unwanted and unnatural movement.

  • Fracture of neck bones due to a massive accident can be extremely dangerous and is usually coupled with serious damage to the spinal cord.
  • Heart Attack

Prolonged neck pain can be one of the rare signals of possible heart attack, but it usually noticed with some other symptoms, including:

  • Arm or jaw pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

If you suffer from neck pain with these symptoms, you should seek immediate medical attention to at least discount the possibility of something really serious.

Also Read: How to Relieve Shoulder Blade Pain

  • Meningitis

Meningitis is the inflammation of your meninges – the protective tissues around your brain and spinal cord. People with meningitis may have complications like throbbing headache, often with severe neck pain.

Some other causes of neck pain are:

Pressure on the spinal cord due to conditions like spinal stenosis.

  • Protrusion of the cervical disk due to injury or trauma.
  • Degeneration of cervical disks also called “spondylosis”.
  • Muscle pain all over the body in case of fibromyalgia.
  • Inflamed and painful joints due to rheumatoid arthritis.
  • The weakness of bones in case of prolonged and untreated osteoporosis.
  • Congenital abnormalities
  • Spinal cancer
  • Abscesses due to severe infections

When to See a Doctor?

The symptoms of neck pain, including the painful movement of neck and shoulder, headache, muscle spasm, etc. are improved gradually with rest and other home treatments. But you should seek medical help in case of:

  • The pain is severe
  • Accompanied continuously be numbness, headache, weakness, or tingling
  • Lump around the neck
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Fever
  • Sudden and severe neck pain without an apparent cause
  • Pain doesn’t improve for a few days
  • Pain radiating to the arms or legs
  • Difficulty while touching the chin to chest
  • Dysfunction of bladder or bowel

If you suffer from an accident or fall, you must get proper medical help as quickly as possible

What are the treatments?

Treatment of neck pain depends on the cause and severity. Your doctor may ask for certain investigations, including X-rays, MRI, and CT scans, also, to complete medical history to find the exact cause(s) of pain. Depending on the results of medical history and investigations, you may get different types of treatments, including:

  • Physical therapy like exercises and stretching
  • Cold and heat therapy
  • Pain medications
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Neck Color (especially in case of an injury)
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Traction
  • Antibiotics in case if the pain is due to an infection
  • Hospital treatment if the pain is due to heart attack or meningitis
  • Surgery.

Alternative therapies like:

  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic treatment
  • Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS)
How to Improve Neck Pain at Home – Home Remedies for Neck Pain

Reaching out for painkillers is always not the best idea, as you can treat mild to moderate neck pain with very simple remedies and techniques. Here are some very effective and easy home remedies for neck pain.

  • Massage: Massage has been effective in improving muscular pains and stiffness. And having a calming and relaxing massage is always a better option than painkilling drugs. And if you can add a few drops of essential oil to your regular massage oil, you can get rid of neck pain without much fuss. Massage warms up the stiff muscles, improves the blood circulation around the painful area, and reduces the pain within a few minutes.
  • Getting help from your buddy or partner is the best idea. Otherwise, you can also book a physical therapy session with a physiotherapist or spa expert.
  • Ice Packs: Ice packs are also very effective in healing mild to moderate pain. All you need to do is to crush a few pieces of ice and wrap them in a rubber bag. Put a clean towel or any other cloth on the painful area and apply the ice packs gently. You will feel the effects within a few minutes, and the pain will start fading away. Ice pack treatment is especially helpful when you have a painful neck due to sudden stress while playing or exercising.
  • Heat Pads: You can find heat pads very easily at pharmacies or departmental stores. Apply the hot pads directly on the painful neck, and your pain will start fading away within the first couple of minutes. Heat pads work similarly to massage and reduce inflammation and pain by improving blood circulation. Just take care of the right brand and choose the appropriate pad.
  • Exercise: Exercise can be one of the reasons for your painful neck. But it can also be effective to manage the pain very effectively as well. Some movements are proved very helpful in reducing neck pain. You can try moving your stiffed or painful neck in a circular motion or move it forwards and backward very slowly. If you feel comfortable, start with 8-10 slow motions in different directions. If the pain increases with a few movements, stop it immediately to prevent further damage to your neck. You can get in touch with a professional physiotherapist to ask for some effective neck exercises. Otherwise, talk to a doctor for proper treatment of neck pain. 
  • Warm Shower: Warm water shower is an ideal treatment for almost all types of body pains. And can be amazingly effective in case of neck pain as well. Have a warm water shower for five to ten minutes. The warm water will improve blood circulation and will help you feel better. And having a warm water shower in the morning is always a very good idea to have an energetic day and as well as restful sleep.
  • Epsom Salts: Sprinkling some Epsom salts to your bathwater is another very good idea to manage neck pain. It is surely a treat to bath with Epsom salt in water. Thanks to its magnesium and sulfate contents, Epsom salt reduces muscular tension and rest. Also, they can improve the regulation of certain enzymes in your body and give you natural relief from neck pain.

How to relieve neck pain from sleeping wrong?

Neck pain from sleeping wrong is a common problem, and you can get rid of it by some over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and naproxen. Self-massage and gentle stretching are also very effective to improve pain when it is in the initial stage. Start with very little, gentle stretching and increase with the flexibility and improvement in pain. If you are unable to move your neck due to excessive pain, you should book an appointment with your doctor.

What is the best position to sleep with neck pain?

Sometimes, pain can remain for a weak or two, and that’s not something to be worried about. However, little things can make a lot of difference, and one of them is your sleeping position for neck pain. Sleeping in an upright position is very effective in both back and neck pain. You can buy a horseshoe-shaped pillow for comfortable support for your neck.

Neck pain is very common, and you should go into the overthinking mode, especially in the initial days. Try these DIY remedies and techniques to get rid of the pain. And if you don’t find any relief at all even after a few days, we recommend you talk to your doctor to find the exact cause and proceed with the treatment accordingly.







How to Relieve Shoulder Blade Pain

How to relieve shoulder blade pain easily at home? How and when it gets serious? What are the possible causes? Let’s find the answers to these questions and a few more.

Also known as “interscapular pain,” pain between shoulder blades is very common. You may have aching, sore, dull, and shooting pain at the mid-back of your shoulder blades.

Usually, there is nothing serious about it, and it gets better in a few days. However, it can also be a sign of some more serious health conditions. Although it is not serious, it can surely disturb the quality of your life. Read on to find everything about shoulder blade pain.

What are the possible causes?

There may be various possible causes of shoulder blade pain. An injured muscle or tendon usually causes the pain, and the injury may cause due to:

  • Wrong exercise
  • Heavy lifting
  • Poor sitting position
  • Prolonged hours of working at computers
  • Muscle strain while sleeping.

Injuries to other different body parts like spine fracture, rotator cuff tears, or any type of injury due to trauma can also be responsible for pain at shoulder blades. Some other but rare causes of pain are:

  • Osteoarthritis of ribs, spine, neck
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Acid reflux
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Scoliosis
  • Shingles
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Nerve compression
  • Certain cancers like lymphomas, lung cancer, liver cancer, bone cancer, mesothelioma, oesophageal cancer, etc.
  • Gallstone

Shoulder blade pain can also be one of the heart attack symptoms, especially in women’s cases. It may be accompanied by other signs like shortness of breath and chest pain. If you suffer from these three symptoms at a time, you should not waste any time and seek immediate medical attention.

At times, sharp, severe pain in the upper-middle back is also a sign of rupture to the thoracic aorta. In such a case, the patient may suffer from severe pain and is more often than not a medical emergency.

Pulmonary embolism is another very serious condition and can be a factor responsible for shoulder blade pain. People with pulmonary embolism may complain about a sudden, sharp pain at the shoulder blade. It happens when the blood clots in the legs are breaking down and travel to the lungs. One of the major symptoms of pulmonary embolism is shortness of breath, and it also needs immediate medical attention.

When should you see a doctor?

When you suffer from severe, unusual pain for more than a couple of weeks, you should get in touch with a qualified medical practitioner. Persistent pain can be a sign of something wrong you are unable to find. Whether or not your condition is serious, if it doesn’t go away after a couple of weeks. So, it’s better to get medical attention instead of waiting for something serious.

If you develop shoulder blade pain along with some other symptoms, chances are of something really serious. It may even become life-threatening and require prompt medical attention. You should get immediate medical attention if the pain is accompanied by:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Excessive sweating
  • Chest pain
  • Cough with blood
  • Light-headedness or vertigo
  • Pain, redness, or swelling in the legs
  • Loss of vision
  • High fever
  • Sudden difficulty speaking
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Paralysis of any part of the body

Treatment for shoulder blade pain will be decided according to the exact cause and severity. And recovery time will also depend on the condition and causative factor(s).

Home remedies

The condition can be managed with home remedies if there is no other major complication. Here are some home remedies for shoulder and neck pain; you can try to get some relief.


Physical exercise is very important to follow a healthy life. But it can also be effective to strengthen your shoulder and back and may relieve acute pain. We recommend a few exercises like pullups, push-ups, and sit-ups, to improve pain initially.


Stretching techniques like Yoga can also effectively improve pain by managing blood circulation through better mobility.

Also Read: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Really Good Against Shingles?

You can try this stretching exercise for shoulder blade pain.

  • Cross one arm over the body.
  • Pull your elbow using the other hand towards your chest, and hold for about 10 seconds.

Diet and Regimen

Some foods can increase the inflammation and hence pain. You should avoid processed foods and add a lot of fruits and vegetables to your diet. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, are also helpful in improving the condition.


Sometimes, rest is more than enough to recover from shoulder blade pain, especially if developed due to injury or exercise.

Cold or Hot Therapy

Cold or hot compresses in the affected areas can also be a solution. Repeat cold or hot compress every two hours for fifteen minutes to relieve discomfort


A professional therapist can help you overcome the pain by working between your shoulder blades to relax the stiffed muscles.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is effective in case of pain due to a compressed or injured nerve. The therapist will help you to perform certain physical exercises targeting the affected muscles and tissues.

Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt contains magnesium and, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can give some relief to your shoulder blades.

How to get Epsom salt bath:

  • Add one cup of Epsom salt to your bathwater and dissolve for a couple of minutes.
  • Soak yourself in the bath for 15-20 minutes to feel the calming and pain-relieving effects of Epsom.

Kinesiology Tape

Using kinesiology tapes to relieve shoulder blade pain is also a great ideal. It is used to control the movements of the scapular region to avoid shoulder pain. The function of this medicated tape is to support the injured shoulder during movement. It is also great short-term pain management but is recommended for acute pains only.

What You Need

  • A kinesiology tape from a renowned brand

Steps to use the tape

  • Put the tape across the muscles of your shoulder griddle (You can get help from someone for proper placement).
  • Watching a tutorial or seeking help from a therapist isn’t a bad idea, either.
  • Keep it for four to five days or until you feel better.
  • You can also reuse the tape for a few months.

OTC Medications

Over the counter medications for shoulder blade pain can also be effective, especially there are mild symptoms. OTC medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, etc. may improve the condition.

When you need surgery?

Surgery is very rarely recommended for this condition. As many as 90 percent of patients get better by nonsurgical treatment like exercises, medications, rest, etc. But your doctor may advise for in case if the condition is caused by an injury and is not improving after prolonged treatment. The doctor may remove minor scar tissues or repair tendons in the affected area.

Chances of Prognosis

Prognosis is very good in the case of shoulder blade pain. However, if there is severe chronic pain, the prognosis also depends on the duration and severity of pain.

More often than not, it is a temporary condition and goes away with a combination of treatment and rest. However, some people may live the whole of their life with the pain!

Some Prevention Tips

Instead of knowing how to help shoulder blade pain, you are better if you know how to prevent this condition. Here are some prevention tips:

  • Always maintain good posture: Posture matters a lot! Bad posture can affect your body very heavily. Always stand or sit tall. Avoid slouching as much as possible. An ergonomic chair or a special pillow can help you maintain your posture if you have sitting work.
  • Avoid long sitting hours: Don’t sit continuously for hours, even if you have a sitting work. Take a break now and then, and walk around for a few minutes.
  • Avoid lifting very heavy items: Heavy lifting is also one of the major causes of shoulder blade pain. Don’t carry heavy bags on your shoulder. And if you have to lift something very heavy, don’t do it alone, and avoid so much pressure on your back.
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle: Lifestyle changes can go a long way in dealing with shoulder pain. Try to get a healthy and wholesome diet, get proper sleep of six to eight hours, and do regular physical exercises.

Pain between your shoulder blades is mainly because of bad lifestyle habits. You can surely avoid it to a decent extent. And now, you have some very effective methods to improve mild to moderate pain. If you have severe pain for more than a few days, we recommend you visit a qualified doctor to find the exact cause and start proper treatment.





Heart Disease: 10 Warning Signs That Appear On Your Skin

Due to living a stressful life, it is common for an individual to ignore some of the common health problem signs, which appear on the skin. Even in the case of a heart problem or disease, a change in the skin is the first indication of a heart problem.

Here are 10 warning signs that appear on your skin, which show your heart problem:

1. Swelling In Your Feet And Lower Legs

The moment an individual notices a constant swelling in your feet and lower legs then immediately consult a doctor, as this is a clear indication that your heart is not working properly. In most cases, this swelling can extend as far as the upper legs and groin.

2. Blue And Purple Color On Your Skin

Another clear indication of your heart problem is the skin color changing into blue or purple. This shows that you have a blockage in your blood vessels or your blood is not getting enough oxygen. Without proper treatment, this lack of oxygen can lead to serious health problems.

Also Read: Natural Ways to Prevent Acidity And Heartburn

3. Blue Or Purple Net-Like Pattern On Your Skin

Many people choose to ignore this net-like pattern but in most cases; these patterns disappear whenever skin gets warm up. However, this pattern can also be a sign of a disease, which mostly occurs when arteries are blocked.

4. Yellowish-Orange Waxy Growths On Your Skin

These signs show that you have an unhealthy cholesterol level, which causes life-threatening diseases. These growths usually occur in the corner of your eyes, lines on your palms or the backs of your lower legs.

5. Clusters Of Waxy Bumps That Suddenly Appear On Your Skin

These waxy bumps highlight that you have a skyrocketing cholesterol level or diabetes problem. These bumps are the fatty deposits of cholesterol caused by high levels of cholesterol in the blood.

6. Nails Curve Downward And The Ends Of Your Fingers Are Swollen

Also Read: Avoid Heart Attack With These Easy Lifestyle Changes

For some people, these signs are natural. However, for some, this is a clear indication that you might have a heart infection, heart disease or lung problem. Therefore, it is advisable that you consult your doctor to find out if you have any medical problems.

7. Red Or Purple Lines Under Your Nails

Most people see these lines under their nails when they suffer an injury, however, if you cannot remember injuring your nail then it is beneficial to consult a doctor. These lines can be a sign of a heart problem or any other medical condition.

8. Smooth, Waxy Lumps On Your Skin

These signs display that an individual has an abnormal buildup of protein in an organ, especially in your heart. In case, the protein builds up in the heart, it gets difficult for the heart to work properly.

9. Agonizing Swellings In Your Fingers, Toes Or May Be Both

These painful lumps indicate that you might have an infection in your heart or in your blood vessels. Consult your doctor to know which medication is best for your situation, as in some cases; these lumps are removed by surgery.

10. Brownish Discoloration On Your Palms

This type of discoloration shows that you might have an infection in your heart or blood vessels. Such infection can be life-threatening, therefore, consult a doctor as soon as you notice this discoloration.

Also Read: One Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You – Here are the 10 Signs

Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bedtime Will Change Your Life for Good

In the culinary and medical world, apple cider vinegar is very famous for hundreds of years. Apple cider contains water, vitamins, minerals, and traces of other acids.

Although apple cider vinegar has an overwhelming acid taste, however, drinking apple cider before bed offers many health benefits.

Some people prefer to intake cider vinegar as an alternative of apple cider vinegar due to the sour taste.

Benefits of Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bedtime

May Lower Your Blood Sugar

According to medical research, consuming apple cider vinegar has the potential to slow the emptying of your stomach and hence preventing large spikes in blood sugar. Moreover, drinking apple cider vinegar before meals benefit your blood sugar levels as it increases insulin sensitivity, which can lower your blood sugar.

Also Read: How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar At Home

Could Support Weight Loss

Drinking apple cider vinegar helps in reducing fat storage, suppress appetite as well as slow digestion. Moreover, it also increases fat burning and delays the release of hunger hormones. After consuming apple cider vinegar for 12 weeks, one may notice significantly less abdominal fat.

Reduces Oral Health

Apple cider vinegar has the potential to reduce the bacteria in your mouth, which causes bad breath. Drink one tablespoon with eight ounces of water and a slice of lemon before bedtime reduces the mouth bacteria and the bad breath early in the morning.

Soothes The Hiccups Problem

Apple cider vinegar stimulates the nerves in your throat that causes hiccups and resolves the problem very effectively within minutes. All you need to do is to drink a teaspoon of undiluted apple cider vinegar.

Sinus Relief

In case, you are suffering from a stuffy nose then intake a little amount of apple cider vinegar to get sinus relief. Apple cider vinegar has vitamin B, potassium, and magnesium, which helps to relax from your sinus, so you can breathe.

Also Read : 5 Tips How to Use Raw Apple Cider Vinegar for Diarrhea & Vomiting

Reduces Stomach Ache

Sleeping while you are having an upset stomach is almost not possible, therefore next time you face a problem like this, drink a cup of warm water and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, which is going to ease the discomfort.

Prevent Indigestion

Apple cider vinegar has the potential to resolve the problem of indigestion, which sometimes leads to insomnia. You simply need to take one spoon of apple cider vinegar along with a spoon of honey and mix both in the warm water.

Treats Nocturnal Leg Cramps

Lack of potassium often leads to the problem of nocturnal leg cramps; however, one can easily treat it by regularly drinking apple cider vinegar. It contains a heavy amount of potassium that restores the balance in your system and efficiently treats the problem of leg cramp.

Soothes irritated throat

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful anti-bacterial, which quickly kills the bacteria that live in the throat. In case, you suffer from a sore throat, consume a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 30 minutes intervals. Keep in mind, to drink another teaspoon an hour before bedtime.

Also Read: Side Effects Of Weight Loss With Apple Cider Vinegar

Top 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

No doubt that coconut oil has many hair and skin benefits, however, there are many health benefits from coconut oil. Coconut oil has many nutrients, which contribute to higher energy levels and a stronger metabolism. Some basic health benefits of coconut oil are heart-healthy and oral health benefits.

Coconut oil is tasteless and colorless and is available in refined and unrefined coconut oil. In both ways, coconut oil is beneficial for both health and beauty purposes.

Coconut oil also has many skin-deep uses, such as:

  • a natural skin moisturizer
  • a condition for your hair
  • use an ingredient in home-based soap scrub and lotion recipes

What are the benefits of coconut oil?

According to a study, coconut oil offers some major health benefits, both internally and externally.

1. A Boost In Good Cholesterol

According to a study, coconut oil has the components to reduce the bad cholesterol components level and give a boost to the good cholesterol components level.

2. Good For Blood Sugar And Diabetes

Coconut oil has the potential to lower the level of obesity in the body as well as battles insulin resistance – issues that often lead to type two diabetes.

Also Read: 9 Amazing Benefits Of Using Coconut Oil For Tanning

3. Helps Fight Back Against Alzheimer’s Disease

The components found in coconut oil help the mending brain in Alzheimer patients. Moreover, the components in coconut oil improve the cognitive function in the human body. 

4. Helps In Stopping Heart Disease And High Blood Pressure

Many people may not know but coconut oil is rich in saturated fats, which boosts good cholesterol to keep off heart disease, and lowers high cholesterol levels. One of the major coconut oil benefits is that it turns bad cholesterol into good cholesterol.

5. Aids In Liver Health

The special components of coconut oil also guard against any damage to the liver as well as aids in curing urinary region infection. Coconut oil has a specific value that can be directly processed by the liver into ketones.

6. Boosts Energy

Unrefined coconut oil hikes energy and stamina in the body by improving liver health, which improves the energy level in the body. However, before adding the coconut oil in your diet, consult the doctor to know your consumption level.

7. Aids With Digestion

Coconut oil used for improving food digestion as well as eliminates toxic bacteria, which increases poor digestion and stomach inflammation. Moreover, an adequate amount of coconut oil consumption helps in preventing stomach ulcers.

Also Read: How To Make Coconut Oil Deodorant

8. Treat Wounds And Burns

As good as coconut oil for hair, it is also good for the skin. Coconut oil is widely used for the treatment of wounds, burns, and dermatitis. Moreover, coconut oil also acts as a sunscreen, moisturizer, as well as reduce inflammation under the skin and promote better healing.

9. Acts As An Anti-Aging Components

When applied appropriately coconut oil has the potential to decrease fine lines and wrinkles by keeping your connective tissues strong and flexible.

10. Helps In Weight Loss

Coconut oil acts as a fat and calorie burner, which results in weight loss, especially when you use unrefined coconut oil. According to a study, some components in coconut oil reduce a body’s resting heart rate and aids in burning fat.

Also Read: Benefits Of Coconut Oil As a Supplement

10 Early Signs of Ovarian Cancer Symptoms That Women Often Ignore

Most of the time, it is difficult to diagnose ovarian cancer, especially in the early stages because most of the symptoms are similar to other health problems.

It is advisable for everyone to see a doctor, in case, you experience unexplained abdominal symptoms, which lasts for more than two to three weeks.

Early signs of ovarian cancer

As said above, recognizing the symptoms of ovarian cancer is difficult as most of them are common among people on a day-to-day basis. The symptoms, which are mostly associated with ovarian cancer usually develop in the later stages of the condition. The symptoms of ovarian cancer put pressure on the balder, uterus, and rectum, which helps in recognizing the chances of Ovarian Cancer.

Early signs of ovarian cancer

Symptoms of ovarian cancer:

  • Bloating
  • Unexplained abdominal pain
  • Lack of appetite
  • Indigestion
  • Nausea
  • The constant need to urinate more frequently
  • Unexplained pressure on the pelvis
  • Unexplained exhaustion
  • Constipation
  • Back pain

People tend to ignore some of the symptoms as people think that these symptoms might occur due to other health conditions. Therefore, they tend to delay their visit to the doctors, which leads to a serious problem.

Keep in mind, if you experience any of these symptoms for more than two or three weeks, then immediately visit the doctor.

Also Read: Cancer Symptoms First Appear In Your Hands! Here’s How You Can Spot Them

Some people who are likely to develop ovarian cancer than other people include:

  • Someone with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer
  • Someone who have Lynch syndrome
  • Never being pregnant
  • Obesity
  • Someone who consumes fertility medications
  • Most cases develop after menopause

People, who have a family history of cancer or any other medical problem, should get a medical checkup occasionally. Moreover, one also needs to be constantly in touch with their gynecologists to notice any major changes in the body. To avoid such situations, a regular medical checkup is recommended by every doctor. This also helps in recognizing any health hazard beforehand and starts the treatment before the situation gets worse.

Reasons that may lessen the general risk of developing ovarian cancer include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Using oral birth control pills for at least five years
  • Taking reproductive system surgeries

Diagnosis of ovarian cancer

The first and foremost step to recognize the problem of ovarian cancer is a CT scan. Moreover, a doctor may ask some of the common and basic questions such as:

  • How long you are facing the pain
  • What kind of medications you have taken to reduce the pain
  • How often you feel the pain
  • Ask some questions on your medical history

Another test, a doctor might perform is a pelvic exam to see if the ovaries are swollen, bloated, or if there is any liquid in the abdomen. A doctor might order additional testing if:

  • If the doctor notices any abnormalities during the pelvic exam
  • Unnecessary and unexplained pain near the pelvic area
  • You and your family medical history

As the symptoms of ovarian cancer are similar to many other, less dangerous conditions, many women overlook the signs.

Therefore, as soon as you realize that you are experiencing pain more than two to three weeks; talk with a doctor as soon as possible.

Also Read: 5 Early Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer women should Never Ignore