Lungs Detox Recipe For All The Smokers Out There

Do you know, there are more than 5 billion people who are addicted to smoking and 5 million people are dying each year due to tobacco related health issues.

Well, smoker’s lungs are more damaged when compared with non smokers. So, if you want to escape from all severe issues of lungs and respiratory system, the one and only thing you need to do yourself  is quit smoking.

Everyone knows that smoking is injurious and it damages our health. Yet many people indulge in this habit, if you are one of them who want to quit smoking or find yourself often around second hand smoke then it’s important to detox your lungs to get rid of chemical buildup in the lungs.

So, what we need to do for detoxing lungs? Do we need to undergo any surgery? If you are confused and don’t know what to do, let me help you with this article. We do have natural recipe that help you to maintain healthy lungs by detoxing lungs in a simple way


Benefits Of Ingredients Used In Recipe


onion juice for long hair

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Onions are most common ingredients used in cooking. They are also rich in powerful anti oxidants and cancer fighting properties that inhibit the growth of cancer cells.


ginger as painkiller

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Ginger is enriched with numerous properties. The anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties in ginger remove excess mucus that accumulated in the lungs due to smoking. It also helps to clear your lungs and keep them healthy.



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Turmeric is popular Indian spice used in many recipes of Indian cooking. It is loaded with number of health benefits. According to a recent research it has been reveled that, turmeric is capable of treating more than 600 health issues. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins that has got antibacterial, antiviral and anti cancer properties.



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Garlic is also effective in treating a number of health issues especially asthma and other respiratory problems. The wonderful anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties in ginger helps in reducing the risk of lung cancer.

Recipe To Prepare Lung Detox


Ingredients Required
  • Few pieces of fresh ginger
  • 2 table spoons of turmeric
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 table spoons of sugar
  • Few slices of onion
  • Take a big bowl, add some water and heat it slowly.
  • Now add 2 table spoons of sugar and let it remain until it dissolves completely.
  • Then add ginger, turmeric, onion and garlic in this mixture and boil it for few more minutes.
  • Keep it on low heat for some time and turn off the flame.
  • Let it cool down at room temperature and store it in fridge.
  • Consume it regularly on an empty stomach to cleanse your liver easily.

The combination of ginger, garlic, onions and turmeric aims in working together to completely eliminate the tar build up in lungs. This mixture also helps in dissolving the toxins accumulated in your body and boosts the health of your lungs.

The anti-inflammatory properties of this mixture also allow you in preventing infections that cause cough and other respiratory diseases. Consume this detox portion at least for 2 months regularly to see desired results in your body.

They Said Apple Cider Vinegar Is Great For You, But This Is What They Didn’t Told You:


Apple cider vinegar is widely used for a lot of health-related conditions. It is known for its powerful nutritional abilities and hence can cure numerous ailments.

If appropriately used, ACV can be a single solution for a lot of health-related problems. Here is how:

Apple Cider Vinegar

Blood loss:

You can suffer from blood loss due to a lot of factors like nosebleed and injury etc. Ingesting 2 tbsp ACV mixed with one glass water can help you to improve your body’s blood clotting ability.


You can treat arthritis with this natural remedy. How?

  • Add 2 tbsp ACV and 2 tbsp honey in a glass of water.
  • Soak a soft cloth in water and apply on the joints affected with arthritis.

Also Read : 5 Tips How to Use Raw Apple Cider Vinegar for Diarrhea & Vomiting


Consuming ACV can improve the condition of dizziness in a few days.

  • Mix 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar and two tbsp honey with one glass distilled water.
  • Consume the mixture thrice daily and wait for the results.


Allergy reactions can trigger asthma, and ACV is the solution for it! Assorted nutrients of ACV can treat asthma in a few weeks:

  • Mix one tbsp ACV with one glass water.
  • Drink it regularly for rapid results.


Headaches can happen due to a lot of factors like tiredness, mental stress, prolonged illness, and medication, etc. Regular consumption of ACV can relieve almost all types of headaches.

  • Add one tbsp ACV with two tbsp honey.
  • Consume this mixture regularly to have positive results.

Hair Loss:

Factors like eczema, psoriasis, deficiency of minerals and vitamins, etc. can cause hair loss. Due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and hydrating factor, ACV can prevent hair loss.

  • Ingest one tbsp ACV with one glass water to maintain the proper health of your hair.


Acidity, indigestion, and other stomach-related problems can cause heartburn. You can treat it using ACV for a few days.

  • Consume two tbsp ACV daily with one glass water until you get the relief.


Excessive gas and bloating causes hiccups that can sometimes be very uncomfortable. No need to worry, as ACV is a perfect natural remedy for this.

  • Drink one tbsp ACV with one glass water to eradicate hiccups.


Sleep deprivation can happen due to a lot of reasons like any physical illness, mental stress, and prolonged medication, etc.

  • Soothing effects of ACV can improve the condition within a few days.
  • Consume two tbsp ACV with one tbsp honey for a few days and see the difference.


If you regularly suffer from nervousness, consume one tbsp apple cider vinegar with one tbsp honey. Also, avoid refined sugar and flour. You will see improvement within a few days.


Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and hydrating properties of ACV can improve the eczema flair-ups within a couple of weeks.

  • Take one tbsp ACV with one glass water.
  • Also, apply diluted ACV with aloe vera gel topically to speed-up the progress of healing.

These are some invaluable health effects of ACV. You should not ignore the importance of this easily available home remedy and start using it more frequently. It can singlehandedly improve a lot of health conditions. Hopefully, you got to know a lot about ACV and its effectiveness in different health problems.

Also Read: Side Effects Of Weight Loss With Apple Cider Vinegar

One Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You – Here are the 10 Signs

For any person having a heart attack is a serious medical issue, which needs immediate help. However, some symptoms tell us in advance about a heart attack.

A heart attack happens when the flow of blood to the heart abruptly blocked due to blood clots. Here, we have mentioned ten signs which warn you a month before a heart attack.

10 Signs Before a Heart Attack

One Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You – Here are the 10 Signs

1.Swollen Feet, Legs, and Ankles

When your heart does not properly pump blood to your legs, feet, or ankles, it makes them swollen. When a heart cannot pump blood at the required rate, blood backups in the veins due to this bloating occurs in the veins.


If you are always exhausted without doing any work then it indicates the approaching heart attack. Fatigue can be described as a lack of energy that increased by the end of the day.

3.Stomach Pain

Some of the most common symptoms are feeling bloated, empty or full stomach nausea, these occur to both men and women. Physical tension on anything can worsen your upset stomach pain.

Also Read: Avoid Heart Attack With These Easy Lifestyle Changes


This affects almost 50% of women and it includes a high level of anxiety. Symptoms of Insomnia are:

  • Difficulty in initiating sleep
  • Difficulty in maintaining sleep
  • Waking up early in the morning

5.Shortness of breath

It is a serious warning sign of any medical condition especially in the case of a heart attack. It often occurs 6 months before having a heart attack.

6.Hair Loss

Hair loss is measured as a visible sign of heart disease. If you are facing excessive hair loss then you must immediately consult a doctor.

7.Irregular Heartbeat

Irregular heartbeat usually occurs due to a panic attack. However, if you feel a constant change in your heartbeat then it might be a sign of approaching heart attack. Physical activities may be a cause of irregular heartbeat.

8.Excessive sweating

Excessive sweating is an initial threatening sign of a heart attack. It might occur at any time even without any physical activity. If you face excessive sweating in the night and your bedsheets are damp by morning, then you must immediately consult a doctor.

Also Read: The Best Food On Earth That Can Prevent Heart Attack And Hypertension

9.Chest pain

Both men and women suffer from chest pain. It is one of the important early signs of a heart attack. Chest pain expands to arms, shoulders, stomach, and the lower jaw. If you are constantly suffering from Chest pain immediately, contact your doctor.

10.Sore gums and jaw

Gums’ problems and heart problems are related to each other. If you feel pain from your heart going up to your gums then this is a sign of heart attack. If you feel jaw pain and chest pain together then it is something serious.

How to prevent Heart Attack?

  • Quit smoking
  • If you are overweight then start losing some weight
  • Do regular exercise
  • Eat healthy food or less fatty food
  • Consume a moderate amount of alcohol

The bottom line

Have a regular health check-up to make sure that you are not suffering from any other kind of medical problem.

Miraculous Old German Remedy for Getting Your Arteries Super Clean

We all know that we have two types of blood circulating tubes or pipes in our body. The first type is known as vein and another type is known as the artery. Through vein, we often say that bad blood flows. That means carbon dioxide mixed blood flows through veins. Through arteries, oxygen mixed blood flows. It is important that impure blood flows through the artery, as it helps people to stay healthy as well as rejuvenated.

Generally, it is found that due to our inappropriate food habit, bad cholesterol builds up in the blood that flows to the arterial tube. To keep the artery super clean, different medical science based techniques are available.

People are advised to consume foods that come with minimal cholesterol in the offering. However, that does not happen in most of the cases. In today’s fast-paced life, we fail to maintain proper as well as healthy dieting schedule. In order to keep the flowing blood in arterial tube super clean, we can adopt a few simple and old German tactics.

These tactics are described in the following section. Basically, there are a few super foods that you must consume frequently to stay protected from bad cholesterol accumulation in your artery. So, let us check these super foods in the following section.



We all know that ginger is enriched with the goodness of various natural elements. It has a lot of positive impacts on our body. You need to find dried ginger powder in the marketplace, and it is not at all difficult to be found. Regular consumption of the dried ginger powder in your foods or drinks will keep your artery protected from the ill-effects of bad cholesterol.

It helps to decrease bad cholesterol level through biosynthesis process. Nevertheless, the ginger powder can also prevent damages to the arterial walls due to fat accumulation.



The next superfood, as per the old German trick, is garlic. Those, who have an interest in cooking, obviously know that garlic and ginger come together often in various dishes. As per traditional German fitness and disease remedial scriptures, garlic has a good impact on our hearts. It can prevent heart-related diseases. Regular consumption of garlic will also keep your blood pressure level normal.

Those who are suffering from blood pressure irregularities can surely try eating garlic as frequently as possible. It is poised with antioxidants that can prevent premature aging and many other physical disorders. Garlic also helps to fight with bad cholesterol. This is why arterial blood stays super clean with garlic consumption.



The third superfood is lemon, which helps lowering down blood pressure level. Not only that, lemon has the power to detox your body. In other words, lemon juice can kill toxins in your body.

Mixing These Ingredients

Apart from consuming them separately, you can try mixing them to create a miraculous solution which will keep your arterial blood fresh. This age-old German trick is often used by many people, and the best thing is that the end product is side-effect free. To prepare the solution, you need the following things:

  • 2 liters of filtered water
  • Ginger root – 3 to 4 cm
  • Unpeeled lemon – 4 units
  • Garlic cloves – 4 units

Method to Prepare the Solution

In order to prepare the solution, you need to follow a few simple steps. These steps are:

  • The first step is cleaning and cutting. At first, you need to clean lemons and cut them into small pieces. Then, peel off the skin of ginger. Peel of the garlic too and clean properly.
  • Putt them into the blender and blend into smooth paste.
  • In a hot pot, the solution needs to be added. Now, pour some water and stir till the solution is boiling.
  • Now, you need to wait for some time to let the solution to cool down.
  • Once it comes to room temperature, pour the solution in a jar and then refrigerate.

A glass of this solution is recommended for drinking every morning at empty stomach. You can also drink one more glass before you go to sleep. Remember you should drink it at least 1-2 hours before you go to sleep. This has to be repeated religiously for 3 weeks. If you start getting a positive result, you can continue it for as long as you want. It does not have any side-effects to offer.

Miraculous Old German Remedy for Getting Your Arteries Super Clean

Simple Ways To Unclog Arteries Naturally

As we know every single organ in our body is very important to lead a healthy life,  these include arteries as well. Arteries are larger blood vessels in the body that carry oxygen from heart to different parts of the body.

Sometimes these arteries gets block due to build up of plaque in the tubes and due to cholesterol stick up to walls of the tubes. Atherosclerosis is a condition that leads to clogging of arteries, which ultimately leads to death.

Modern medicines believe that this process cannot be controlled or prevented, but recent studies have proven that it is reversible easily.

Here are some simple and easy ways to unclog your arteries naturally.

Simple Ways To Unclog Your Arteries

1. Change Your Diet

Include diet which is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and fiber which help you to prevent atherosclerosis. Avoid intake of saturated fats and Trans fats and even cut down sugary products in your regular diet.

2. Garlic

Garlic is been used from centuries to treat heart problems. It is rich in anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties which can revert the accumulation of plaque in arteries.

Garlic also lowers bad cholesterol in blood vessels and prevents the buildup of fatty deposits in blood vessels. Try to include a few garlic cloves in your regular diet.

Also Read : One Glass Of This Juice Will Unclog Your Arteries

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is considered as effective treatment for diabetes, arthritis, allergies and other chronic diseases. The anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti fungal and anti septic properties in turmeric makes it excellent ingredient to treat certain health conditions. It also helps to treat cardiovascular diseases including atherosclerosis, reduces bad cholesterol in your body and maintains normal blood circulation.

4. Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the best way to protect your cardiovascular system in all the ways you can. Because the chemicals found in cigarette damage your blood cells as well as disrupts the functioning of heart.

5. Regular Exercise

Simple Ways To Unclog Arteries Naturally

As we all know exercising regularly will makes us healthy and keeps us fit. One more advantage of regular exercise is you can reduce the development of bad cholesterol that certainly leads to formation of plaque in your arteries. Try to do aerobic exercises and a simple walk or jog for 15 minutes regularly helps to improve the functioning of your heart.

6. Maintain Healthy Weight

Being overweight make us to face many health issues including atherosclerosis. Maintain healthy weight by following regular exercise and a healthy diet. This will help you to reduce excess fat in your body and keep all health issues at bay.

7. Reduce Alcohol Intake

Regular intake of alcohol puts you at higher risk of atherosclerosis. Decrease the intake of alcohol to keep your body healthy.

8. B Vitamins

According to a study in 2015 published in journal of atherosclerosis, it has been concluded that regular intake of vitamin b from certain foods significantly reduce the thickness of arteries. So, incorporate B complex in your diet which will help you to prevent from heart diseases and save your life.

9. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is considered as one of the amazing fruit that helps to reduce accumulation of plaque in arteries. Moreover, it can also replace the function of mammalian ovary.

Also Read :  Here Are 7 Warning Signs You Have Blocked Arteries

10. L Arginine

L arginine is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps in normal functioning of blood vessels and improves blood circulation. This also helps to improve symptoms of clogged arteries and other coronary artery diseases.

This amino acid will also prevent cardiovascular diseases, improves blood flow for the people who are experiencing clogged arteries and prevent high blood pressure. L arginine is rich in turkey, chicken, pumpkin seeds etc.

How To Get Rid Of dowager’s hump With These Simple Exercises?

Dowager’s hump or postural kyphosis is a condition occurs due to slouching. It is not a very serious condition, but if not treated properly, it can cause some serious health problems like hyperkyphosis and the fracture of a vertebra.

However, if you notice a hump around at the back of your neck, you can improve the dowager’s hump by the combination of a change in some daily habits and correction in muscular imbalances. Here are some effective exercises to improve the condition of postural kyphosis.

dowager's hump

 1.Train your back muscles:

If you want to improve the dowager’s hump, you need to strengthen your upper body including neck and shoulder. For that, training the back muscles is a very handy method. The training of the back muscles can increase the muscle mass and can also burn the fat from the upper part of the body.

 Here is what to do:
  • Put both hands on the back of the neck and press them forward, pushing your head towards back with the neck muscles.
  • Keep your body in the same position for 5-10 seconds.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times.

 2.Stretch the neck muscles:

Stretching the sternocleidomastoid muscles can improve the dowager’s hump condition.

Let’s know what you need to do:

  • Stretch your head to the right side until you feel some pressure on the left side of the neck.
  • Place your right hand on the head and gently pull it down.
  • Hold the position for 30-40 seconds.
  • Repeat three times on each side.

Also Read: How to Get Rid of Dowagers Hump

 3.Release the suboccipital muscle:

Suboccipital muscles are located at the base of the neck and are sometimes responsible for improper stretching of the head. To release some tension from that area, you should find and manipulate the triggered area.

 Here’s how:
  • Place your head correctly on a tennis ball and press it with the affected area.
  • Move your head gently from side to side to release the tense muscles.
  • Keep doing this for a couple of minutes.

 4. Do a self-massage:

If you’re having a dowager’s hump, it might be possible that the muscles around the neck are abnormally tight. You can loosen them by following this technique.

  • Twist 2-3 scarves or towels together to form a thick enough braid-like band.
  • Place the band around the back of the neck having both ends in each hand.
  • Rub the band up and down gently around the neck to ease up the tension.
  • Do it for 5-7 minutes.

 5.Perform scapular squeezes:

Scapular squeezes can give instant relief from the dowager’s hump, especially if it is happened due to wrong posture or pressure on the shoulder blade.

 Here is how to perform scapular squeezes:
  • Sit straight with arms at your side.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed and down.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  • Hold for 6 seconds and then relax.
  • Keep repeating this for 8 to 10 times.

Also Read : 10 Tough Core Exercises To Flatten Your Belly

 Some tips to prevent Dowager’s hump:

You can prevent Dowager’s hump by:
  • Maintaining proper sitting posture especially when using a computer.
  • Walking straight, not with a downward posture.
  • Using soft pillows.
  • Avoiding wrong sleeping postures.
  • Avoiding unnecessary stunts or actions.

Dowager’s hump is not a very serious condition especially if given proper attention at the start. You can treat it even at home with these simple and easy to do exercises. If the condition doesn’t improve after a few days of performing these exercises, you should consult a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Here Are 7 Warning Signs You Have Blocked Arteries

Do you know having healthy heart and active brain will make you live longer? And the health of these crucial organs in our body begins with arteries. If the blood circulation is poor in the arteries then they often results in blocked or clogged arteries which lead us to experience sudden heart attacks.

Each year more than 70,000 people suffer a heart attack and more than 40,000 people die of coronary heart disease. Taking medication after knowing the disease and health condition is not only the thing we can do to protect ourselves from heart attack.

We can even protect our heart by detecting the early symptoms shown by our body.  This can lead to changes in lifestyle and medical therapies that can lead to delay the onset of heart attacks.

Have a look on those 7 early signs you should look immediately just to confirm whether you have blocked arteries or not.

1. Lower Back Pain


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You may associate with bad mattresses, but you should pay attention if that pain is coming from your lower back. Lower back pain occurs often due to less flow of blood in those parts of your body and causes disks between your vertebrae to ache.

And a reduced amount of blood flow is often from blocked arteries. Before you ignore your pain, make sure you to notice other symptoms as well.

2. Erectile Dysfunction


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In many cases, erectile dysfunction is the early signs for clogged arteries. When blood flow to the penis is reduced, results in sexual dysfunction.

According to recent studies, they found that screening men with erectile dysfunction for heart disease could prevent a million heart attacks or strokes over next 20 years.

3. Shortness Of Breath


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Shortness of breath would be considered as less specific sign of clogged arteries. You might experience shortness of breath, especially after working out or walking up some stairs.

However, if you experience shortness of breath even when you are in relaxed position then it is considered as a warning sign of blocked arteries. You have to reach out to your doctor immediately for better treatment.

4. Fatigue And Dizziness


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Poor blood flow in our body will also result in reduced oxygen flow to all the parts of your body. This leads us to experience fatigue and dizziness, especially in women.

5. Stroke


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When plaque accumulates in the arteries leading to brain will result in narrowing the flow of blood and reduces the flow of oxygen towards brain. When the brain doesn’t receive enough amount of oxygen then they tend to die and causes stroke.

6. Chest Pain


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Pain in your chest is never something to ignore, but it’s not always from the same condition. Poor blood circulation to the heart felt as pressure, tightness, squeezing and burning sensation in the heart and results in chest pain.

7. Painful Numb, Cold Hands And Feet


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It’s natural for your joints to ache, more as you age. But if you’re noticing gradual increase of pain in your hands hip, calves and thighs when you walk, and discomfort in your legs and chill in your feet, then note that this happens due to the formation of plaque in arteries.


Since blockage of arteries in one area can indicate systemic damage, medications that treat isolated symptoms may not be an effective way to treat the underlying problems. According to studies, the most powerful prescription may not hide in pills, but rather in our plates. Consuming a plant-based diet free of cholesterol and low in fat has resulted in decreasing the arterial blockages and improves blood flow in our body.

How to Use Baking Soda for Constipation Relief?


Constipation can be very uncomfortable, even painful, especially if ignored for a few days. You may suffer from constipation due to regular usage of processed food, smoking, alcohol, irregular or overeating, less water consumption etc. If it goes to the chronic stage, it can cause problems like hemorrhoids and other discomforts.

You can treat constipation with some lifestyle changes, using natural remedies and some OTC medications. Here we are discussing baking soda as a treatment for constipation. You must be aware of the effects of baking soda in skin problems, hair problems and body odours etc. Let’s find out how effective it can be in case of constipation.

Does baking soda relief constipation?

How to Use Baking Soda for Constipation Relief--min

Also known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda is a very common kitchen product. It is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and can help in constipation by:

  • Relieving stomach gas, bloating, and pain in the digestive tract.
  • Maintaining the acid-base balance inside the stomach.
  • Acting as a laxative.
  • Drawing necessary fluid into the digestive system.
  • Aiding to cleanse the colon.

 How to use baking soda for constipation:

There are numerous ways of using baking soda for constipation. Here we are discussing a few very effective methods:

Baking soda with warm water:

Consuming this in the morning can quickly give you the desired results.

 You will need:
  • 1 tbsp baking soda.
  • ¼ cup of warm (not hot) water.
 What to do:
  • Mix 1 tbsp baking soda with ¼ cup of warm water.
  • Stir properly and add a pinch of salt.
  • Drink this early in the morning to ensure proper breakdown of food and smooth passage of stool.
  • Drink at least a glass of water after having this remedy.

 Baking soda with apple cider vinegar:

The mixture may taste a bit different, but it can reduce constipation in a few days.

  • 1 tbsp baking soda.
  • 2 tbsp diluted apple cider vinegar.
 The process to follow:
  • Mix both baking soda and ACV properly.
  • Alternatively, you can add these two ingredients in a glass of water.
  • Drink the mixture twice in a day for excellent results.

 Baking soda with lemon juice:

Both baking soda and lemon are acidic and can treat almost all types of gastric system problems, including constipation.

  • 1 tbsp baking soda.
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice.
  • Mix both baking soda and lemon juice.
  • Consume regularly for rapid improvement.

Also Read : 5 Easy Ways To Remove Blackheads With Baking Soda

 Baking soda bath:

Baking soda bath is a passive treatment for constipation. It also relives the rectal pain caused by prolonged constipation.

 You will need:
  • 3 tbsp baking soda.
  • Enough water for bathing.
 What to do:
  • Fill your bathtub with warm water and add 3 tbsp baking soda.
  • Soak yourself properly for 20-30 minutes and then dry off as usual.

A report from El Camino Hospital says, soaking in warm water with baking soda can soothe the pain caused by constipation.

Tips and precautions while using baking soda for constipation:

Although baking soda is an effective treatment for constipation, there are some precautions you should keep in mind while its usage.

  • Excess intake of baking soda can even increase constipation.
  • Baking soda is high in sodium and hence can be harmful to people suffering from heart and kidney diseases.
  • Some potential side effects of baking soda include vomiting, diarrhoea, irritability, abdominal pain and convulsions etc.

So, that’s all about baking soda as a treatment for constipation. You can surely rely on it if you are having prolonged constipation. But, with some precautions.

Health Benefits Of Ginger Tea Recipe

Ginger tea is considered a beneficial plant that contains unlimited medicinal properties. Frequent consumption of the ginger decreases inflammation, increases digestion and improves the immunity power of a person. Many oils such as gingerol, zingerone, and shogaol comprise ginger aroma and flavor.

Ginger is a powerful source of anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-parasitic. It functions effectively in the case of reducing asthma, decreasing pain and enhancing immunity power. People prefer ginger tea for improved cardiovascular health maintenance and serve as a power source to fight against antibodies.


Health benefits of ginger tea recipe

  1. When an individual consumes a ginger tea, it helps them to preserve their hydration level. It is the fact that more fluid present in the kidney then it expels more amount of toxin through urine. A right urine volume assists in the get rid of kidney stones that affect the health of a person. The kidney stones get dissolved, eliminating the need for consuming other drugs for kidney stones.
  1. Ginger tea makes a person urinate more times in a day that naturally leads to the removal of toxins in urine as well as prevent the stones formed in the kidney. Ginger tea comprises of citrate that helps to eliminate the stone formation in the kidney.
  1. Additionally, lemon juice or orange juice added to the ginger tea to obtain the increased health benefits. Ginger tea reduces alanine aminotransferase and inflammatory cytokines when ginger tea consumed for 12 weeks. It improves the functionality of the liver by enhancing the metabolism.

Also Read: How To Dissolve Kidney Stones Naturally Without Surgery

  1. The ginger contains a compound called 6 – gingerol that serves as an anti-cancer agent. It is used to restrain the propagation of cancer cells. Ginger comprises anti-carcinogenic, which is an exceptional supplement that helps to preserve the youthfulness and eliminate the occurrence of a tumor in the human body.
  1. It also avoids angiogenesis in tumors. Scientific communities view ginger as a supreme controller of cancer growth cells. Ginger possesses a proven record to the battle against cancer than the chemotherapeutic drugs. It destroys only the cells that cause cancer and leaves the healthy cells, whereas in the case of chemotherapy it destroys both the cancer cells and healthy cells.
  1. The hepatoprotective property of the ginger assists the kidney to function properly. It eliminates the toxins that are present in the liver. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory compound that avoids liver cancer. Consumption of ginger tea reduces the occurrence of stroke in individuals. It decreases the presence of cholesterol levels in the human body.
  1. If you consume ginger tea, then your body provided with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other supplements that maintain the fitness of the body. Ginger tea possesses a warming effect that enhances the blood circulation to various parts of the body.

Thus, it offers a clear understanding that the consumption of ginger tea offers unlimited health benefits never gained from other sources. Perfect health fitness achieved by ginger tea throughout the life period undoubtedly.

How to Get Rid of Hickey in Minutes – 10 DIY Methods

What is hickey?

Now a day’s hickey is a common incidence, also known as a kiss mark or love bites. It is actually known as bruise. Hickieys results from kissing or sucking the skin too hard, it causes broken capillaries & polling blood that turns the skin red or purple.

They are usually not painful or dangerous for the receiver and mean different to different people. Most people want to know whom they can be given to. A hickey is not sexual category but both men & women can get one from their colleague.

How long do Hickeys last?

If you have a hickey, you obligatory raise a question that how long does a hickey last?  But hickey is not a permanent mark; it fades with time and does not leave any scar behind. However, hickeys may stay behind for some time because of:

  • Hardness: some hickeys are more severe than others & take a longer time to cure. The damage done to the blood vessels in the skin will take time to fade away.
  • Personal health: your personal health will also affect how long you will have to live with a hickey.

How to Get Rid of a Hickey

Below are the top 10 ways to remove hickieys fast:

1 Cold Compress

By doing cold compress you can constricts the broken blood capillaries & reduces bleeding.

  • Take one ice piece in a paper towel & force down it against your skin for about 10-15 mins several times a day. Ice piece will help you in prevent swelling around the hickey & reduces the pain.

Note: If you have sensitive skin then do not apply ice piece directly on the skin because it can cause an ice burn.

  • Take a spoon and keep it in refrigerator for about 10 mints. Then, wrap the spoon in a cloth & lightly rub it over the affected skin area. Do this several times a day until the hickey is disappeared.

2 Massage

Massage has the ability to reduce hickey on your affected skin area. You can also use any essential oil to massage it. Massage the hickey by placing your two fingers on the affected area by rubbing or moving your fingers in circular motion in one direction.

By massaging the hickey you may observe a few outlines, but this is rare. How effective massaging is on a hickey depends on it severity.

3 Rubbing Alcohol

Alcohol has the cooling, calming & disinfectant properties that help to get rid of a hickey quickly. It is seen as the fastest way to get rid of a hickey.

Apply alcohol by rubbing to the hickey by a ball of cotton. Smoothly massage the area for several mins to assist minimizes any discomfort. If you have completed doing so, make sure to apply a moisturizing lotion because rubbing alcohol can dry out the skin. Rubbing alcohol to a hickey should be done a few times a day for 1 or 2 days.

4 Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is natural moisturizer well known for its anti inflammatory & soothing qualities. It helps in reducing the sensitivity of the affected skin area.

  • Extract aloe Vera gel and massage the gel into bruise. Repeat this 2 or 3 times a day.
  • In case if you don’t have aloe Vera plant at home, you can use an aloe Vera based cream or lotion & apply it on the affected skin area 2 or 3 times a day for 2 to 3 days.

Also Read: Top 10 Home Remedies to Remove Skin Tags Naturally

5 Banana Peel

Banana peel also consist some amount of soothing properties & cooling properties that can help you in minimize your hickey fast.

  • Take peel of a ripe banana to size of your hickey.
  • Place inside of the peel on the bruise for 10-30 mints.
  • Repeat this 2-3 times a day to reduce the manifestation of the bruise.

6 Vitamin K

Vitamin K also has the properties to prevent coagulation (blood clots) & therefore can be used to treat bruise. This vitamin helps your body to stay reabsorb pooled blood & speed up the healing process.

  • Apply a lotion or cream rich in vitamin K to the hickey, 2 to 3 times a day until the bruise has vanished.
  • Make a habit of eating more vitamin k ingredients such as brown rice, spinach, soybean oil, and fish etc,
  • You can also take vitamin K supplements to facilitate the healing process.

7 Peppermint

  • Apply peppermint oil gently on the affected skin area. In the beginning there will be an itching sensation, but it will rapidly depart.
  • Do not use this remedy further than twice a day, as it can create irritation on the skin.
  • You can even use some peppermint based tooth paste on the affected area for a few mins.
  • Once the burning or itching has stopped, swab it off with a warm washing cloth.
  • Do not use this remedy more than once a day.

8 Orange

We all know that orange has good quality source of vitamin K, which is very important for healing of bruises. The vitamin also has bleaching properties that can help clear hickeys as soon as possible.

Sip orange juice as soon as possible when you perceive a hickey. You can also prepare & apply an orange pack directly on the affected skin area. The use of orange can remove a hickey rapidly.

9 Cocoa Butter

It also has effective healing agents for hickeys & other bruises. It promotes the growth of skin tissue & is an exceptional moisturizer. If you decide to use cocoa butter to take away your hickey, be relevant  after a warm squeeze to increase its effectiveness. Do not forget to massage the area for a while after application of cocoa butter.

10 Arnica Salve

It is a medically proven healing ointment.  It helps in plummeting the soreness & swelling when applied to hickey. It also has the ability to repair the broken blood capillaries in the skin. For best results use this Arnica salve it can do better for you.