How to Apply Egg on Hair for Hair Growth?

egg for hair growth

Grey and weak hair projects you has an older person. On an average you lose about 100 hairs a day, but things turn worse when you lose more. Using egg mask on hair you can improve hair growth and reduce its loss.

honey and egg for hair growth

All over the world eggs are extensively used for culinary purposes. But, very few of us knew that it has been used for hair treatment since 1940. Egg yolk strengthens weak and damaged hair. This foul smelling mask will make your hair shiny and healthy. Unlike industrial products, egg mask hydrates your scalp and controls hair fall.

Study carried out by Philipkingsley states that about 1 in 5 women in UK above 25 age experience hair loss. Further report says that a certain amount of women feel embarrassed to ask help on controlling hair loss. It’s a real problem and need to check soon.

Experts hold 8 culprits including genetics, stress, medication, climate, ageing, lack of nutritional diet, life style and health ailments to cause hair loss. Fortunately, by applying egg mask on hair you can enhance its growth.

Benefits of Egg Mask for Hair Growth

  • Your hair is made up of a protein known as keratin and egg is filled with proteins & amino acids which can rebuild your hair. Rich concentration of proteins and fatty acids residing in egg supply necessary vitamins and minerals for your hair growth.
  • Vitamin A housed in this hair mask moisturizes dry scalp and stimulate sebum production. Along with sebum, vitamin A controls dandruff and prevents hair loss.
  • Vitamin E protects your hair from harmful UV rays and other external factors. Vitamin D improves hair texture and gives an attractive luster.
  • Frizzy hair is avoided by fatty protein called lecithin. Along with this, biotin and vitamin B7 renew hair follicles and enhance overall functioning of the hair.
  • Minerals include zinc, iron, sulfur, iodine, calcium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. These elements make your hair strong and stimulates scalp for hair growth.

As mentioned 70 percent of hair is made from protein, rich amounts of proteins in egg mask stimulate hair growth and avoid brittle hair.

How to Use Egg on Hair for Hair Growth?

egg for hair growth

It’s really embarrassing to apply this foul smelled mask on hair. However, it’s better than experiencing hair loss. Luckily, you can blend other natural ingredients with egg to make it easy for you.

#1. Egg and olive oil mask for hair growth

Break egg in a bowl and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to it. Mix well and wash your hair before applying this hair mask. You can use shampoo and rosemary oil mixture to remove hair products buildup.

Remove excess water from hair by using towel. When the hair is still damp apply the egg hair mask evenly and leave it for 15-20 minutes. After washing egg mask use hair conditioner to moisturize hair.

#2. Egg yolk and avocado hair mask

Egg yolk is one of the best and inexpensive conditioner. Blend egg yolk with avocado mask and apply it over prewashed hair. Let the mask be for 20 minutes, and then rinse it off.

#3. Honey, coconut oil and egg for hair growth

Take 1 egg yolk and blend it with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 2 tablespoons of raw honey. Apply this mask over prewashed face and let it dry for 20 minutes.

Note: Don’t keep hair mask for longer time, it may harden your hair.

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Egg White Mask for Wrinkles

egg white mask for wrinkles

Wrinkles and grey hair is sign of elderly and intelligent person. But, who yearns to have premature wrinkles to project him/her as intelligent? Luckily using egg white mask you can fade wrinkles and achieve flawless skin.

Its unsightly to have a glimpse of wrinkles, so few people goes to an extent of avoiding mirror as they grow. Aging is natural and there is no one who can stop it. Along with your age, your skin and hair losses its enticing looks. The skin’s elasticity starts losing and fine lines appear.

Unfortunately now-a-days due to hectic schedule and alarming pollution, your skin is facing a really issue. Dead cells, impurities and your lack of care resulting in various skin ailments.

Cosmetic industries are not letting this huge demand to bring some profits to their businesses. So they are striving hard to manufacture beauty products that can fade wrinkles and remove impurities. As they use chemical ingredients and refined natural ingredients (which lacks nutritional value) to increase the shelf-life of products, beauty experts don’t recommend it.

On the other side, natural items are packed with nutrients and vitamins that can wipe impurities and fill your skin with required vitamins. Egg white face mask is one such home available remedy to tighten your skin.

How to Use Egg White Mask for Wrinkles?

  • Egg white has less calories and vitamins compared to egg yolk. But the exceptional benefits it can provide for your skin compensate the absence.
  • Astringent activity packed in egg white shrinks skin pores and tightens the skin texture reducing wrinkle appearance.
  • Egg white exhibits lightening feature that clears your impurities and reduce dark spots gradually.
  • Acne and other skin ailments that are associated with oily skin can be restrained by shrinking skin pores.
  • Unwanted facial hair that makes you embarrassing in a party can be removed by this inexpensive face mask.
  • Assorted nutrients in this mask enhance collagen production to make the skin supple and wrinkle free.

Cleanse your face or wash it with lukewarm water. Use soft cloth to pat dry. Break egg and pour its yolk with white liquid in a bowl. Remove egg yolk to use egg white.

Apply egg white mask over the face evenly and let it dry naturally. Rinse it off when it dries. You can use aromatic essential oil to moisturize your face after this face mask treatment.

Egg white, tea tree oil and honey

Whisk egg yolk and add 1 tablespoon of honey, 4-5 drops of tea tree oil to it. After mixing well, apply it over the face and then rinse it off. Add this simple yet effective home remedy to your beauty regimen for positive results.

Egg white and lemon juice

Lemon juice is known to lighten dark spots and treat acne blemishes with its anti-bacterial activity. Mix few drops of lemon juice in a bowl with egg white. Optionally add 1 tablespoon of honey to hydrate your skin.

If you’ve sensitive skin, then don’t use lemon juice.

Avocado, milk, honey and egg white for wrinkles

Take 1 egg white, required amount of avocado, 4 tablespoon raw milk and 1 tbsp of honey. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and apply it over your skin to hydrate it.

Don’t use ingredients that are allergic to your skin.

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DIY Mustard Face Mask

mustard face mask

Homemade face mask always come handy to make your skin supple and wrinkle free. Not just that, you can wipe the impurities off the face using mustard face mask.

Impurities around you are increasing rapidly and by default all of them get settled over your sensitive face. Along with this, your skin alone sheds millions of dead cells that get piled over the skin blocking its pores.

Applaud marketing campaigns of cosmetic industries. Whenever someone speaks about clear and fairer skin first thing strikes our brain is beauty products. Though they claim to give you spotless skin whitening product, facts are far away.

It’s a known fact that these industries use chemicals for fragrance and to increase the shelf-life of their products. Apart from doing well, sometimes these chemical ingredients may trigger allergic reaction on the skin.

How to Use Mustard Face Mask?

mustard and honey face mask

Mustard is prominent condiment in delicious food. You can use this homemade face mask to exfoliate dead cells and hydrate your skin. Like any other natural ingredient, mustard face mask has vitamin E, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and fatty acids.

  • Initially wash your face with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Topically apply grainy mustard over the face and massage in circular motion.
  • Alternatively, mix gram flour, lemon juice with mustard oil to make thick paste like consistency. Apply the mask evenly all over the face and leave it to dry naturally.

You can also blend coconut oil and mustard oil in equal proportions and apply it over the face. This application hydrates your skin and treats infectious ailments.

Exceptional nutrients in this mask help to shed dead cells and tighten the skin. Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity thwarts infectious bacteria.

Note: Don’t use ingredients that irritate your skin.

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Gram Flour for Dark Circles

gram flour for dark circles

Prominent in Southeast Asia dishes, gram flour can be used to obtain radiant and soft skin. Dark circles ruin your physical appearance. Using gram flour you can lighten the dark circles.


Hormonal imbalance, lack of sleep and unhealthy diet may result in dark circles, also hereditary plays vital role in this skin disorder. As you grow older your skin slowly loses its elasticity and becomes thin under eyes. Due to which the blood veins can be seen through it resulting in dark patches.

In some people, late night sleep and stress worsen dark circle appearance. Though it’s not associated with any health ailment, if not treated you may have to face serious issues.

There are chemical based products which claim to treat dark circles. Apart from being expensive, they may irritate your sensitive skin. Only, home remedies can be able to help you because they’re cost effective and prefect for sensitive skin.

How to Use Gram Flour for Dark Circles?

Gram flour or besan is known to remove impurities including dead cells and excess oil from the skin. Repeated use of this face mask will make your face free from impurities and keep ailments at bay. Assorted properties in this natural mask improve skin texture and removes tan.

To use it over the face and on dark circles:

  • Rinse your face with water and pat dry.
  • Mix gram flour powder with distilled water or rose water till you get thick paste like consistency.
  • When the skin is damp, apply the mask evenly and leave it to dry naturally.
  • After 20 minutes, take a wet cloth and wipe the gram flour mask.

Gram flour and turmeric powder

To make the mask more effective, mix 1 teaspoon of gram flour and turmeric powder with 1 tablespoons of lemon juice. Optionally, add 2 tablespoons of tomato puree.

Wash your face and apply this mixed mask under eyes and leave it for 20 minutes. Increase or decrease the quantity according to your use.

Gram flour and mint leaves

Get fresh mint leaves, which are known for its cooling properties. Blend mint leaves to obtain juice. Mix mint juice with turmeric powder and gram flour powder. Wash your face thoroughly and apply the mask under eyes.

Along with this mask you can try other natural oils to lighten dark circles. But, gram flour for dark circles alone can’t help you. You must drink enough water, include nutritional rich diet, have plenty of sleep and avoid long hours of exposure to computer screen.

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Why Fingers and Toes Prune Underwater?

fingers prune

Ever wonder why wrinkles appear on your fingers and toes in bath tub?

I remember taking long hours of bath in swimming pool resulted in wrinkled skin over my toes and fingers. I used to like that uneven surface on my toes. But, now-a-days as we pay more attention to our appearance I don’t like to have those ridges on my fingers.

Only way to prevent them is to avoid spending long time under shower dreaming about some unusual things.

However, as a blogger I started my research to know the main cause of these wrinkled fingers.

There are various theories rolling behind the prune. Don’t expect me to write about all those theoretical data here. Anyhow, I’ll be discussing few important theories.

  • Your skin is made of keratin, it’s a protein. Outer layer of your skin has dead keratin cells. When you immerse your hand or expose it to water for longtime, the skin cells absorbs water and swells. Because the outer layer is tightly attached to underneath skin, to atone the increased area wrinkles are formed.
  • Few Scientist say that wrinkles appear because of blood vessel’s constriction. Nerve fibers shrink and your body temperature reduces resulting in wrinkled fingers when you immerse them in water.
  • Patients with damaged nerve system when soaked in water showed no or less prune.

Few researchers carried out interesting studies, which are listed below.

Participants in the study are asked to immerse their hands in water tub for about 30 minutes. Then they were asked to pick varied sized marbles (wet and dry marbles). The study states that people with more prunes were quick in holding the marbles. (source)

Though it’s very interesting to know that fingers prune can improve grip, there is no proof to show that these wrinkled fingers has any significant benefit.

Your skin has three layers, namely: subcutaneous layer, dermis and epidermis layer.

Subcutaneous layer consists of fats, connective tissue, large blood vessels and nerves. Dermis layer include sweat glands, hair roots and nerves. Epidermis is the out layer which consists of four layers, which protects from dehydration and bacteria.

As mentioned above, when you immerse fingers in water, the dead cells in epidermis layer absorb water and results in prune.

But, why other parts of the body doesn’t prune? Because the skin on hands and feet include thickest dead keratin cells, imagine if you were given with soft skin on palms like that of its back. How could you enjoy playing basket ball?



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