How to Get Rid of Baby Rash?

Diaper rash is a very common skin condition affecting a lot of infants. And almost every parent asks “how to get rid of baby rash without much effort,” especially if they are blessed with their first child. Although it is not serious, it can surely be uncomfortable for little ones with very soft skin. And that’s why every parent, as well as a caregiver, should know, what are the easy and safe ways of getting rid of this condition.

Diaper rash is usually red, painful, and usually aggravates in moist, warm conditions, and can make skin look raw, bumpy, and even scaly. Infants with underlying skin conditions like eczema are more prone to diaper rash and can get affected quite often.

Yes, there are various creams available that can improve rashes, but like most other skin problems, you should go for some effective and safe home treatments. Here are a few tips and tricks to help your baby feel better after getting affected by the baby rash. Before jumping on the home remedies, let’s talk about some possible causes of baby rashes first.

What Are the Causes of Baby Rash?

There are various and very different causes of the baby rash, including:

  • Heat
  • Friction
  • Chemicals
  • Dampness
  • Fragrances
  • Allergies
  • Fabrics
  • Wet, low quality, or unfit diapers

Some other factors associated with diaper rash are:

  • Chafing or rubbing: Rubbing during the massage or due to tight clothes.
  • Irritation due to urine and stool: Your baby may get affected with diaper rashes in case of frequent bowel movements, diarrhea, or dysentery. Prolonged exposure to urine or stools in pants or diapers may start irritating skin and cause rashes.
  • Irritation from certain products: It is one of the major causes of rashes in newbies. Because infants’ skin is very soft and may react to diapers, wipes, detergent, fabric softener, or fabric bleach from new brands, ingredients are found in creams, lotions, oils, powders, etc. are also responsible for baby rashes.
  • Introduction to New Foods: The stool content starts changing when your baby starts eating solid foods, and the chances of baby rashes may also increase to some extent. Stools’ frequency may also change with a sudden change in type and quantity of foods and may lead to red rashes on bumps. Breastfeeding babies can also get rashes from their mothers when they eat something that doesn’t suit the baby.
  • Bacterial of Fungal Infection: Buttocks, thighs, and genitals are usually covered with diapers and are very much favorable for the growth of bacteria and fungi. And the infection due to these microorganisms usually spread to other skin regions as well. You can easily identify rashes due to infection from scattered red dots all around the diaper region. In such cases, home remedies to treat diaper rash are not very effective, and you should take your child to a licensed medical practitioner for proper treatment.
  • Overuse of Antibiotics: Yes, antibiotics are prescribed to treat a bacterial infection, but the bad part is, antibiotics also kill the bad bacteria. Antibiotics can kill the bacteria known for controlling yeast growth and may open the door for yeast infection. Antibiotics can also cause diarrhea. And breastfed babies can even get rashes from their mothers taking antibiotics.
  • Sensitive Skin: As we have learned earlier, babies have very sensitive and soft skin and can’t tolerate skin conditions like atopic dermatitis or other skin problems. Some infants are born with highly sensitive skin and can easily get rashes all around their bodies, even for some strange reasons.

Also Read: 15 Home Remedies for Rash Under Breast

Home Remedies to Treat Diaper Rash

As already said earlier, diaper rash is not a serious skin condition and can be cured easily. Following are some home remedies to treat diaper rash:

1. Change diapers frequently

Leaving your baby with wet or spoiled diapers is one of the most common causes of painless diaper rashes, and you should avoid this as much as possible. Whether you are reading this as a parent or a caretaker, change the spoiled diaper promptly to avoid symptoms from getting worse.

2. Give some open time to your baby

Keeping them packed with diapers all the time is surely not the best idea. Give your baby some healing time with no diaper or pants on. It will dry out the moisture and start healing the rashes within the first couple of days.

Also, avoid putting on synthetic, rubber, or tight pants while your kid has diaper rashes. Instead, prefer dressing them in loose, comfortable, high-quality, 100% cotton pants to make them feel happy and playful.

3. Use diaper creams and ointments

You can easily find skin-soothing creams and barrier ointments at a nearby grocery or medical stores. Creams containing zinc oxide are very effective as over counter treatment for diaper rash. Apply a thick layer of cream on rashes and leave open to allow some time to dry.

4. Avoid giving foods you are not sure about

Yes, just like you, all parents want to upgrade their kids’ eating patterns, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, you should be careful while introducing your baby to new foods. Please don’t give them acidic foods like citrus fruits or tomatoes. The acidic nature of these foods can irritate the urine or stool, affecting the surrounding skin.

Start with soft, easily-digestive foods like banana, oatmeal, fruit puddings, mashed rice, dal, etc. And always keep a check on foods to find which one is suited and which are not.

5. Clean, but don’t scrub the area

You should keep this point as prevention from diaper rash even in the future. Yes, keeping the area clean and dry is very important, but unnecessary scrub can irritate. And hence, gentle cleaning is the only option.

6. Avoid using scented detergents or soaps

It is very easy to fall for scented detergents and soaps. But you should avoid them, especially when it comes to your baby. Scented soaps, creams, bubble baths, and laundry detergents are not good for infants, even if the manufacturers advertise about them as “child-friendly.” So, use only gentle, unscented soaps, creams, and detergents from a well-known brand to keep your baby’s skin soft, supple, and healthy.

baby diaper rash

7. Are baths good for diaper rash?

Yes, certain baths are very good for diaper rash. You can try an oatmeal bath to improve the condition. Colloidal oatmeal is very effective in reducing inflammation and irritation especially caused due to atopic dermatitis. You can find the oatmeal bath treatment easily at nearby drug stores as well as online. Follow the directions on the package to give your infants a healthy and soothing bath.

8. Say “No” to Baby Wipes:

Keeping the diaper area clean and dry is important, but you can do it without using baby wipes too.

Avoid using baby wipes if your baby is having diaper rashes, as wipes can increase the irritation. We advise you to use only gentle, scent-free soap and water to wash and pat dry with a soft, cotton cloth.

If you have no other option but to use wipes, choose only unscented, natural wipes, which are a bit costly but are good for babies’ skin

9. Choose only high-quality, fit diapers

Loose or bad quality diapers are also one of the causes of diaper rashes. Choose the diapers very carefully. Diapers should neither be too tight or too loose. Check the size properly according to age and get larger sizes as your baby grows.

10. Switch to different diaper or laundry detergent brands

If you notice the frequent appearance of rashes, it means your baby is sensitive to a certain product. For example, diapers or wipes from a particular brand can trigger irritation. If you use cloth diapers, try to change the detergent brand to see if your baby is allergic to a specific detergent.

Your aim should be to eliminate the harmful chemicals from baby care as much as you can.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar

Using apple cider vinegar for diaper rash is also a very good idea, especially if rashes develop due to fungal or yeast infection. Diluted apple cider vinegar can kill the infection-causing bacteria and improves the condition pretty quickly. Add one tbsp diluted ACV to a cup of water and wash your baby’s bottom every time while changing the diaper.

12. Apply Olive Oil

Olive oil is very famous for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and can be very handy to eliminate almost all kinds of rashes. You should use olive oil for massaging your baby even if there are no rashes. Olive oil is very healthy and keeps your baby’s skin soft, supple, and radiant. Also, olive oil is pretty good to induce calming, peaceful sleep, which is very important for your baby.

13. Massage with Coconut Oil

If olive oil is not available, virgin coconut oil is a great alternative. And it is very easily available too! Coconut oil is very hydrating and also protects your baby’s skin from irritation and rashes. Studies also suggest that coconut oil is very good against fungal infections and can be a pretty effective treatment for rashes due to yeast infection. 

14. Is Vaseline good for diaper rash?

Yes, like other skin conditions, Vaseline can be very good for diaper rashes as well, especially if rashes are developed due to excessive dryness. Vaseline locks the skin’s moisture and doesn’t only treat the condition but prevents further chafed skin from diaper rashes.

Vaseline works on the skin by restoring the softness and forming a protective layer to reduce moisture and prevent fungal and bacterial infection. So, if you ask, “can I use petroleum jelly on my baby?” our answer is, “Yes, you surely can.”

15. Chamomile Tea and Honey

Both honey and chamomile tea are known for their antiseptic effects and can heal diaper rashes within a few days. Add one tbsp honey to two cups of chamomile tea and spray all over the rashes without massaging.

How to Prevent Diaper Rashes?

As they say, “prevention is better than cure” would be great if you can already eliminate the chances of developing diaper rashes or preventing recurrence. Here are some preventive measures you can try to reduce the likelihood of diaper rashes.

  • Wash your baby’s bottom with warm water each time you change the diaper: Using a bottle, tub, or sink is advisable to make it easier for both you and your baby. You can also use moist washcloths, natural baby wipes, and cotton balls to make the cleaning process easy.
  • Use only a soft, cotton towel to dry the area: Hard, low-quality clothes or wipes are also among the common causes of diaper rash. Avoid scrubbing the bottom area while drying with a soft, cotton towel.
  • Don’t keep your baby “packed” all the time: Diapers are more for the convenience of parents and caretakers than anything. They surely are not very healthy for kids. Whenever it is possible, give your baby some diaper-free time. Expose the skin to natural air to eliminate the chances of unwanted moisture around the bottom area.
  • Don’t forget to wash your hands frequently: What if you are causing infection to your baby? Weird? Yes, it’s also possible that you are accidentally causing infection to your kiddo without even knowing. Unhygienic or improperly washed hands can work as transporters for bacteria and fungi and cause diaper rashes. So, always wash your hands properly before as well as after changing the diapers.

So, hopefully, you have got a lot of answers to your question, “how to get rid of the baby rash.”In addition, we have also helped you with some prevention tips. Take some extra care of your kid when it comes to maintaining hygiene, especially around that sensitive bottom area. Follow any of the tips mentioned above to get help your baby overcome the condition. If the rashes don’t fade away after a week or so, you should get in touch with a medical practitioner to find possible allergy or other skin condition causing rashes around the bottom.

Bronchitis In Children: Home Remedies To Ease Its Symptoms

If you see your child has serious cough, don’t neglect it because sometimes bronchitis could be the reason. With cold and flu season away its possible your child may come with condition called bronchitis.

It is an infection of an inflammation of the large breathing tubes called airways or bronchi. The lining of bronchial tubes is extremely fragile and secrets pathogen fighting mucus which helps safeguards your child’s respiratory system by warding off the threat of infections.

This is generally caused by virus responsible for your cold, flu or sinus infection breaks through the respiratory defenses and spreads to the bronchi.

Acute Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is one of the most common bronchitis seen in children. It is usually caused by virus and it lasts for two to three weeks. This condition generally ensures in the wake of a common cold episode or some other respiratory tract infections.

Symptoms Of Acute Bronchitis

Symptoms can vary, but some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle aches
  • Cough
  • Low grade fever
  • Feeling tired
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath

Here are some effective remedies to prevent and manage bronchitis in children.

Home Remedies For Bronchitis

Salt Water Gargle


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Gargling salt water can provide quick relief to your child and gives relief from symptoms such as cough and sore throat.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one glass of warm water and mix ½ teaspoon of salt in it.
  • Make your child to gargle with the solution and remind him to split it out after gargling.
  • Make sure let him/her do this several times in a day to get complete relief.



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Due to its powerful properties such as anti inflammatory and anti bacterial garlic is effective in preventing the inflammation of lining caused by bronchi and to get relief in children.

What You Need To Do

  • Take 2-3 cloves of garlic and chop them in to small pieces.
  • Place them in a pot and add one glass of milk in it.
  • Boil this mixture for few minutes and allow your child to drink this mixture.
  • Give this mixture every day before going to bed to your child.



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Ginger is considered as one of the best remedy to treat bronchitis. It has anti inflammatory and immune boosting properties that reduce the symptoms of bronchitis and irritation and inflammation caused to bronchi tubes.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one table spoon of honey with one teaspoon of ginger and give your child to eat every day.
  • You can also make him to drink ginger tea on regular basis to enjoy its benefits.


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The active component called cur cumin in turmeric is effective in reducing the symptoms of bronchitis and minimize the swelling of bronchi tubes.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one cup of warm milk and mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder in it. Give it to your child to drink it twice in a day.
  • You can also opt for cur cumin supplement that helps the child to get rid of symptoms and condition completely on regular basis.



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Honey is one of the best remedy to reduce the symptoms of bronchitis like cough, flu sue to its anti bacterial, anti inflammatory properties.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one table spoon of honey with one table spoon of lemon juice and give your child to eat for every few hours to get relief from the symptoms.
  • You can also allow your child to eat table spoon of buckwheat honey for every couple of hours.

Lot Of Rest


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Generally, bronchitis is a lung infection that put lot of effort to do something as basic as breathing, it can really take it out to your child.

Due to constant exertion of chest, your child may feel constant tiredness and incapable to do anything else.

Proper rest and sleep is absolutely important for children being affected with this condition. So, let your child get plenty of sleep to improve the recovery process.

Prevention Tips For Bronchitis In Children

  • Don’t allow your child to mingle with children who have cold, flu and other viral infections.
  • Restrict him not to share his food and drinking glasses with other children.
  • Always make sure to wash his/her hands before eating or touching food.
  • Try to keep your home clean
  • Don’t forget to wash, bed sheets, carpets, toys and other usable things by your children frequently.
  • Limit your child from the exposure of air irritants, such as dust, chemical fumes and other pollutants.

When To Consult our Doctor

Make sure to visit your Doctor, if your child’s wet cough doesn’t clear even after 2-3 weeks. When it comes to child health it’s always best to be on safer side and seek professional help before it turns in to serious condition.


Bronchitis in children- home remedies to ease its symptoms

Common Health Issues In Babies And Ways To Deal With Them

Babies are more vulnerable after birth. Motherhood is a feeling of fraught with anxiety for first few days or months after child’s birth. Babies keep their parents always in confusion state for few months. There is always something to hold or worry about the baby.

Babies are more prone to infections and many types of health issues. It’s really hard for parents to handle a sick baby and it can be emotionally challenging for them, as no mother and father wants to see their baby sick or experience pain and discomfort.

Many new mothers don’t know how to deal with health issues faced by children. So here are some common health issues experience by almost every child after birth and some simple ways on how to deal with them.

Common Health Issues In Babies

Following are some of the common health issues experience by babies.

1. Fever


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Fever is a common sign of illness caused by virus or bacteria that affects immune system. Fever generally lasts only for 2-3 days, but if it exceeds more than 3 days then immediately consult your doctor. Fever is generally caused by virus or changing in environment or teething pain.

How To Deal With It

  • As soon as you feel your baby is developing fever, then immediately give them a sponge bath with cool water. Put a wet washcloth on baby’s forehead from time to time to decrease the body temperature.
  • For nursing mothers, breastfeeding is the best way to help babies feel better. Breast milk contains essential nutrients that can easily prevent bacteria and virus from baby immune system.

2. Cold And Flu


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Cold and flu can affect almost all infants and babies as they adjust to the outside world. This is a typical viral infection that starts with nasal congestion and runny nose. Cold and flu irritates the baby and make it harder for them to have peaceful sleep. This happens due to the weak immunity in babies.

How To Deal With It

  • Whenever your baby suffers with common cold and flu, use saline drops or sprays to moisturize nasal passageways of your child.
  • You can even use humidifier which will help your baby to breathe more comfortably.

3. Colic


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If your little one is crying out with a break for hours then you can obviously confirm it as colic. This condition is very common in new born baby and more than 20-25 percent of new born babies often suffer from colic confirmed by American pregnancy association.

Generally colicky babies show no other symptoms, even though the exact cause is unknown. Many health experts believe it can be due to trapped air in the abdominal cavity that causes pain and discomfort.

How To Deal With It

  • Give a warm bath to your baby to distract the baby from pain and make them sleepy.
  • Even warm compress on your baby tummy, it will also help them to get relief from the pain and discomfort.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should take good care about their diet.

4. Gas


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Many infants and babies often experience abdominal gas as they lie down all time on the floor. When the gas doesn’t pass easily from their body it causes intense pain and makes them to cry more.

Some babies may develop gas due to use of antibiotic medications, swallowing large amount of air while eating food, not chewing their food properly and not drinking enough water while eating.

How To Deal With It

  • Applying warm compress on your baby’s tummy will generally helps to expel the trapped gas and relax them.
  • Asafetida is an excellent powder, due to its antispasmodic and anti flatulent properties, it acts perfect to treat any kind of gas problems in babies.
  • Take a pinch of asafetida in a table spoon of warm water and mix it well. Apply it on your baby navel in circular motion as many times as needed.

5. Vomiting And Diarrhea


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Vomiting and diarrhea is quite common in babies and young children that happen because of gastroenteritis.

Gastroenteritis is a gut infection caused by virus and can also cause diarrhea. This condition can also occur due to food allergies, swallowing too much milk, milk intolerance or accidentally swallowed something poisonous.

It is really important to treat vomiting and diarrhea immediately before your baby feels dehydrated completely. This could be very dangerous particularly in infants.

How To Deal With It

  • The first thing you need to do is allow the baby to drink more fluids to prevent dehydration or carry them breastfeeding or keep on giving them milk feeds.
  • You can feed with bananas and yogurt if the baby is little older to treat diarrhea.
  • Always consult your doctor if it’s too serious for you to handle.

Common health issues in babies and ways to deal with them

Home Remedies For Bedwetting

Bed wetting means passing urine while sleeping. It is the most common problem in children and infants, up to 5-6 years it is common for the children to pass urine on bed itself but if it is still the same after 6 years it is a matter of concern.

Bed wetting can frustrate the child, but he or she does not do it willingly or it does not happen out of laziness. The reasons bed wetting can be small bladder, stress, excess production of urine, delay in maturation of bladder as well as urinary track infection.

In some cases, while the child is in deep sleep, the brain does not get proper signal that the bladder is full or empty. Most of the children outgrow this problem as they grow up but some might not and this may embarrass the child and lower their confidence. In order to give your child relief from this problem you can try out the below mentioned remedies.

Home Remedies For Bed Wetting

1. Cinnamon.


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Cinnamon is the easiest home remedy that can help your child to get rid off bed wetting. Cinnamon is basically a warm herb and consuming this can keep the body warmer and the child may not wet the bed.

All you need to do is make your child to chew small pieces of cinnamon throughout the day. You can even bake cinnamon rolls for them or sprinkle some cinnamon sugar on their toast.

2. Olive Oil


Giving your child massage with olive oil can help them to control urine while asleep. Rub warm olive oil over the child’s lower abdomen and give a nice massage for few minutes. The should not not be too hot, it should be comfortable warm. You can do this daily until you get satisfying results.

3. Amla or Indian Gooseberry


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Indian gooseberry is one of the best ayurvedic treatment for bed wetting. Take the pulp from 2 Indian gooseberries and crush it a bit, add a pinch of turmeric and a table spoon of honey to it. Give a spoon of this to your child everyday. You can even sprinkle some black pepper on gooseberry pulp and give it to your child.

4. Raisins And Walnuts


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This healthy snack can help your child in getting out of the problem of bed wetting. Give your child few raisins and walnuts everyday before going to bed. Continue this for few weeks, it can reduce the frequency of bed wetting.

5. Honey


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Children enjoy honey the most and this can be easily tried as a remedy to treat bed wetting. A spoonful of honey before going to bed daily can do wonders. You can even include honey in their breakfast cereal.

6. Mustard Seeds


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Mustard powder is one of the best remedy to treat bed wetting problem in children. It can even treat urinary track infection. All you to do is add a tea spoon of dry mustard seed powder in a cup of warm milk and give it to your child daily before going to bed.

home remedies for bedwetting


Effective Home Remedies For Hair Growth In Children

You might not have heard about hair fall in children but it is true and some children experience hair fall at very young age because of poor hair growth. It is more prevalent in America.

There are several causes for hair loss in children, some of them are mentioned below.

  • Hair pulling disorder
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Thinning of hair
  • Ring worm of scalp
  • Endocrine related problems

In addition to these, there are some more causes of hair loss in children which are non medical and these are as follows.

  • Using too much of hair care products
  • Too much brushing of hair
  • Brushing wet hair
  • High heat blow dry

However, every problems always come with a solution and this problem can also be treated with the help of easy and effective home remedies.

Home Remedies For Hair Growth In Children

1. Hair Care Routine


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In order to avoid hair fall or any other hair problem you need to practice a good hair care routine of your child. We tend to ignore hair care if the child have soft and smooth hair, this ignorance can lead to early hair fall.

Inculcate the habit of proper hair care to your child and make them educated on how important it is to take care of our body including hair.

Some tips for hair care are as follows

  1. Do not use harsh chemical based products for children.
  2. Wash the hair at least 2- 3 times a week with mild sulphate free shampoo.
  3. Always use lukewarm or cold water for washing hair, hot water can be harsh on hair.
  4. Avoid using heating tools on hair and even blow dryers too.
  5. Do not brush wet hair, allow the hair to dry completely on its own before brushing.

2. Amla or Indian gooseberry


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Indian goose berry is very effecting in treating hair fall in adults and children as well. Amla contains Vitamin C, iron and carotene that deals with hair loss and even promotes hair growth.

You can use amla in two ways

1st method: Take 100 ml of coconut oil in a pan and add some dried amla pieces in it. Heat the oil for 4-5 minutes. Strain the oil and you can apply it when cool enough. Keep it for 2-3 hours or over night and then wash off.

2nd method: Take amla pulp and mix it with some lemon juice and then apply this thoroughly on the scalp and hair. Leave it for 1-2 hour and then wash the hair.

3. Hot Oil Massage


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One of the effective and best way to treat hair loss in children is by doing hot oil massage. Giving a massage will improve the blood circulation of scalp and in turn improves hair health.

All you need to do is take some coconut oil and warm it a bit in microwave, now give a gentle head massage to your child. Leave it for few hours before washing. You can do this 2-3 times a week.

4. Hibiscus


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If you have hibiscus plant in your home then no need to worry about hair loss, it is the ultimate solution for hair loss. Hibiscus contains Vitamin A, C and amino acids that work excellent for hair loss.

For using this remedy you need to take 1 cup of coconut oil, to this add 8-10 Chinese hibiscus leaves and 3-4 flowers. Heat the oil until the leaves are charred. Now strain the solution and apply it evenly on scalp and hair of your child. Leave it over night and then wash away.

5. Aloe Vera


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One of the best remedy to treat hair loss in children is aloe Vera. It is simple yet effective. Aloe Vera helps in balancing the PH level of the scalp and as well as promotes hair growth and stops hair fall.

For this extract fresh aloe vera gel from the leaf and apply it directly on the scalp. It will be very sticky and not easy to apply but just rub it on the scalp and hair. Allow it to sit for an hour and then wash.

effective home remedies for hair growth in children


Home Remedies To Treat Vomiting And Nausea In Children

Vomiting and nausea in children is not a disease, it’s just an indication that your child is suffering. It is important to settle down your child’s stomach and begin to replace the loss of fluids and nutrients in order to prevent dehydration.

Most children despise to take medicines to control this condition, but it’s quite better if you choose home remedies to control nausea and vomiting in children.

In this article we are going to see home remedies that works perfect to control vomiting and nausea in children along with the causes and symptoms of this condition.

Causes Of Vomiting And Nausea In Children

Vomiting is usually because of underlying elements such as,

  • Food allergies
  • Mental stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Indigestion
  • Empty stomach
  • Respiratory infections
  • Food poisoning
  • Motion sickness
  • Over eating
  • Accidentally swallowing some toxic or poisonous substance also lead children to vomit.
  • Some serious health issues like urinary tract infections, middle ear infections, appendicitis or even injury like a blow to the head.

Symptoms Of Vomiting And Nausea In Children

Generally, vomiting is also associated with other health conditions or as a result of general weakness.

Some of the symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Low grade fever
  • Lethargy
  • Pale skin
  • Abdominal pain
  • Increased heart beat
  • Irritability

Check out the remedies that ease the cause of nausea and vomiting in children.

Home Remedies For Vomiting And Nausea In Children

Vomiting in children tends to stop with specific medical treatment. But you can even try some remedies to stop vomiting and make your child feel better.

Increase Fluid Intake


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Vomiting can drain your child and decreases fluid content in their bodies, so the first thing you need to do is increase the fluid intake by including liquid diet. It is advised to avoid feeding solid food to your child for at least up to 12 hours after the bouts of vomiting stops.

Allow your child’s digestion to process get into place before feeding them solid food. It is essential to allow your children to drink more amount of water time to time even if the child doesn’t feel thirsty. Feed your child with light vegetable soups, ice creams, clear broths and little amount of water until he/she feels okay.



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Cinnamon helps in soothing and calming the stomach and gives you relief from the feeling of nausea and vomiting. You can make cinnamon tea by adding one tea spoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of boiling water. Strain the solution and add one table spoon of honey and make your child to drink this tea to prevent vomiting sensation.



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Lemon is capable of dealing with chronic vomiting. The vitamins and minerals in lemon will help to make up for those loss due to vomiting. The high vitamin C content in lemon is also helpful to treat vomiting sensation by boosting body’s immunity.

Even the acid present in lemon helps to kill bacteria that cause food poisoning and lead to vomiting.

  • Squeeze fresh lemon in a glass of water and add one table spoon of honey and give it to your child to drink it for 2-3 times in a day.
  • You can even allow your child to smell the fresh lemon peel to get relief from nausea and vomiting.

Fennel Seeds


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Fennel seeds are considered as one of the best remedy to soothe digestive track and get relief from nausea and vomiting. The anti microbial properties in fennel seeds often helps in killing the bacteria that cause stomach flu and prevent causing vomiting.

  • Add one table spoon of crushed fennel seeds in a cup of boiling water and allow it to steep for few minutes.
  • Strain the solution and allow your child to drink this tea for 1-2 times in a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar


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The anti microbial properties in apple cider vinegar works excellent to prevent nausea and vomiting. The acidic nature in vinegar also provides calming effect to your stomach and even helps in detoxification too.

Add one table spoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and a table spoon of honey. Allow your child to drink this mixture for 2-3 times in a day to get complete relief from vomiting and nausea.

Home remedies to treat vomiting and nausea in children

Additional Tips:

  • Do not over counter the medicines until unless they have been specifically prescribed by your child pediatrician.
  • Don’t allow your child to eat anything in solid form for at least an hour.
  • Help your child to take enough rest and sleep to prevent nausea and vomiting.
  • Deep breathings help your child to control the motion sickness.
  • Keep your child away from fried foods, fatty foods and all types of processed foods.
  • Avoid feeding your child large meals, instead opt for several small meals that allow him to get digested easily.





5 Reasons For Bad Breath In Children

One of the most common question asked by parents to dentist is why do their children have bad breath? Bad breath is not a big problem , it seems to affect your children all day long and may go away easily.

It’s better to know the cause of bad breathe in your children and treat them wisely to lead a healthy day.

Causes Of Bad Breath

The major cause for bad breath in children and toddler is development of bacteria within the mouth. This happens when they do not brush their teeth regularly and breath through their mouth instead of their nose.

Many children don’t like to brush their teeth thoroughly, which often leads to buildup of bacteria on their teeth and tongue and cause bad breath.

Breathing through their mouth will lead to dry mouth, one of the leading causes for bad breath. Even though the teeth of children are temporary, it’s important to take them for regular checkup with dentist to maintain oral hygiene.

Apart from these two reasons, this article will help you to know more 5 reasons for bad breath in children.

Let’s see other 5 reasons for bad breath in children.

5 Reasons For Bad Breath In Children

  1. Sinus Infection:


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Have you noticed your child with stuffy nose and sore throat in recent days, this might be sinus infection.  Sinus infection will cause fluid to collect in the nasal passages and make it a platform for certain bacteria in your mouth. It makes it difficult for your child to speak and breathe.

This stinky breathe will not be cured through mouthwashes or tooth brushes. It’s time to reach out to your doctor for better treatment for your infection.

  1. Swollen Tonsils:


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If your child’s tonsils are red and inflamed, it will definitely lead to cause of bad breath. Because healthy tonsils will look pink and spot free, bacteria is collected in the pits of the tonsils and lead to sour smell of infection and this causes bad breath in children.

If the tonsils are inflamed and red then your doctor may prescribe antibiotic to treat the problem.

  1. Poor Oral Hygeine:


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This is one of the most common causes for bad breath for children, when plaque and bacteria are not brushed away properly then it leads to the infection and infected gums lead to bad breath. Even the best brushing and oral hygiene will not protect the child from bad breath caused by tooth decay and gum diseases.

If your child is suffering with tooth decay or any type of gum diseases should consult doctor immediately.

  1. Foreign Object:

Many children unknowingly place or put many foreign objects in their mouth such as toys, food and nick nacks.

If you see your child’s nostrils are running and having bad breath, then it means that some foreign object has stucked in his nose. It’s time to reach out to doctor immediately.

  1. Tongue:


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The grooves of your children tongue becomes house for bacteria that result in bad breath. So, it’s important to brush your teeth and clean their tongue as well regularly to prevent build up of bacteria or accumulation of odor causing  bacteria in mouth.

5 Best Home Remedies To Treat Grey Hair In Kids

Grey hair is quite natural after 40 years, but grey hair in kids is quite uncommon and scary. If your child is having grey hair don’t pluck it off when you see it, because it leads to increase in number, instead try to find out the solution. No worries, this article will help you to find out the solution, keep on reading.

Lack of essential nutrients and vitamins in regular diet is the major cause for premature graying of hair in kids. Fortunately, there are some home remedies to reduce graying of hair to kids.

Here are 5 such amazing home remedies to treat grey hair in kids easily and help them to get rid out of this problem permenantly.

5 Best Home Remedies For Grey Hair In Kids

If your kid is suffering from premature graying of hair, then consult your doctor to know the reason or simply try the below home remedies to prevent them completely.

1. Indian gooseberry (Amla) and Almond Oil

Amla fruit is high in vitamin c, flavonoids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals which are essential for maintaining natural hair color. This amazing fruit also helps to treat dry itchy scalp in your kids. Almond oil nourishes and conditions hair.

What You Need To Do

Mix equal amount of almond oil and amla oil in a small bowl. Gently massage this mixture on the scalp. Leave it overnight before you wash it off. This will help to get rid of premature graying of hair easily.

2. Yogurt And Yeast

Yogurt is one of the best ingredients for getting natural color to hair without causing any side effects.

What You Need To Do

Mix yogurt with a table spoon of yeast and drink it regularly, it will give you beneficial results.

3. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves is not only used for adding flavor to your dishes, it is loaded with numerous health benefits like protecting the natural color of hair.

What You Need To Do

Boil handful of curry leaves with required amount of coconut oil for few minutes. Then let it cool down to room temperature and massage this oil on scalp which will effectively treats grey hair.

4. Amla

5 Best Home Remedies To Treat Grey Hair In Kids

Amla acts as effective treatment in giving and maintaining natural color.

What You Need To Do

Boil few amla pieces in coconut oil and let it cool down at room temperature and gently massage your scalp with this oil. You can also soak pieces of amla overnight in water and use this water to wash your kids hair in morning.

5. Cow Milk Butter

This is also considered as one of the best remedy to treat premature graying of hair in kids.

What You Need To Do

Massage your kids scalp with little amount of butter made from cow milk and wash it off with mild shampoo after few minutes.

Repeat this process twice in a week, to treat it completely.

Home Remedies For Ear Pain In Kids

If a child is constantly crying and look restless or keep moving his ears away from you is a sign that he/she has ear pain.

Ear pain or acne is the most common condition in early childhood. This pain can be unbearable and children find it difficult to sleep, eat or to do anything they want.

There are many reasons for earaches such as infections, perforated ear drums or boils. However bacterial infection is the major cause for ear pain in children while other discomfort may be simply a result of congestion or change in air pressure.

People may think it as a silly problem but they can cause debilitating pain. Instead of waiting for medical care, some home remedies can treat this pain easily.

If the child is experiencing severe ear pain with symptoms like problem with balance, trouble in responding for quiet sounds, fever or facial swelling and clumsiness, you should immediately consult your doctor. Here are some home remedies which will help you to get rid of ear pain in kids as well as in adults too.

Before that, let’s explore to the causes of ear pain in kids.

Causes Of Ear Pain In Kids

Causes of ear pain in kids include as follows:

  • Change in air pressure
  • Congestion
  • Ear wax
  • Sinus infection
  • Sinusitis
  • Cavities

Here are some effective home remedies to help your children to get rid of ear pain for constant relief.

Home Remedies For Ear Pain In Kids

The following are simple home remedies for ear pain in kids.

1. Warm Compress

Warm compress helps to reduce inflammation and pain in the ear. It also prevents micro organism from multiplying.

  • Dip a clean wash cloth in lukewarm water and rinse the excess water from it. Now apply this cloth on the affected ear and leave it for 2-3 minutes. Repeat this process for 10 times, it may be uncomfortable for children but it provides relief.
  • Alternatively, you can place a heating pad near the affected ear for 5-10 minutes, it will also help you to get rid of ear pain easily.

2. Garlic

Garlic is an effective way to treat ear pain, due to its anti biotic properties it will reduce pain caused by ear infection in kids.

  • Heat one tea spoon of minced garlic in two table spoons of sesame oil. Let it cool down and purify the oil. Put 2 or 3 drops of garlic oil in affected ear. You can use this oil as homemade ear drops 2 or 3 times a day.
  • If you want to avoid reoccurring of ear pain for your children, then make them to eat at least one garlic clove each day.

3. Cold Compress

Cold compress is one of the best ways to reduce pain and inflammation. The cold temperature will help to numb the nerves around the ears, which in turn result in reducing pain.

  • Soak a wash cloth in cool water tub and wring out excess water from it. Now place this cloth on affected ear of your child and repeat this for more than 2-3 times to get of relief from the pain.
  • Alternatively, you can wrap some ice cubes in a towel and place it on the affected ear for some time. But never put ice directly on the skin, it can cause damage.

4. Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the best essential oil to treat skin and health issues. This oil can also help to reduce pain in the ears. Even though it is not scientifically proven, it can soothe pain in the ears.

  • Heat 2 table spoons of olive oil, once it is warm enough to touch. Put few drops of olive oil in the affected ear of your child.
  • Make sure the olive oil is no warmer than your child body temperature. But it’s still a good idea to discuss with your doctor first before following this method.

5. Over The Counter Pain Relievers

Home Remedies For Ear Pain In Kids

Over the counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen will control pain associated with ear infection. It can be used with or without antibiotics. But make sure to consult your doctor for appropriate dose for children.

6. Breast Milk

Breast milk contains natural antibodies that will speed up the process of healing the pain of the ear.

A study in 2016 has concluded that breastfeeding is a good option to protect your baby from certain infections.

  • Put a few drops of breast milk into the affected ear using a dropper to reduce the pain. Repeat it as needed.

7. Warm Steam

This is another effective method to reduce ear pain in children. Steam helps to fight against sinus infections and alleviate congestion.

The warmth of the moisture also thin the mucus to make it easier to expel.

  • Take a large bowl of full of hot water and help your child to inhale the steam for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this twice in a day.
  • For small babies, run a hot shower and close the door to prevent steam escaping from the room. Or sit with your baby in steam filled bathroom and help your baby to inhale steam at least for 30 minutes a day.

8. Sucking

Air pressure is one of the common reasons for experiencing ear pain in children. In such cases sucking helps the children to reducing the pressure in the Eustachian tubes by providing some relief.

  • Babies who are nursing will feel better when allowed and encourages to nurse as frequently as possible.
  • The children who are above 4 can even chew gum to unclog their ears and suck on hard candy or cough drops.

Additional Tips

  • Avoid overusing of antibiotics, because that may lead to anti biotic resistant infections.
  • After your child’s shower or bath, use a blow dryer in low temperature to prevent water from settling in the ears
  • Ear pain can also be controlled by using acupressure procedure too.
  • Always consult your doctor if your child has severe pain and cannot be controlled by following these home remedies.

7 Ways To Treat Fever Naturally

Fever is a natural response to illness or infections. Many people don’t know that occurrence of fever is actually good for our immune system to fight against infections.

In reality, fever is good response of our body and to know that body has capability to fight against infections. Though it is a good thing even without medications it can easily disappear after few days.

You may experience headache, dehydration, sweating, weakness, shivering and loss of appetite as symptoms when you suffer with fever.

However we have many medications to treat this condition easily, but instead of medications you can also try these simple 7 ways to get rid of fever naturally.

According to chow Johnson, a pediatrician and assistant professor at Loyola University in health system and Loyola University Strich School of medicine fever can actually help your child to recover more quickly especially when he/she fights against illness.

Dr. Jannice Sullivan said that “the main aim is not to treat fever and there is no reason to make it disappear especially when your child is well, playful and staying hydrated. But, it is very important to seek immediate medical attention for some type of fever if it persists more than 3 days in infants and children and especially if fever is more than 104degrees”.

How To Treat Fever Naturally?

Check out some home remedies to treat this normal condition and increase your comfort levels during fever.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an old remedy used by our grandparents. Even now, it is best ingredient to treat fever as well as many other health issues.

Dilute apple cider vinegar by adding few drops of carrier oil in it, then soak a couple of washcloths in it and place them on your forehead and tummy.

Alternatively, you can also add one cup of diluted apple cider vinegar in your warm bath or you can wrap a cloth which is soaked in this solution to the soles of patient feet.

  1. Warm Bath

Cold bath can discomfort and make you feel awkward if you are suffering with fever, but a warm bath will help you release temperature from your body.

Depending on your comfort you can have bath warm or extra warm will be helpful, especially when a cup of any essential oil added in it.

  1. Garlic

7 Ways To Treat Fever Naturally

Due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties, garlic has ability to reduce not only fever but also many skin infections.

To reduce fever, you can give your child soups with garlic or you can massage the feet of the child with garlic and olive oil before going to bed for few days.

  1. Use Some Herbals

Herbals are known to treat many infections and  are essential for proper functioning of your immune system. Use some Herbals such as yarrow, Fever-few, elderberry or bone-set to make an infusion. Give it to feverish child to drink it or make it into a smoothie pop.

  1. Gelatin

Gelatin is a wonderful component that helps in improving your digestive system, sleep and support immune system. Gelatin is derived from several animals with several methods and can be used for several purposes.It can treat fever easily as its soothing and easy digestible source of nourishment.

  1. Calcium

One small study on the patients who were suffering from dengue fever, was found that supplementation of calcium and vitamin D reduce the duration of overall symptoms of illness.Try to include calcium rich foods in patient’s diet to reduce the illness easily, even supplements is also a better choice.

  1. Bone Broth

This is followed by our grandparents and even our great grandparents. Even several researchers have concluded that chicken soup contain number of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial in medicinal activity.

Even nourishing broth also plays a major role in healing our body and it also supports healthy immune function by stimulating white blood cells to fight against unwanted microbes.