Home Remedies to Reduce Gum Swelling

Swollen gums are also called as gingival swelling in medical condition. Well, this is very common problem these days. Pain due to swollen gums gives us lot of discomfort and makes our daily life difficult.

If you want to get rid of this problem by going to dentist, it feels scary. So that’s the reason we came here with amazing home remedies to get rid of gum swelling or swollen gums.

First of all we need to know about causes and symptoms, and then we will jump into remedies later. Keep on reading the article to know every bit of information to reduce gum swelling.

Causes of Swollen Gum

There are number of reasons for swollen gums. Some of them are as follows:

  • Viral and fungal infection in mouth
  • Irritation due to dental fixtures
  • Lack of vitamins like vitamin A and C can also lead to formation of swollen gums.
  • Allergies and sensitivity to dental products
  • Gum injuries
  • Pregnancy
  • Cavities also leads to swollen gums.
  • Even a gum disease called gingival infection plays a major role in formation of swollen gums.

Symptoms Of Swollen Gums

The following are some of the symptoms for swollen gums:

  • Pain in gums
  • Bad breath
  • Increase in gap between teeth
  • Bleeding of gums.

Here, are most effective home remedies to reduce gum swelling and relieve you from the pain.

Best Home Remedies For Swollen Gums

  • Salt Water

Salt water is one of the most commonly used home remedy to treat oral problems. This is most effective and prevents the growth of bacteria which cause infection and dental diseases.

Their anti inflammatory property helps to alleviate swelling and neutralize the mouth PH and soothes inflamed gums.

What You Need

One tea spoon of salt

One glass of warm water

Directions to Use

Mix a tea spoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth. Repeat it in the morning and night and even after having meals regularly.

Note:This is temporary solution for your pain.

  • Ginger

As we know ginger is rich in many wonderful vitamins and mineral along with its anti inflammatory and anti oxidants properties which helps to reduce swelling in your gums.

What You Need

A small piece of ginger

½ tea spoon of salt.

Directions to Use

Crush the ginger and add salt to it, and make it as a paste. Try to rub this paste on your gums for few minutes and leave it for 12-15 minutes.

Then rinse your mouth with normal water. Repeat this for 2-3 times regularly to see good results.

  • Baking Soda

Baking soda is often used by many people to treat oral and dental problems. This is the best remedy to treat swollen gums. Being an antiseptic and antibacterial agent it reduces the infections causing swelling in your mouth.It even soothes the tender skin and reduces the inflammation of your gums.

What You Need

1 teaspoon of baking soda

Pinch of turmeric.

Directions To Use:    

All you have to do is mix baking soda with turmeric and massage your gums with this mixture. Then rinse your mouth with clean and fresh water.

Repeat this method for at least every day morning and evening.

  • Clove Oil


Home Remedies to Reduce Gum Swelling

Clove oil is used as an ancient remedy from centuries to treat dental problems. Clove oil is rich in eugenol, which has excellent anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties that help to get rid of swollen gums and even tooth aches.

What You Need

½ table spoon of olive oil

Few drops of clove essential oil

Directions To Use

Mix clove essential oil with olive oil to make it diluted. By using a cotton ball dab it against your swollen gums and hold it for few minutes to get rid of swollen gums and tooth acne.

  • Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is rich in anti bacterial and anti inflammatory and even anti microbial properties. Mustard oil helps to stimulate the blood flow near the affected area and relieves the inflammation.

What You Need

1 table spoon of mustard oil

Pinch of salt

Directions To Use

Take a table spoon of mustard oil in your palm and add a little bit of salt then mix it well.

Now massage the affected area with this mixture for few minutes and split it out and rinse it off with Luke warm water.Repeat it twice or thrice to get rid of swelling in gums.

  • Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel has many benefits over skin health and it is also effective in treating periodontal Condition. Aloe Vera has anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti inflammatory, anti infectious and anti septic properties which help in fighting against various diseases which cause oral issues. It not only treats the swelling of gums it also helps in treating bleeding gums too.

What You Need

A Table Spoon of Aloe Vera gel

Directions To Use

Extract aloe Vera gel from fresh aloe Vera leaf and apply on your gums. Leave for few minutes and then rinse your mouth with fresh water.Repeat this regularly to reduce swelling of gums.

  • Lemon Juice

Lemons are rich in anti microbial components which help in reducing infection and bacteria which cause swelling in your gums. It also helps to balance Ph levels in your body.

What you Need

One table spoon of lemon water

One glass of warm water

Few drops of rose essence

Directions To Use

Add table spoon of lemon juice in a glass of warm water and few drops of rose essence and mix it well. Gargle with  it twice regularly to get rid of swollen gums.

  • Tea Bags

Tea bags contain tannins which are known to reduce inflammation in gums. This is one of the best remedy to treat oral diseases. It also acts as a good anti oxidant in our body.

What You Need

One tea bag

One glass of hot water

Directions To Use

Leave this tea bag in boiling water for about 3 minutes. Then remove it and allow it to cool in room temperature.Place this bag on swollen gums and leave it for 10-15 minutes then rinse your mouth with Luke warm water. Repeat this daily once for few days to see good results.              

How to Get Rid of Wisdom Tooth Pain

Pain in wisdom tooth is often faced by many people. It can be unbearable and causes discomfort and even hamper your day to day activities.  Basically wisdom tooth pain can be constant for some people, while others experience pain and discomfort only when they chew food or by touching that area.

People often decide to remove them, because these tooth can cause extreme pain and discomfort. How this pain can be treated? How we can rid of Wisdom tooth pain?

Pain in wisdom tooth can resolve by its own, but sometimes it needs treatment. Here are some of home remedies to treat this tooth pain without any harmful effects.

Before that, we will see the causes of wisdom tooth pain.

Causes of Wisdom Tooth Pain

  • If your wisdom tooth has become crooked and can’t fit properly in your mouth, it can cause pain.
  • Any infection in your teeth may also lead to pain in your wisdom tooth
  • Regardless of cause, painful wisdom tooth can really impact on your overall oral health and should be treated immediately.
  • Wisdom tooth pain can also come slowly and gradually and can be shrugged off or perhaps mistaken for something else.

The first step you need to take, if you experience any pain in your wisdom tooth is, consult your doctor immediately to evaluate the area, to know whether it’s a real cause of tooth pain or not.

How to Get Rid Of Wisdom Tooth Pain

Here are some home remedies to get rid of wisdom tooth pain.

  1. Clove For Wisdom Tooth Pain

The first thing we require to treat wisdom tooth is clove. This is the perfect remedy to treat wisdom tooth. It reduces not only the pain as well as any other tooth acne problems.

Its anaesthetic and analgesic properties can numb the pain and its anti bacterial and anti septic properties will prevent the cause of infection. Both clove buds and clove oil can be used to reduce the pain.

How To Use It

Dip a cotton ball in clove oil and place it on the painful wisdom tooth surrounding gum area. Re-apply 2 or 3 times a day. Make sure you have diluted the oil by mixing it with little amount of water if it is too strong.

Alternatively, crush a fresh garlic clove, a little rock salt, and few drops of clove oil to make a paste. Apply thick coat of it on swollen area and around your gum and leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water and repeat it for twice in a day.

  1. Onions For Wisdom Tooth Pain

Onions contain anti septic, anti bacterial and anti microbial properties, that will provide you relief from the pain of wisdom tooth.It also helps in fighting against the germs which causes pain in your gums.

How To Use It:

Simply chew a piece of raw onion for few minutes.

If you are unable to chew raw onion because of pain and swelling in your mouth. Place a piece of raw onion on the affected area and leave it for few minutes.

  1. Asafoetida For Wisdom Tooth Pain

How to Get Rid of Wisdom Tooth Pain

Asafoetida has been used from long time in ayurveda to treat various diseases and medical conditions including tooth acnes. It’s a resinous gum having pungent smell and is commonly used as a flavouring agent in Indian cooking.

It also contains asaresinottenol and feluric acid which has anti-inflammatory and anti septic properties. All these constituents make this a good remedy for treating wisdom tooth pain.

How To Use It: 

Mix asafoetida and a table spoon of lemon juice in a bowl. Slightly heat this mixture; it just needs to be lukewarm. Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and place this compress against your aching wisdom tooth. You may instantly feel relief from the pain.

  1. Wheat Grass Juice For Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wheatgrass juice is rich in chlorophyll, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Chlorophyll is an excellent anti bacterial which inhibits the growth of bacteria. It has the capability to neutralise toxins in your body.Wheat grass juice is one of the best remedy to treat wisdom tooth pain.

How To Use It

Fill your mouth with wheatgrass juice and hold it for about 5 minutes, then split it out which will pull out all the toxins, bacteria from your bacteria.

  1. Cabbage Leaves For Wisdom Tooth Pain

Cabbage is used from ancient days to treat wounds and swellings. Cabbage is an excellent anti inflammatory properties and rich in content of lactic acid, where lactic acid acts as a powerful anti bacterial agent.Cabbage juice helps in relieving pain associated with wisdom tooth.

How To Use It

Take a cabbage leaf and roll it up and insert it between your aching tooth and gums. Leave it for few minutes and remove it then wash it with normal water.

  1. Peppermint For Wisdom Tooth Pain

Peppermint oil is one of the oldest remedies for tooth acne just like clove. Its anti bacterial, anti viral and anti soothenic properties helps in reducing the pain due to wisdom tooth and kills the bacteria.

How To Use It

Take a little amount of peppermint oil on your finger tips and rub the area smoothly with this oil and make sure you do not ingest it. You can also use a cotton ball for applying peppermint oil on your wisdom tooth.

  1. Tea Tree Oil For Wisdom Tooth Pain

Tea Tree Oil has many benefits , it treats all type of skin infections including the pain of wisdom tooth. Its antibacterial, antiviral and antifngal properties help to relieve you from various infections and pain for tooth acne.This essential oil also has mild anaesthetic effect which can numb your aching area.

How To Use It

Take a little amount of tea tree oil on your finger tips and rub it over affected area. It may feel strong initially make sure you have diluted the oil by adding a little amount of water in it.

Or you may use ½ table spoon of olive oil to make it diluted and apply this mixture on the affected area to get instant relief from wisdom tooth pain.

12 All Natural Toothache Remedies Your Dentist Doesn’t Want You to Know About

Around the world the most common complaint heard by dentists is tooth pain. It is very common problem and people depend totally on medications and suggestion of experts to get rid of their pain.

Even though modern medicine have its own way to treat tooth ache, natural remedies will help you to avoid visiting dentist and gives you extraordinary results.

Before that, we will see the causes of tooth ache.

Causes of Tooth Ache

Well it is a known fact that cavities play a major role in causing tooth ache, well there are other causes of tooth ache, which are as follows.

  • Infected gums
  • Tooth decay
  • Abscessed tooth
  • Tooth fracture
  • Tooth eruption
  • A damaged filling

People choose many medicines to treat their pain, but they come up with numerous side effects and deal with lot of chemicals. So, this article help you with 12 wonderful home remedies which can be used anywhere, anytime to avoid your tooth ache.

12 Home Tooth Ache Remedies

Here we go with the natural remedies for tooth ache.

1. Clove oil

Clove oil contains antiseptic properties because of a component called eugenol which is used in modern dentistry to kill germs and relieve pain. According to some studies eugenol is effective as benzocaine in treating pain.

Add few drops of coconut oil with clove oil and dip a cotton ball in the solution. Apply it on the affected area. Whenever you feel numbness in your mouth then remove the cotton ball and rinse it off completely.

Additionally you can chew some clove leaves where you feel the pain.

2. Turmeric Paste

This powerful pack consists of antiviral and antibacterial properties which help to fight with bacteria inside mouth, gum infection, irritation and tooth stains.

To use this powerful paste, mix coconut oil, peppermint oil and turmeric and make it a paste. Instead of applying this paste to your teeth, try to brush your teeth with this paste and let it sit for few minutes before rinsing it off.

3. Salt Water Gargle

This remedy will help you to fight with infection and relieve throat pain. It also helps in reducing swelling and flushes away the present debris in mouth.

What you need to do is mix one table spoon of salt in a cup of boiling water and let it cool and just swish into mouth for 30 seconds.

4. Ginger Cayenne Paste

This is considered as an antibiotic paste which helps in reducing swelling, relieve pain and fight infection. This has been used from centuries for all sorts of pains.

In order to make it, take ginger and cayenne in equal quantity and blend it by adding some water to form a paste. Dip a cotton ball in the paste and put it directly on the aching tooth. Leave it for some time.

5. Peppermint Tea

According to a study in 2013, peppermint tea can offer complete relief from tooth ache because of its anti septic properties those knockout oral pathogens from the root.

To make this delicious and powerful tea, you need to add few peppermint leaves in your tea and boil this and then consume it. This will also help you in relieving from bad breath and reduce terrible cerebral pain.

6. Raw Garlic

12 All Natural Toothache Remedies Your Dentist Doesn’t Want

Garlic is a powerful ingredient which will help to fight against bacteria, fungi and viruses. It contains antibacterial and anti fungal properties which help in relieving tooth pain.

You just need to crush raw garlic and let it remain for few minutes, so that it can activate it s compounds. Add some salt to it and apply directly on the aching tooth. Or else you can also chew raw garlic few times in a day depending on the affected tooth.

7. Myrrh

The mild astringent properties in myrrh will help you to reduce swelling and inflammation of tooth ache. It also has additional property and advantage of decreasing microbes.

Simply simmer one table spoons of myrrh in two cup of water and leave it to cool down and use it for few times in a day.

8. Chewing Gum

Breaking a tooth may cause immense pain, chew a piece of gum and stick it on the aching tooth. It will protect the exposure end of nerve and give you temporary relief from the pain of tooth.

9. Acupressure

This is a Chinese treatment helps in relieving from pain by applying pressure on your hands which correlates with the side where you experience pain. The base of forefinger and thumb should meet.Hold it for couple of minutes to relieve from soothing endorphins.

10. Ice

Ice has power of healing pain and reducing swelling. So this can be useful even to relieve tooth pain.

Simply apply a cold compress to aching tooth, it may cause pain for few seconds but it actually clears the pain after some time.

11. Vanilla Extract

Due to its numbing properties, it provides soothing relief from tooth ache. Spot a vanilla extract on your finger and rub it over aching tooth,use this method twice day.

12. Essential Oils

According to a study in 2014, essential oils are considered to be equally effective in inhibiting plaque. A compound called chlorhexidine cause staining of teeth for long term use, so essential oils can be used as an alternative to chlorhexidine rinse.Because of its antimicrobial properties it can fight against subgingival peripathogens too.

  1. Note: In-spite of using the above mentioned remedies, if you still feel the pain then do consult your dentist.
  2. Sometimes a remedy may give you more main, in that case stop using the remedy immediately and consult a dentist.