How to Remove Blackheads with Duct Tape

Blackheads are tiny bumps that usually affect the skin of your face or nose due to clogged hair follicles. They occur on your face or nose when different types of impurities like dirt and pollutants trap inside your skin pores. Natural oil under your skin gets more rigid and make your facial and nasal skin dark. These tiny black, dots are very tough to remove. Some people find exfoliation as an effective way to remove blackheads. However, if you want to remove them immediately, duct tape for blackheads can be the best bet.

In this guide, we will address everything about blackheads and duct tape. Is it safe to use duct tape for your skin? Is duct tape a useful blackheads removal trick? Are there some other alternatives? And more. But before talking in detail about duct tape, let’s talk about some crucial aspects of blackheads first.

What Causes Blackheads?

Sometimes, blackheads are confused with other skin conditions like acne, follicles, staph, and rosacea etc. But to ensure correct blackheadsremoval, you have to identify them correctly.

Blackheads are formed due to the development of a clog or plug in the hair follicles’ opening of your skin. Each follicle homes one hair and an oil-producing sebaceous gland. The oil, known as “sebum” is vital to keep your skin soft and supple. Your skin follicles regularly collect the dead skin cells and oils, and produce a very common facial or nasal bump known as “comedo”. When the skin covering this bump is closed, it is known as “whiteheads”. On the other hand, it is called as “blackheads” when the bump is opened and exposed to the air and other foreign particles.

Some factors that are known for increasing the chances of developing blackheads are:

  • Excessive production of oil under your skin.
  • A constant build-up of the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria on your facial or nasal skin.
  • Excessive oil production due to various hormonal changes. Your body may undergo hormonal surge during different conditions, including teen years, menstruation, pregnancy, among others. Birth control pills are also responsible for rapid hormonal fluctuations.
  • Certain drugs like androgens, corticosteroids, and lithium etc. also cause different skin appearances, including blackheads.
  • When the dead skin cells don’t leave your skin for a long time, your skin may get irritated and develop blackheads.

Are there Blackheads Symptoms?

Spotting or identifying blackheads is very easy, as they look dark in color with very tiny, dotted bumps. There is no specific symptom of blackhead, as they don’t cause any inflammation or pain on the affected skin. Rarely, when different bacteria invade the hair follicles’ blockages, you may notice inflammation and redness of the skin.

Duct Tape for Blackheads

There can be a wide range of options when we talk about treatment for blackheads. And various researches back duct tape as an effective way to remove blackheads. Duct tape is not something Alien – it’s a simple adhesive tape placed on the skin surface and removed after a while. Using duct tape is not only safe but very easy as well. And the best thing is, you can use it without any assistance from your family or friend. 

Is it Possible to Remove Blackheads Using Duct Tape?

A lot of people don’t give much attention to duct tape as an effective blackhead remover. But if you go through some researches, you will find that it is more than just possible to remove blackheads with the help of duct tape. As we said earlier, duct tape is not something alien; it is a simple, skin-friendly adhesive tape that is placed on the skin affected with blackheads and removed after sometime to remove blackheads with it. Here is how you can use duct tape for blackheads.

How to Remove Blackheads with duct tape?

Many people are still not aware of black tape as a very effective blackhead remover. But you will be surprised by the results. Here is a simple yet result-oriented technique you should know to finally get rid of blackheads without going through complicated and painful procedures.

  • Wash your face with clean, cold water.
  • Use a gentle, chemical-free face wash containing at least 3% of salicylic acid.
  • Apply the face wash properly on your face, focusing mainly on blackheads.
  • Now, massage the blackheads-affected area for a few minutes, working on the tiny pores, ensuring the face wash can properly get inside the pores.
  • Dab your face dry with a washed, soft cloth – cotton cloth will be the best option.
  • Avoid rubbing your face harshly.
  • Now, cut the duct tape according to your requirement.
  • Place the duct tape very gently using your fingers for proper, correct placement.
  • Start removing the tape after five odd minutes. Ensure pulling the tape very quickly to avoid prolonged suffering.
  • Using duct tape for blackheads can be a bit painful. But with promising results, it worth giving a try.

Using Duct Tape for Blackheads Does Not Cause Capillary Breakage

There is a big misconception about duct tape that it breaks down the blood capillaries. But it’s far from the truth because you can remove the duct tape very quickly without causing any damage to your skin or tissues.

Duct Tape Doesn’t Even Increase Your Nasal Pores

If you are hesitant before using duct tape thinking that it may increase the size of pores, you should not be. Because there is nothing like that with duct tape at all, if you feel some discomfort, some other conditions may be responsible. You should not blame duct tape for it.

When Should You Not Use Duct Tape for Blackheads?

Duct tape is usually safe for your skin, but you should not use it if blackheads are accompanied by some other skin conditions such as:

  • Acne: Acne commonly affects your face, chest, neck, shoulders, and upper back. At times, acne can be a condition in which you may get blackhead, whiteheads, deep and painful cysts, pimples or nodules etc. If acne is left untreated, may leave dark skin or scars for a very long time.
  • Rosacea: Rosacea is a chronic skin disease with symptoms like red, raised bumps, facial redness, skin sensitivity, facial flushing, and skin dryness etc. It goes through various cycles of fading and relapse and is usually triggered by alcoholic beverages, stress, spicy foods, sunlight, and Helicobacter Pylori bacteria.
  • Cold Sore: Sometimes, a cold sore is also mistaken for blackheads. Cold sore may cause similar-looking fluid-filled blisters around lips and mouth. But cold sore is usually accompanied by other symptoms like low fever, swollen lymph nodes, body pain etc.
  • Hives: Raised, itchy welts usually caused due to an exposure to allergens. Hives are warm, pinkish-red, and are painful to touch. They can be of varied sizes and shapes but are usually round, and ring-shaped.
  • Actinic Keratosis: They are usually of size less than 2 cm, form crusty, scaly, and thick patches. Usually pink in color, but may appear gray, brown or tan etc.
  • Measles: Red rashes affecting the face as well as other parts of the body. Symptoms may include cough, runny nose, loss of appetite, sore throat, and watery eyes etc.
  • Lupus: Characterized by ring-shaped, red, scaly patches commonly affecting the face, neck, forearms, shoulders, and upper torso. Other symptoms may include headaches, fever, fatigue, and painful joints etc.
  • Seborrheic Eczema: Skin under mustaches is commonly affected by seborrheic eczema, characterized by scaly, white, flaky patches. The skin may get red, oily, greasy, or itchy. Rashes may cause loss of hair if left untreated.

These skin conditions are sometimes mistaken for blackheads. If you are planning to use duct tape to remove blackheads, or for any other treatment, identifying them correctly is very important.

Also Read: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Really Good Against Shingles?

Some Other Tips to Remove Blackheads

Although duct tape is a useful option to get rid of blackheads, some people may find it intimidating as peeling; it indeed can cause a bit of pain. If you are also one of them, we have some other blackheads best treatment for you.

Exfoliate Your Skin

If you haven’t exfoliated your skin yet, it might be the best time to give it a try. Removing the dead skin cells from under your skin should be the ultimate goal to remove blackheads finally. And exfoliating your skin with a suitable natural rub can be immensely helpful. We recommend you to exfoliate your skin once a week to use it as a blackhead remover.


Regular facials can also help get rid of blackheads. But you have to ensure using the right product. We recommend using only non-comedogenic products which are mainly made for not clogging the pores.

Baking Soda

Baking soda can be perfect for blackheads below eyes. Compose a paste with water and baking soda, and apply evenly on the areas affected with blackheads. Scrub the paste on the skin for a few minutes before washing off. Repeat baking soda treatment twice a week for best results.

Egg White Mask

Thanks to the skin tightening qualities, egg whites can be proved as a decent blackheads’ remover ingredient. Egg whites can shrink your pores when you apply them directly and can force the blackheads out without any harsh effect on the skin. As they are rich in nutrients, egg whites can improve skin texture and remove excessive oil.

Lemon, Honey and Salt

Lemon is known for its astringent qualities. On the other hand, fine granules of salt make it an excellent, non-abrasive skin scrubber. And honey will maintain the much-needed moisture of the skin as well as, it will also keep the harmful germs away.

  • Add these natural ingredients to prepare a paste.
  • Apply on blackheads and scrub gently in a circular motion for a minute or so.
  • Now, wear the mixture for about five minutes before washing with warm water.
  • Repeat a week thrice regularly to see the difference.


Steaming is not only known for removing the blackheads effectively, but it can also be surprisingly useful to avoid blackheads formation in the future. When you steam your face, your face starts removing toxins thanks to an increase in sweating. Steaming also starts softening your facial and nasal pores and removes blackheads easily.


Tomatoes are a notable source of vitamin A and C and are also packed with skin brightening, pore shrinking, and oil-absorbing properties. Tomatoes can be beneficial for oily skin, as the tomato pulp can remove the extra grease without any harsh effect.

  • Cut a medium-sized tomato into thin, round slices.
  • Rub one slice on blackheads-affected skin.
  • Alternatively, try using tomato pulp to rub the area gently.
  • Leave for a few minutes before splashing with freshwater.

How to Avoid Blackheads

If you have successfully used duct tape for blackheads or removed them with a natural treatment, you would love to avoid a recurrence. Following are some tricks to ensure they don’t scare you again in the future. 

  • Never try to pup the blackheads out as it may leave a deep scar on your skin.
  • Don’t use tweezers or any other pointed object as blackheads remover. Doing this can cause severe tissue injury to your face or nose.
  • An exfoliation is undoubtedly a good option, but always avoid using harsh chemicals or other beauty products.
  • Wash your face regularly to avoid the accumulation of dirt or any other impurity.
  • Always apply a gentle moisturizer to avoid dryness of the skin. We recommend using only non-comedogenic moisturizers for good results.
  • Try using skin products containing salicylic acid. It is a common chemical used in acne and pimple creams and can help you to prevent blackheads.

If you are planning to use duct tape for blackheads, we will suggest you go ahead. There is almost no drawback except potential pain while removing it. And if you want to avoid that, we have helped you with some other effective alternatives as well. Hopefully, we have busted all the myths related to duct tape, and you are now well assured of using it to remove those annoyingly unattractive tiny dots finally. If you have successfully removed blackheads with some other tricks, hit the comments section to share with our readers.


Home Remedies for Sensitive Skin

Having sensitive skin is very common, and there is usually nothing serious about it. However, in some cases, skin sensitivity may get severe, and you may find it extremely difficult to cope up with it.

Some people have sensitive skin by birth, while others may notice a sudden change in how their skin reacts to different external stimuli. Like a lot of causative factors, there is a wide range of treatments available. However, home remedies for sensitive skincare the best option, especially if your sensitivity is still new and is not very severe.

In this article, we are trying to touch every point related to sensitive skin. From various causes to sudden triggers and home remedies to self-care, we will try to cover everything tomanage your skin sensitivity successfully.  Let’s find out some possible causes of sensitive skin first.

Why is my skin so sensitive to touch?

– Causes

Like we have discussed earlier, you may have sensitive skin due to a lot of different causes. Here are some very common of them all

  • Natural Disposition

Sometimes, you may develop an allergy without any skin or other underlying health condition. If that’s the case, your skin can become irritated very easily and quickly.

You may get sensitive after exposure to:

  • Heavy winds
  • Sudden atmospheric changes
  • Frigid temperatures
  • Scorching temperatures
  • Sunlight

Additionally, if you have sensitive skin, you might be prone to skin reactions from skincare products, makeup, and even certain types of fabrics.

The symptoms of overly sensitive skin may include:

  • Red, irregular patches all around the body
  • Rashes or hives
  • Breaking out of the skin
  • Sunburns
  • Burning or stinging sensations, with or without noticeable skin changes
  • Allergic reactions

Allergic dermatitis is one of the common types of contact dermatitis and can be a prominent cause of sensitive skin. And you may develop an allergy to a wide range of stimuli, including:

  • Fragrances
  • Latex, especially in gloves
  • Nickle and jewelry prepared from nickel-containing substances
  • Certain chemicals in skin, beauty, and hair products
  • Colouring and dyes
  • Reactions to pollen, certain plants like poison arsenic, poison oak, poison ivy, stinging nettle, etc.

Symptoms of sensitive skin due to any of these factors may include:

  • Rashes or hives
  • Redness with or without inflammation
  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Dark, irregular, leathery patches on the skin
  • Blisters on skin
  • Cracked, oozing skin

If you have an allergy to a known substance, eliminating it from your regimen is the best way to avoid complications. However, identifying allergic products is not very easy, and one should contact a dermatologist for help.

  • Contact Dermatitis

“Contact dermatitis” is a term used for skin reactions after touching a specific substance or product. It may also be one of the causes of sensitive skin. Contact dermatitis symptoms are redness, swelling, and itching of the skin, sometimes accompanied by blisters, dryness, cracks, etc.

  • Dryness of Skin

Sometimes, dryness is also linked with sensitive skin. Your skin contains protective moisture and fat that protects your skin from dryness. Prolonged dryness of skin can make your skin sensitive to some specific stimuli.

Dryness usually affects the body parts that are regularly exposed to the external environment, i.e., hands, face, arms, legs, etc. You can maintain your skin’s moisture by using a natural moisturizer. Some selected creams are also very effective at keeping your skin moisturized, especially on the face.

  • Photo dermatoses

It is an abnormal condition in which there is a reaction to sunlight already in your skin itself. People with this condition may have a very sensitive immune system that is easily triggered by UV rays.

A sunlight reaction in people with photodermatoses may reflect various sensitive skin symptoms including blisters, rashes, and scaly patches. The response usually gets worse with more and more exposure to sunlight. 

Why is my skin so sensitive all of a sudden?

Sometimes, people develop sensitiveness of skin all of a sudden, without having any history. Suddenly you start noticing that your skin is responding differently to particular products or stimuli. The majority of people are not sensitive by birth and develop sensitivity over time. And there are a lot of potential culprits that can make your skin sensitive all of a sudden.

We suggest you do some detective work to find the exact causative factor or agent before finally opting for the treatment method. There may be one or multiple factors affecting your skin. But the good news is, if you successfully find the exact cause of sensitive skin, you can prevent it from affecting your skin again. Here are the different potential factors you should check to underline the culprit accurately.

  • Botanicals and essential oils: You should always be optimistically cautious when using botanicals and essential oils. Usually, essential oils are not considered as a responsible factor for sensitive skin. However, that’s not reality. Essential oils cause sensitivity,mainly when they are used undiluted or in large quantities. That said, different people have a different tolerance level, and it’s possible that your skin doesn’t love botanicals and essential oils.
  • Different hormonal changes: Ageing is one of the most significant factors responsible for a plethora of skin problems, including skin sensitivity. Rapid hormonal changes can directly impact your skin’s appearance, texture, and how it responds to different external stimuli.
  • Your Skin is Sensitive to a Particular Agent: It’s not very common, but possible. And if that’s the case, you may have to do an extended investigating work. We recommend you to do the charting of products you add to your skincare routine. It will be easier to narrow down the potential culprits.
  • Exfoliating, overuse of active ingredients, lifestyle and sudden change in season, etc., can also be responsible for suddenly making your skin sensitive.

Home remedies for sensitive skin

Finding and eliminating triggers is the best possible way to overcome sensitive skin. However, some home remedies and over the counter medications are also useful. Let’s discuss some of the most effective home remedies for sensitive skin.

1. Avoid heat in your room

Isn’t it always tempting to increase the room’s temperature when the air outside is icy? And there is nothing wrong with that! Some people, especially if they have sensitive skin, get irritation from dry and overly warm air. Keep the air inside a bit cooler. You can also use a humidifier to maintain moisture around. Wearing warm clothes during the cold season is better than maintaining a warm temperature inside.

2. A tepid Shower is a go-to option

Who doesn’t like those long, warm showers? A warm shower, specifically of shorter duration, is also useful to relieve sensitive skin. Avoid taking warm showers for more than ten minutes.

3. Give Away Scented Skin Products

It would help if you started going with “scented-free” and “hypoallergic” skincare products instead of those with fragrance. Scented lotion or cream might be very tempting to use, but you might get some discomfort after applying it to your skin. And while you may find it amazing to inhale the smell of a particular detergent, your skin might not agree. Deodorant soaps should also be avoided as much as possible.

4. Wear Gloves While Cleaning or Washing

If you are confirmed that you get sensitivity from soaps or soap water, you will have to be extra careful while using cleansing agents, washing powders, and detergents. Cleansing products with fragrances are often prepared with strong chemicals, can be abrasive to your skin. Instead of cleaning and washing with bare hands, use a pair of long, thick rubber gloves to avoid direct contact with cleansing agents.

5. Use A Gentle Moisturizer Regularly

Keeping your skin moisturized is another effective way of eliminating the sensitiveness of the skin. Slathering a gentle moisturizer layer after washing your hands or bathing can help you keep your hand healthy, soft, and insensitive. We recommend you to opt for fragrance-free moisturizers, as they are usually good for the skin. If you are prone to dry skin and don’t develop acne, using petroleum jelly is also a handy idea.

Home remedies for dry skin on the face

The skin on your face is very soft, gentle, and is always exposed to different harmful external stimuli. And, it is always prone to various skin problems, including dryness. But the good news is, you can tackle this with some readily available yet very useful home remedies. Let’s find out a bit about them.

1. Sunflower Seed Oil

Dehydration can be the culprit when we talk about dry skin on the face. And according to a study, the sunflower seed oil is very good at maintaining skin moisture. So, you can apply a few drops of sunflower seed oil once a day to keep your face’s skin soft, supple, moisturized, and attractive.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most effective natural oils used as a moisturizer. A study suggests that there are many similarities between coconut oil and petroleum jelly when it comes to improving skin dryness. Coconut oil is believed to effectively improve hydration of the skin and increase the much-needed lipids on the skin surface.

A 2016 research highlighted that coconut oil is packed with healthy, saturated fats with emollient properties. And emollient works as a skin moisturizer by effectively filling the tiny gaps in dry skin, making the skin smooth and soft.

3. Drinking Milk

Drinking milk could also give you some relief from dry, flaky skin. We recommend you to drink milk instead of applying it superficially. Research from 2015 suggests that adding milk to your diet can improve your skin’s overall health.

The study underlined that milk contains a fat known as “phospholipid,” which improves skin barrier. More research is required to confirm milk’s effectiveness on skin health.

4. Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal is another effective natural remedy for dry skin. You can get the best oatmeal treatment for your skin by adding it to your bath. Oatmeal works as a skin moisturizer and improves dry skin within a few days.

A study of 2015 found that oatmeal extracts are packed with anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, backing oatmeal baths as an effective treatment for dry skin.

5. Honey

A team of researchers found in 2012 that honey can be an excellent home remedy for a wide range of skin problems. Honey is packed with anti-inflammatory, healing, and moisturizing properties and can treat skin dryness within a few weeks. And the best part is, honey is free of any harsh effects on the skin. Hence, you can apply honey directly to your skin to keep it soft, supple, and moisturized.

6. Petroleum Jelly

Also known as mineral oil, petroleum jelly has been used as a moisturizer for a long time now. According to research in 2017, petroleum jelly proved useful in maintaining moisture in older people’s skin. These findings back petroleum jelly as an effective treatment for dry skin, mainly due to aging.

Sensitive skincare tips

In addition to using home remedies, you can also follow these tips and tricks to avoid sensitivity and maintain overall skin health.

  • Use micellar water to clean your skin
  • Always keep a gentle moisturizer handy to avoid dryness of your skin
  • Add a soothing face mask to your skincare routine
  • Don’t expose yourself to sunlight for very long
  • Start showering in lukewarm water, instead of cold water
  • Keep your showers and baths to less than 10 minutes
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals, detergents, and fragrances on your skin
  • Always pat your skin instead of rubbing
  • Always perform a skin sensitivity test before using a new skin product.

Skin sensitivity is not a severe complication, and you can overcome it by bringing some positive changes to your lifestyle and regime. It was all about sensitive skin and its treatment. Hopefully, you have found this article helpful to understand all about skin sensitivity.

If your skin is overly sensitive to one or multiple stimuli, we recommend you to talk to a dermatologist for proper treatment. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comment section. We will love to get back to you. Have a happy, healthy, and safe life.


Glycerin for Lips – Benefits and DIY Recipes

Are you trying very hard to get soft, supple, pink lips without much success? Are you annoyed after frequently reaching out to your lip balm? Don’t worry; you are not alone! Having dry lips is very common, and many people suffer from it, especially in the winters. If you don’t give much attention, your lips may get flaky and dark, and you may start feeling the pain. They can even start bleeding after a couple of weeks! If you search for a simple, safe, and very affordable solution, glycerin for lips can make it easy for you.

Glycerin is very good for problems like skin dryness, flakiness, and inflammation, etc. It is a very effective moisturizer and can be surprisingly effective in improving your skin as well. You can use glycerin to get rid of your lips’ dryness and make them look soft, supple, and hydrated again. But before that, let’s find out why we recommend you to use glycerin for lips.

Why is glycerin good for your lips?
There are numerous benefits of glycerin on lips and skin, such as:

All-day moisturizer:

Dryness of lips becomes a huge problem, especially in winters. If not cured on time, you may have pigmented and painful lips. And glycerin is very soft as well as an effective skin moisturizer, and it can keep your skin moisturized throughout the day, and you won’t have to search your lip balm all the time.

Glycerin keeps your lips soft, supple, and pink:

Among other glycerin for lips benefits, the softness of lips is one of the major ones. Because glycerin is a long-lasting moisturizer, its regular application can help you have smooth, supple lips. After all, soft lips reflect your self-esteem and confidence!

Protects your lips from irritation:

You may have irritation, especially due to chapped lips. And licking your lips can only aggravate the problem! You can control the irritation by regularly applying glycerin to your lips. And lip balms are, after all, not as effective and are prepared with different harmful chemicals!

Removes dead cells and keep your lips healthy:

Glycerin for lips doesn’t only improve your lips’ overall look, but it makes them healthy by stimulating new growth cells. It means glycerin is a long-term solution to all your problems related to lips!

Glycerin delays the signs of aging:

Premature aging affects your lips, just like your facial skin. Blemishes and fine lines start affecting your lips too! And glycerin delays these signs by making your lips soft and supple.

It can be effective against mouth sores and ulcers too

Medicated ointments are usually preferred for treating mouth ulcers and sores. But if you want a natural and much safer alternative, glycerin can be one for you. It can heal mouth sores and ulcers if used topically.

It Improves blemishes

Pigmented lips are pretty common, especially for pregnant women. Some other causative factors are prolonged exposure to the sun, excessive usage of makeup and carelessness, etc. But don’t worry, you can get rid of blemishes by using glycerin for lips.

Prevents Bleeding and Flaking

Excessive dryness of skin brings flaking and bleeding more often than not. At times, you even start feeling embarrassed. And glycerin can help you to avoid both flaking and bleeding by keeping your lips moisturized.

Glycerin helps to get rid of dark lips

When you don’t give enough attention to your lips, various factors like impurities, dead cells, and the draught of air make your lips darker than your natural skin color. You may notice this problem quite frequently in winter. And you can remove the abnormal darkness by applying glycerin every night before going to bed.

Fades dark spots

Having dark lips and dark spots on your lips are two different problems. Factors like allergies, smoking, and long sunlight exposure, high caffeine intake, and vitamin B deficiency, etc. are associated with dark spots on lips. Regular administration of glycerin can help you to remove these dark spots and blemishes as well.

Also Read: White vinegar for skin whitening

Different effective ways of using glycerin for lips

As we have stated earlier, simply applying glycerin to your lips is enough to keep them soft, hydrated, and healthy. However, if you follow these easy DIY recipes, you may get even better results

Glycerin and Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a very powerful antioxidant and is a great source of vitamin C. It is slightly acidic and can be very effective, especially against dark lips. Thanks to its astringent properties, lemon can heal the damage to external factors and even halt premature aging. Let’s know how you can use glycerin and lemon juice to quickly improve your lips’ health.

  • Add one tbsp lemon juice to one tbsp glycerin, and apply on your lips to have soft, supple, pink, and hydrated lips all day long.

Glycerin and castor oil

Castor oil contains antioxidants and can fight free radicals responsible for a lot of skin problems. It can be very effective, especially if your lips are dark due to an allergic reaction. Moisturizing properties, reducing puffiness, promoting your lips’ overall health, and delaying premature aging are some of the unique benefits of using castor oil with glycerin.

  • There is not much fuss. Add an equal quantity of castor oil to glycerin, apply on your lips, and leave overnight. You will wake up with healthy, smooth, and rejuvenated lips the next morning.

Glycerin and Honey

Thanks to its proven therapeutic value, honey is used to manage various skin problems for ages. Wound healing is one of the widely recognized honey qualities and can help you overcome chapped lips only within a few days. And the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of honey can be proved handy against numerous lips problems like dryness, flakiness, bleeding, etc.

  • Add one tbsp honey and one tbsp lemon juice to an equal amount of glycerin and wear on your lips to make your lips look healthy and rejuvenated.

Glycerin and Strawberry

Strawberries are probably the most underrated fruits when it comes to treating skin problems. You will be surprised to know that strawberries can help you immensely in your quest to get soft, attractive, and healthy-looking lips.

They have great anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, and astringent properties and can be specifically effective against dark spots due to sunburn, smoking, or aging. Thanks to the alpha-hydroxylic acid content, strawberries can also get rid of dead skin cells from your lips and give you pinkish, soft, mushy, and pliable lips. Here is how you can use glycerin with strawberries.

  • Mash one strawberry fruit to get a thick consistent paste.
  • Add one tbsp glycerin and mix for a couple of minutes.
  • Wear this paste on your lips and leave for five to ten minutes.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry.

Glycerin with Olive Oil

Olive oil is nothing less than a blessing from nature. It can singlehandedly tackle many health and skin-related problems and can be extremely beneficial for your lips. When you use olive oil for your lips, you will get soft, hydrated, and squishy lips. Also, olive oil can give you instant relief from chapped and cracked lips. And guess what, it is one of the most effective protectors against SPF! You can use olive oil in a lot of different ways for your lips.

  • Add a few drops of virgin olive oil to half tbsp glycerin and apply swiftly on your lips to enjoy beautiful, healthy, and personality-defining lips.

DIY glycerin lip balm

Why would you purchase lip balms made with harmful chemicals if you can make DIY glycerin lip balm at home? Here’s how

Ingredients you need

  • One tbsp glycerin
  • Two drops of essential oil of your choice
  • Two tbsp coconut carrier oil
  • Two tbsp beeswax pastilles

Here is how to make glycerin lip balm:

  • Add coconut carrier oil to beeswax pastilles and blend for a few minutes.
  • Next, microwave the mixture for about 5 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, mix essential oil and glycerin in a small bowl.
  • Add the glycerin solution to beeswax mixture once it is melted, and mix thoroughly.
  • Your all-natural, homemade lip balm is ready.
  • Transfer in a lip balm pot and start using once it reaches room temperature.

Some important tips

  • Start using glycerin on your lips without mixing any other ingredient.
  • Drink enough water throughout the day to avoid dehydration.
  • Avoid licking or peeling dry lips.
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol, and excessive caffeine to keep your lips healthy.
  • You can apply a thin coat of glycerin before using any makeup product to protect your lips from chemicals.

Glycerin is a very simple, easily available, and affordable product. You can take care of your lips by the regular usage of glycerin. Hopefully, you are now very well informed about the benefits of glycerin for lips and how to use it effectively. Taking care of your lips is not a big deal. All you need to do is to follow some very simple and practical rules. Hit the comment section if you have any suggestions, recipes, or questions related to lip problems and glycerin. We will be more than happy to answer.


White vinegar for skin whitening

Skin whitening or lightening can be a very complex thing for many people, especially if there is no natural solution to it. Having dark skin naturally is surely not a big deal, and you should grow with this understanding that you are born different, and darkness is not always a bad thing whatsoever.

However, abnormal or unnatural discoloration or darkness of skin is an issue, and you should look for some effective, at the same time, safe options. And white vinegar for skin whitening can be that ultimate answer to all your queries related to your skin’s abnormal, progressive darkness.

Isn’t it very easy to find a bottle of white vinegar? You can find it in almost every kitchen! But very few people know that in addition to being a great flavor enhancer, white vinegar can be a blessing for skin! From getting rid of unpleasant body odor to bringing back the natural glow, it can singlehandedly solve dozens of skin problems. This article will discuss how a common kitchen ingredient can be an important part of your beauty regimen. Let’s find out.

Why should you use white vinegar for skin?

Your skin’s pH is the game-changer you seldom understand. pH plays many different and important roles to keep your skin healthy, attractive, and vibrant. A disbalance in pH level can invite a plethora of skin problems like acne, dryness, flakiness, and itching of the skin. Compared to those commercial soaps and face washes that are packed with harmful chemicals and preservatives, white vinegar for skin whitening is a much better and safer way to bring your skin to life again.

What are the benefits of white vinegar for the skin?

  • Thanks to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, white vinegar can eliminate harmful bacteria from your skin and is capable enough to protect from acne and blemishes.
  • White vinegar is a great source of hydroxy acids and can remove dead cells from skin layers, thus improving age-induced spots.
  • In addition to maintaining the pH level and avoiding excessive dryness or oiliness, white vinegar works as a pore cleanser.
  • It can be very effective in delaying the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • If you apply white vinegar to your face, it can make your face radiant and youthful by removing toxins.

In short, there are multiple skin benefits of white vinegar, and you should not be worried about its safety until it is used in diluted form.

What are the possible causes of abnormal discoloration of skin?

It can be tricky to underline the exact cause, as it can be completely different in different people. However, there are some common causes of abnormal skin darkness, and they are:

  • UV Rays: One of the most common factors directly affecting melanin.
  • Melasma: It causes tanned patches on the skin, common in cases of hormonal imbalances, and is frequently noticed in pregnant women.
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: You may have dark skin patches after suffering from an injury, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, acne, etc.
  • Aging: One of the biggest responsible factors and should not be taken very seriously.

Also Read: Simple Trick To Remove Brown Spots From Your Skin

Some important tips and tricks with recipes

Go through these recipes carefully, as we have scribbled different ones for different causative factors and conditions. Let’s don’t waste any time and finally know how to use white vinegar for skin whitening.

1. White vinegar is a skin cleanser

We have already talked about various skin benefits of white vinegar. And you can use it as a powerful skin cleanser as well. Here is how


  • 1 cup each of white vinegar and water
  • The essential oil of your choice
  • Cotton balls


  • Add one cup of diluted white vinegar to an equal amount of water.
  • Add a few drops of essential oil of your choice for a pleasant smell.
  • Mix well and apply gently on affected parts using a cotton ball.
  • Follow these steps frequently for great results.

2. Home-mode moisturizer

If you want to use white vinegar for face whitening, this recipe is the way to go. Dryness of skin can also be responsible for discoloration of the skin; diluted vinegar can be a great moisturizer. You should use this moisturizer, especially if you have flareups due to different skin conditions.

Here is what you need:

  • One tbsp. diluted vinegar
  • ½ tbsp. honey
  • 30 ml lukewarm water

Here is how to make and use the moisturizer

  • Add white vinegar and honey to water and mix thoroughly.
  • Wash your face with cold water.
  • Apply on your face with both palms, and leave overnight.
  • You will start noticing the result after a couple of weeks.

3. White vinegar with aloe vera

Who’s not aware of the amazing skin benefits of aloe vera? It is packed with anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and can be amazingly effective if used with white vinegar for skin whitening. Let’s find out how to combine and use them perfectly.


  • 2 tbsp. freshly extracted aloe vera juice.
  • 2 tbsp. diluted white vinegar.


  • Add two tbsp. each of aloe vera juice and white vinegar.
  • Adjust the quantity according to the area affected by discoloration or improper tonicity.
  • Mix both ingredients continuously until you get lotion-like consistency.
  • Now, apply on the affected skin.
  • Prefer following these steps every night before going to bed.
  • The results will start following after a few weeks.

4. White vinegar with olive oil

Olive oil is surely one of the most extraordinary ingredients for a variety of skin problems. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties and can decently complement your efforts to get rid of abnormally discolored skin. And it will only favor the surprising skin benefits of white vinegar. Here is how

What you need:

  • 2 tbsp. each of diluted white vinegar and virgin olive oil

Steps to follow:

  • Mix both the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Apply on the dark skin areas and leave for a few hours.
  • Wash very gently with lukewarm water and apply a natural moisturizer, as we have discussed above.
  • You will see dark patches go away within the first few weeks.

5. White vinegar with glycerine:

If discoloration is accompanied by dryness, you can use white vinegar for skin whitening with glycerine as well. It is one of the most effective skin moisturizers out there and can perform great cleansing work and moisturizing, especially if mixed with white vinegar.

Ingredients you need:

  • 1 tbsp. diluted white vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. glycerine
  • Cotton balls

What to do:

  • Mix both white vinegar and glycerine, and mix for a few seconds.
  • Apply on the dark spots using cotton balls and leave for about an hour.
  • Wash with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Repeat these steps regularly for a few weeks and see the results.

6. White vinegar with strawberries

Strawberries can increase the effectiveness of vinegar to another level, especially if you aim to use white vinegar for face whitening. They are packed with vitamin C and folic acid and can favor the process of cell generation. In addition, strawberry can help in the synthesis of collagen, removing harmful toxins from the skin. The absorbing capacity of white vinegar will make it easier for a strawberry to work on your skin pores and get rid of tissue-damaging factors like blackheads.

You will need:

  • Two ripe, fresh strawberries
  • One tbsp. diluted white vinegar


  • Mash the strawberries to get a thick and smooth paste.
  • Add vinegar and blend for a couple of minutes.
  • Apply the paste on dark or saggy skin.
  • Massage in a circular motion for a few minutes and then wash off.
  • Repeat once a week for desired results.

Some Important Points to Remember

Yes, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of white vinegar for skin whitening. But we recommend you to keep these points in mind while using it for the skin.

  • Always use diluted vinegar only, as you may develop a burning sensation.
  • Don’t forget to perform a patch test before using white vinegar or any other such ingredient. If you feel irritation or burning, avoid using it.
  • Don’t use strong soaps or perfumes before or after using white vinegar to avoid possible skin irritation.
  • If you have skin problems for a long time, talk to a dermatologist for proper and specific treatment.
  • Avoid using vinegar if you are already using some medicines prescribed by a qualified doctor.
  • Whether you want to use white vinegar for skin whitening or any other purpose, get only organic for better results.
  • NEVER apply white vinegar or any other untested substance if you get your skin burn. Take immediate medical advice for proper treatment.

White vinegar can be a quick as well as affordable solution to abnormal skin darkness. And if you use it with caution, you will get the desired results. Follow these tricks keeping other important points in mind, and let us know, which one helped you more. Stay healthy, beautiful, and safe.


20 Fantastic Summer Beauty Tips Every Girl Needs to know About!

Summer is the best time to enjoy with your friends, family and relatives. We plan many places to hang out such as beaches and enjoying long summer evenings, sitting outdoor and relaxing. But it also brings in some seasonal beauty headaches, frizzy hair and runny makeup.

There are millions of beauty tips floating around the internet today, but all of them can’t be followed by everyone especially during summer. So here we are presenting you 20 fantastic summer beauty tips every girls need to know about.

20 Summer Beauty Tips for Girls

1. Don’t use Powder to Hide Your Sweat

Instead of using powder on your face, use bottling sheets which will help you to remove the sheen from your face.

Powder stays only for short time and makes clog up on your pores and is one of the cause for breakouts on skin.

2. Rose Water

Rose water is very beneficial in summer season, wash your face daily with rose water at least for 2-3 time in a week.

Its natural cooling properties make it an excellent toner in hot summer season.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

During summer season, because of heat our body gets dehydrated very easily. So, it better to drink more water to keep our self hydrated and it also helps in removing toxins from your body.

Water requirement for body increases in summer, as lots of water is lost due to excessive sweating, try to drink more and more water in summer.

4. Make Lipstick Last Longer

Here is the one of the most important beauty tip girls need to know, it’s very common that you smudge and rub lipstick especially during summer.

To get rid of this, you need to blot the lipstick after applying with a tissue paper and apply a light dusting of translucent powder. Repeat it couple of times to get the intensity that you want.

5. Replace Dry Shampoo with Spray Starch

This is one of the effective beauty tips that will help your hair to get rid of dryness in summer, you just need to grab spray of starch and spray that on the oily parts of your hair.

Spraying starch help your hair to look clean and fresh, if you don’t have spray then you can use baby powder for same purpose.

6. Don’t Stop Moisturizing

Most of us use moisturizers only in winters. As summer is here, you should not stop using moisturizer for your skin, apply moisturizer all through the summer, it will keep your skin fresh and clean and it will stop getting any dry patches.

7. Use Baby Powder to Remove Sand

During summer heavy sweat in beach at the end of the day causes sticky sand on our skin, to get rid of this problem baby powder is the best solution.

Baby powder will absorb all the moisture which stand and stick on your skin.

8. Exfoliate Your Lips

This is one of the most useful tips for lips,mix few drops of olive oil and a bit of sugar and rub them gently on your lips.

It will keep your lips free from dry and dead skin cells.

9. Use hand Sanitizer on Shiny Skin

If your skin is too oily and it’s shining when you are outside, then using sanitizer is the best solution.

Use hand sanitizer under your forehead, under your hair line and across the t zone. Sanitizer helps in removing the excess oil from your skin.

10. Use waterproof Eye Makeup

20 Fantastic Summer Beauty Tips Every Girl Needs to know About

Even if you are not swimming, if you want to avoid smears on your eyes, you need to use waterproof eye liner, because of heavy sweat during summer we are more likely to rub our eyes.

11. Use Cream Eye Shadows

Try to use cream eye shadow in summer, because they will not fade away like the powder ones.

They look great for long hours and can resist the dust and heat on your skin.

12. Avoid Dandruff by Using Crushed Aspirin

Add aspirin to your shampoo which helps in removing dandruff on your scalp. Aspirin contain salicylic acid that helps in removing dead skin cells and flaky skin from your scalp.

13. Use Peppermint Oil for Your Lips

Here is another tip to protect your lips, instead of using branded lip products add 2-3 drops of peppermint oil to lip gloss, peppermint oil helps in keeping your lips soft and smooth.

14. Remove Blackheads With Baking Soda

You can easily remove your black heads by using the simple mixture of baking soda and some water.

Take baking soda and mix it with some water to form a paste, spread the paste over the affected area and let it remain until it gets dry then wash it off and moisturize. Repeat it for several times as much as possible to get rid of black heads.

16. Remove Makeup Before you Go to Sleep

Never go to bed with your makeup still on, because makeup left all night can cause infections and breakouts on the skin.

Coconut oil is the best way to remove make up, you just need to dip cotton ball in coconut oil and wipe the makeup before you sleep.

17. Get Rid of Burning Eyes

If you experience any burning sensation in your eyes when you return back to home, then you have to try this tip.

Keep used tea bags in the freezer and place them on your eyes for few minutes and relax. You can use rose water pads and cucumber slices which are very effective instead of tea bags.

  1. Wear Sunscreen Every Day:

The premature ageing of skin happens because of sun exposure. So, one of the best tip for the people who want to stay young for longer periods is always wear sunscreen even in cloudy days. Because UV rays from the sun can pass through the clouds as well.

18. Don’t Forget to Exfoliate Your Skin

Gently exfoliate your skin regularly which will help you to keep your skin clean by removing the dead skin cells on your skin.

It will also help to remove the skin pores and stops breakouts.

19. Moisturize your Feet

If you don’t want to get your feet look dry and cracked heels, then you need to moisturize your feet regularly.

Rub your feet with shear butter before you go to sleep and cover the feet with a pair of socks over the top. This will give a deep down moisturizing affect.

20. Always Wear a Hat

This is one of the important summer beauty tips to remember to take a wide brimmed hat when you go out for a walk or on a beach.

This helps in protecting your hair as well as your skin from UV rays.