Bronchitis In Children: Home Remedies To Ease Its Symptoms

If you see your child has serious cough, don’t neglect it because sometimes bronchitis could be the reason. With cold and flu season away its possible your child may come with condition called bronchitis.

It is an infection of an inflammation of the large breathing tubes called airways or bronchi. The lining of bronchial tubes is extremely fragile and secrets pathogen fighting mucus which helps safeguards your child’s respiratory system by warding off the threat of infections.

This is generally caused by virus responsible for your cold, flu or sinus infection breaks through the respiratory defenses and spreads to the bronchi.

Acute Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is one of the most common bronchitis seen in children. It is usually caused by virus and it lasts for two to three weeks. This condition generally ensures in the wake of a common cold episode or some other respiratory tract infections.

Symptoms Of Acute Bronchitis

Symptoms can vary, but some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle aches
  • Cough
  • Low grade fever
  • Feeling tired
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath

Here are some effective remedies to prevent and manage bronchitis in children.

Home Remedies For Bronchitis

Salt Water Gargle


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Gargling salt water can provide quick relief to your child and gives relief from symptoms such as cough and sore throat.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one glass of warm water and mix ½ teaspoon of salt in it.
  • Make your child to gargle with the solution and remind him to split it out after gargling.
  • Make sure let him/her do this several times in a day to get complete relief.



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Due to its powerful properties such as anti inflammatory and anti bacterial garlic is effective in preventing the inflammation of lining caused by bronchi and to get relief in children.

What You Need To Do

  • Take 2-3 cloves of garlic and chop them in to small pieces.
  • Place them in a pot and add one glass of milk in it.
  • Boil this mixture for few minutes and allow your child to drink this mixture.
  • Give this mixture every day before going to bed to your child.



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Ginger is considered as one of the best remedy to treat bronchitis. It has anti inflammatory and immune boosting properties that reduce the symptoms of bronchitis and irritation and inflammation caused to bronchi tubes.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one table spoon of honey with one teaspoon of ginger and give your child to eat every day.
  • You can also make him to drink ginger tea on regular basis to enjoy its benefits.


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The active component called cur cumin in turmeric is effective in reducing the symptoms of bronchitis and minimize the swelling of bronchi tubes.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one cup of warm milk and mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder in it. Give it to your child to drink it twice in a day.
  • You can also opt for cur cumin supplement that helps the child to get rid of symptoms and condition completely on regular basis.



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Honey is one of the best remedy to reduce the symptoms of bronchitis like cough, flu sue to its anti bacterial, anti inflammatory properties.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one table spoon of honey with one table spoon of lemon juice and give your child to eat for every few hours to get relief from the symptoms.
  • You can also allow your child to eat table spoon of buckwheat honey for every couple of hours.

Lot Of Rest


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Generally, bronchitis is a lung infection that put lot of effort to do something as basic as breathing, it can really take it out to your child.

Due to constant exertion of chest, your child may feel constant tiredness and incapable to do anything else.

Proper rest and sleep is absolutely important for children being affected with this condition. So, let your child get plenty of sleep to improve the recovery process.

Prevention Tips For Bronchitis In Children

  • Don’t allow your child to mingle with children who have cold, flu and other viral infections.
  • Restrict him not to share his food and drinking glasses with other children.
  • Always make sure to wash his/her hands before eating or touching food.
  • Try to keep your home clean
  • Don’t forget to wash, bed sheets, carpets, toys and other usable things by your children frequently.
  • Limit your child from the exposure of air irritants, such as dust, chemical fumes and other pollutants.

When To Consult our Doctor

Make sure to visit your Doctor, if your child’s wet cough doesn’t clear even after 2-3 weeks. When it comes to child health it’s always best to be on safer side and seek professional help before it turns in to serious condition.


Bronchitis in children- home remedies to ease its symptoms

8 Natural Ways To Treat Itchy Ears

Have you ever experienced the itchiness caused by itchy ear? It quite inexpressible and annoying and we can’t do anything to stop the itchiness until unless consulting a doctor.

You can get itchy ear from things like dry ear, buildup of wax, allergies or any kind of infections. Apart from medications, we do have some simple home remedies that make your ear itch free within minutes.

8 Natural Ways To Treat Itchy Ears

1. Olive Oil

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Olive oil is quite effective in treating the infection and helps you to get rid of itchiness and pain happening in the ear.

What You Need To Do

  • Heat one table spoon of olive oil for few seconds and make sure it isn’t too much hot to touch.
  • You can check it by rubbing little amount on your wrist.
  • Now put few drops of olive oil in the infected ear by laying on your side using a dropper and then drain after few minutes.
  • Do this once in a day to see excellent results.

2. Coconut Oil


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Coconut oil is another effective remedy to treat itchy ears. The anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties in coconut oil helps in reducing pain and itchiness caused by infection and help you get relief.

What You Need To Do

  • Warm up one table spoon of coconut oil and put it in the infected ears using a dropper and allow it to sit for few minutes.
  • Let the rest drain out.

3. Garlic Oil


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Garlic is loaded with anti microbial properties which makes it an effective remedy to treat itchy and infectious ear.

What You Need To Do

  • Crush 2 cloves of garlic and cook them along with any oil of your choice.
  • Heat it for few minutes and then allow the oil to cool down.
  • Strain the oil and drop it in your ears using a dropper.
  • Allow it to sit for few minutes and the remaining to drain.

4. Hydrogen Peroxide

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Hydrogen peroxide is another best ingredient to prevent itchiness and pain caused by itchy ear.

What You Need To Do

  • Take few drops of hydrogen peroxide in a dropper and lay on your side then put few drops in the ear.
  • You’ll probably hear some fizzing sound, but it is completely normal.
  • Once the sound stops, tilt your head and drain out the extra hydrogen peroxide from your ear.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

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If you find that itchiness caused in the ear is because of infection, then go for using apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar balances the PH levels in the ear and fight against bacteria and virus that causes infection.

What You Need To Do

  • Take a pan and warm up equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water for few minutes.
  • Allow it to cool down and soak a cotton ball in the mixture and place it on the infected ear for several minutes.
  • You don’t deep to lay on your side while placing cotton ball in the ear. Repeat it twice for complete relief.

6. Water


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If you don’t like to put oil or something like hydrogen peroxide in your ear then go for using water. Even water also helps you get rid of dust and bacteria that cause itchiness in the ear.

What You Need To Do

  • Warm up some water and put few drops in your ear and allow it to sit for few minutes before removing excess water.
  • Repeat it twice in a day.

7. Warm Compress


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Warm compress is the best natural remedy to treat many skin issues including itchy ear. The warmness from the compress increasing the blood circulation around the ear and decreases pain.

What You Need To Do

  • Put fresh wash cloth in a bowl of warm water and wring out the excess water.
  • Place this cloth over your ear and leave it for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat it few times, until you get relief.

8. Press Down On Your Tragus


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Pushing down your tragus repeatedly will also help you to get relief from the pain and itchiness of the ear.

Because, closing and reopening your ear applies constant pressure and friction that make you feel relief from the pain.

8 Natural ways to treat itchy ears

Home Remedies For Back Ache

You might have sitting at your desk for long hours without knowing or you might have lifted something really heavy that lead you to experience hell like pain on your back. Whatever it may be, the pain in your back will lead you to have a very bad day by making all your things worse.

So, what you need to do to reduce this pain and go back to your regular routine as an active person? Well, most of the people go for pain killers or sprays that give them instant relief only for temporary, but we do have many alternatives to prevent this heavy pain.

Want to know how? Then, keep on reading the complete article just to know how you can get relief by using some simple remedies in your home.

Causes Of Back Pain

The most common cause of back pain is strained ligaments or muscles or some spasms include:

  • Age
  • Sleep disorders
  • Gender
  • Pregnancy
  • Smoking
  • Unsuitable mattresses
  • Lifting heavy objects or improper lifting of an object
  • Poor or awkward postures
  • Strenuous physical activity
  • Smoking

Well, any of these could be a cause for your back pain, sometimes the causes may be unknown. Individuals experiencing back pain can exhibit certain symptoms shown below:

Symptoms Of Back Pain

The following are some symptoms can be seen in people who experience back pain.

  • Swelling on back
  • Increased body temperature
  • Numbness around the back
  • In some severe cases, the pain extends to legs and knees
  • Pain gets worse after sitting for long hours
  • Pain while walking, sitting or standing
  • Tightened muscles

Home Remedies For Back Ache

1. Heating pad


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Heating pad works effectively to reduce the pain in your back. It is often tends to have analgesic effects on the effected muscles and help to relieve muscle spasms and pain.

What You Need To Do

  • Apply heating pad on your back and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Do this 2-3 times in a day to get relief fro few days.

2. Ice Pack

Blue ice pack isolated on a white background.
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Ice pack has anti inflammatory properties that help in reducing inflammation and pain on your back easily.

What You Need To Do

  • Apply an ice pack on your back and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Do this 2-3 times in a day.

3. Epsom Salt Bath


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Epsom salt contains high content of magnesium sulphate that works as an anti inflammatory agent. Magnesium helps in relieving pain and inflammation associated with your back.

What You Need To Do

  • Add one to two cups of Epsom salt to your water bath tub and soak your body more than 15-20 minutes. Do this twice to thrice in a week to reduce the pain and get relief.

4. Turmeric

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Turmeric contains an active component called curcumin that have anti inflammatory and pain relieving properties and even more medical properties. These properties help in relieving the pain and its symptoms easily.

What You Need To Do

  • Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of hot milk and drink it twice in a day.

5. Lavender Essential Oil

Fresh lavender flowers with massage oil
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Lavender essential oil known for its antispasmodic and analgesic properties that helps in relieving pain and muscle spasms. And its anti inflammatory properties will help to reduce the swelling caused by back pain.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one table spoon of lavender essential oil with one table spoon of coconut oil and massage this mixture on your back for 5-10 minutes.

6. Warm Shower

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Warm shower is quite similar to heating pads but it has quite more beneficial when compared with them. When the analgesic effects of heat combined with water, it easily relives the pain and inflammation associated with pack pain.

What You Need To Do

  • Warm shower before going to bed is the best way to get good sound sleep.

7. Pineapples


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Pineapples are rich source of an enzyme called bromelain that contains anti inflammatory and analgesic properties which are effective in treating back pain.

What You Need To Do

Eat half cup of pineapples everyday or blend these pineapples with water and drink it regularly.

8. Aloe Vera Juice


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Aloe Vera is known for its anti inflammatory and analgesic properties to treat back pain easily. This wonderful herb is used in medical properties to treat many type of health conditions.

What You Need To Do

Take fresh ½ cup of aloe Vera juice and drink it regularly. Or else you can also apply little amount of aloe Vera juice on your back and leave it for 5-10 minutes before washing it off.

Home remedies for back ache

Best Home Remedies For Receding Gums

If you think brushing twice in day that makes your teeth look white is the perfect oral hygiene to follow? Then you stepped in a wrong way, having clean white teeth no cavities are not only the thing to maintain. You also need to maintain healthy gums when it comes to perfect oral hygiene.

Not taking care about your gums often results in causing gum recession or gingival recession. This is a common problem face by many people around the world and most of them aren’t aware of it.

Gum recession is nothing but the soft tissues and bones that hold your teeth wears away and pull back and exposing more of the tooth or tooth’s root.

Receding gums will lead to produce gap between the gum and teeth line and this results in building bacteria and oral diseases. If this condition is left untreated, then the supporting tissue and bone structure of teeth can severely and completely damaged that ultimately causes tooth loss.

Tooth sensitivity is probably the first sign shown by gum recession. Gums may also look swollen and tender and can easily bleed, there can also bad breath too.

Causes Of Receding Gums

There are several factors that cause receding gums. Some of them include as follows:

  • Insufficient tooth care
  • Aggressive tooth brushing
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Hormonal changes in the body
  • Teeth grinding
  • Crooked tooth
  • Genes
  • Periodontal diseases
  • Tongue jewelry.

Even though maintaining good oral hygiene and brushing your teeth more gently are good to reverse the recession process. You can even try some home remedies that help your gums to grow back and protect them from further damage.

Effective Home Remedies For Receding Gums

1. Oil Pulling


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Oil pulling is one of the ancient remedy to treat various types of dental diseases and maintain good oral health.

It helps in preventing plaque buildup and plays significant role in coating your teeth. Coconut oil is best for oil pulling because of its anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties, it can take care of any gum and dental diseases.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one table spoon of virgin coconut oil and swish it around your mouth for 15 minutes.
  • Spit it out and rinse your mouth with water followed by brushing.
  • Repeat this every day morning on an empty stomach at least for one month.

2. Baking Soda


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Baking soda is also capable of treating all types of dental diseases including receding gums. It acts more effectively to keep your mouth free from germs and bacteria.

The antiseptic properties present in baking soda prevent infections and neutralizes acid production in the mouth that causes receding gums.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one cup of water in a bowl and add one teaspoon of baking soda, 4 drops of tea tree oil and 4 drops of peppermint oil.
  • Mix all ingredients well and use it as a mouth wash twice in a day for few weeks.

3. Aloe Vera

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Aloe vera is an effective remedy for treating all types of skin and health issues including oral issues like receding gums. The anti bacterial properties in aloe vera fights against infections and plaque buildup.

What You Need To Do

  • Take table spoon of fresh aloe vera gel and massage it on your gums and leave it for at least 30 minutes.
  • Then rinse your mouth with water and repeat it twice in a day for few days.
  • Alternatively, swish table spoon of aloe vera juice in your mouth few minutes and spit it out. Repeat it twice in a day.

4. Green Tea


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Green tea is not only used for maintaining healthy weight, it also helps in reducing receding gums too.

Due to its anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties it helps to strengthen the connection between your gums and teeth.

It also brings down gum inflammation and reduces the chance of developing periodontal disease.

What You Need To Do

  • Drink 1-2 cups of green tea regularly to maintain strong and healthy gums with bright teeth.

5. Indian Lilac


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Indian lilac is also known as neem which acts as effective remedy for maintaining healthy gums. It can easily destroy bacteria due to its anti bacterial properties as well as all other oral problems.

What You Need To Do

  • Take handful of fresh neem leaves and grind it to form a thick paste.
  • Use this paste to brush your teeth and gums regularly for few weeks.
  • Alternatively, rub juice of neem leaves on your teeth and allow it to sit for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth with water and continue this regularly.

6. Hydrogen Peroxide


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Hydrogen peroxide is loaded with anti bacterial properties that kill germs and fight against gum diseases. You can also see your teeth whiter when you use it regularly.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water in a small bowl. Use this mixture as mouth wash for few weeks.

Best Home Remedies For Receding GumsNote

Do not use hydrogen peroxide too often, well once a day is more than enough. Do not swallow it.

Effective Home Remedies For Hiccups

Every one of us experience hiccups one time or other, they often goes away within few minutes. But if they do stay for longer hours it might result in leading us to experience complex health issues.

A hiccup generally occurs due to the contraction of diaphragm. Once the contraction occurs it lead to intake of breathe that suddenly happen by vocal chords closing off and the closure of vocal chords produce ‘hic’ type sound that often called as hiccups.

It can also occur due to drinking excessive alcohol beverages or carbonated beverages, overeating, eating quickly, smoking, sudden change in temperature, some kind of excitement or emotional stress and swallowing air while chewing.

You don’t need to worry if hiccups hits you in public because, we came with some natural and effective home remedies that can easily stop hiccups.

Effective Home Remedies For Hiccup’s

Here are some home remedies for hiccups for immediate relief.

Cold Water


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Cold water gives shock to your system and help to stop hiccups quickly. Any type of shock can cause distraction to your system and put your hiccups to rest.

What You Need To Do

  • For immediate relief, quickly drink a glass of cold water by adding a table spoon of honey in it.
  • Alternatively suck a piece of ice cube for few seconds.
  • You can also gargle little amount of cold water for a minute to keep hiccups at bay.

Hold Your Breath


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Holding your breath for few seconds will help to increase the carbon dioxide in blood stream and distracts the mind to stop hiccups. This technique is generally considered as old age technique but works perfect to stop hiccups.

What You Need To Do

  • Take a deep breath as much you can and hold it for few seconds and then exhale in control manner.
  • Now, slowly inhale the air and hold your breathe again, so this for several times until the hiccups are completely stopped.



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Using lemon is the best way to stop hiccups in mid stream. The sour taste of lemon generally relaxes the irritated nerves and helps to disappear the hiccups completely.

What You Need To Do

  • Take a table spoon of lemon juice and consume it, this process immediately gives you relief from hiccups.
  • Alternatively, drink a glass of water by mixing two table spoons of lemon juice in it.



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Vinegar is another effective remedy to stop hiccups. Vinegar has sour taste and it helps to distract the mind and stop hiccups immediately.

What You Need To Do

  • Consume ½ teaspoon of vinegar and then immediately drink a glass of water.
  • Alternately, mix one teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water and drink it slowly sip by sip to stop hiccups.


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Sugar acts as perfect remedy for hiccups, especially for children. Swallowing sugar helps in stimulating the vagus nerve and makes your body to forget about hiccups.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one teaspoon of brown or white sugar and hold the spoon in your mouth until it dissolves without chewing it.
  • Then, finally take a sip of water to stop hiccups.

Drink upside down

Drinking a glass of cold water may give shock to your system, but drinking a glass of cool water becomes more effective when you do it in upside down position.

What You Need To Do

  • Take a glass of cold water and put your head down and slowly bend down at your waist.
  • Drink water from opposite side of the glass than you would normally do.
  • Repeat it again as many times.



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Cardamom is loaded with muscle relaxing properties which help you to get relief from hiccups easily.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one teaspoon of cardamom in a glass of hot water and keep it aside for 15 minutes.
  • Now strain the solution and drink it slowly to stop hiccups.

Breathe In To a Paper Bag


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Breathing in to the paper bag will make the diaphragm contract more deeply to bring in more oxygen to stop hiccups.

What You Need To Do

  • Take a paper bag and press slowly around your mouth.
  • Now, breathe slowly and deeply in to the bag and repeat it several times.


This easy technique is not recommended for heart stroke patients.

Effective Home remedies for hiccups


Effective Home Remedies For Oily Hair

Nobody likes their hair to look oily every time and it’s so irritating to see our hair look oily even after washing it for 2-3 times in a week. Oily hair is just the reflection of excessive production of oil in your scalp.

There are several reasons and causes behind oily hair such as hormonal changes, excessive stress, eating too much oily food, heredity, and poor hair care that lead to cause of hair problems like dandruff and itchy scalp.

Even though, we do have many hair products to make our hair look natural and oil free but those are filled with chemicals which can damage our hair easily. Fortunately, here are some natural and home remedies that will make your hair look smooth, soft and oil free.

Let’s get start to know some home remedies to maintain oil free smooth and soft hair.

Home Remedies For Oily Hair

1. Lemon Juice


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Lemon juice works perfect to maintain healthy scalp as well as strong and soft hair. Lemon is loaded with vital vitamins and minerals that can treat many scalp problems including oily hair. Even the acidic nature in lemon balances the PH level of the scalp and controls oil secretion.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix 3 table spoons of lemon juice in 2 cups of distilled water and add 2 table spoons of honey.
  • Mix all ingredients well and apply this mixture on your scalp along with your hair and massage it for few minutes.
  • Leave it for 5 minutes and the wash your hair with lukewarm water.
  • Do this every 3 times in a week for best results.

2. Aloe Vera


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Aloe vera is an ancient herb that helps in treating all types of skin, scalp and hair problems easily. It is loaded with numerous properties that help to detoxify the scalp and controls oils secretion.

The vitamins, minerals and enzymes present in aloe vera helps to get rid of oily hair and the soothing and gentle nature of it can maintain healthy hair.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one table spoon of fresh aloe vera juice and mix it with one table spoon of lemon juice.
  • Add this mixture to any mild shampoo to wash your hair.
  • Allow the shampoo to remain in your hair for few minutes before washing it completely.
  • Replace your shampoo with this homemade shampoo to reduce the oily nature of your hair and to get healthy look.

3. Eggs


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Eggs are considered to be great, when it comes to maintain healthy skin and hair. They are also packed with numerous proteins that strengthen the hair and combat the oily hair.

What You Need To Do

  • Take a bowl and beat two egg yolks and then add 2 table spoons of lemon juice in it.
  • Apply this mixture on your scalp and damp hair and leave it off for five minutes.
  • Wash your hair with mild shampoo and repeat it for two to three times in a week for excellent results.
  • Alternatively, you can one half cup of whisked egg white on damp hair and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Finally wash your hair with mild shampoo and cool water. Repeat it twice in a week.

4. Banana And Honey


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Using harsh shampoos and excess amount of conditioner after shampooing result in making your hair look greasier than before. The mixture of banana and honey works as perfect natural hair conditioner where it nourishes your hair and makes it look oil free.

What You Need To Do

  • Blend one banana completely until t forms a thick paste.
  • Add 4 table spoons of honey to this paste and mix it well.
  • Apply this paste on your hair from the roots to tips and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Finally rinse your hair with warm water and remove the paste completely, repeat this treatment twice in a week to see gradual improvement.

5. Baking Soda

Baking soda or Sodium bicarbonate on wooden table

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Baking soda is alkaline in nature that helps in balancing the PH levels of your scalp and acts as perfect home remedy for oily hair.

It even reduces the excess production of oil in your scalp and makes it strong from the roots and appears it healthy and smooth.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one part of baking soda with 3 parts of water to make a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste on your scalp and along your hair and leave it for few minutes.
  • Then, wash your hair with warm water and repeat this treatment for twice in a week.
  • Alternatively, you can add little amount of baking soda to your regular shampoo while shampooing your hair results in thick, soft and shiny hair.

6. Black Tea


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Black tea is not only good for health, it also helps in maintaining healthy scalp along with hair. It has astringent called tannic acid that helps in tightening the pores and prevents the buildup of excess oil in the scalp easily.

What You Need To Do

  • Take a cup of water and add 2-3 black tea leaves and boil it for few minutes.
  • Strain the tea leaves and allow the tea solution to cool down to room temperature.
  • Pour this lukewarm mixture on your scalp and massage it for few minutes and leave it on for other few minutes.
  • Finally wash your hair with warm water and repeat it twice in a week.

Effective Home Remedies For Oily Hair

Are You Sick Of Wet Cough? Try This And See The Difference.

Generally coughing is the best way to avoid irritants like dust, smoke and pollution that stuck in your respiratory system which can easily sicken you or make it hard for you to breathe. Coughing can also help you to move mucus and other secretions out of your body to clear airways, breathe easier and heal faster when you are ill.

But, Coughing is much harder during nights, because the mucus is collected at the backside of your throat and triggers your cough reflex.

There are different types of cough that can easily last more than a week such as dry, wet, whooping etc. You must immediately consult your doctor if it exceeds more than a week with severe symptoms like unable to eat and breathe etc. Wet cough is generally caused by production of excessive mucus in your body.

In this article we are going to see, how to treat wet cough easily without running to doctor. You can follow all these natural remedies to fight against wet cough and heal faster without any side effects.

Causes Of Wet Cough

There are many causes for wet cough, one of the major reason is excess production of mucus in our body as we have seen above. Even infections caused by bacteria and viruses also lead to formation of more mucus that lead us to experience coughs.

The following are some more health issues that lead to excess production of mucus in our body that causes wet cough.

  • Bronchitis
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Asthma

However, a cough often begins with dry hacking cough that causes heaviness in the chest and that ultimately leads to coughing up phlegm as the illness progress.

Symptoms Of Cough

The following symptoms will associated with any type of coughing:

  • Whistling sound when breathing
  • Breathlessness
  • Chest pain or tightness in chest
  • Fever

A simple cough can affect your work, sleep and make it harder to do your daily little things. So, try the following natural remedies to prevent cough completely.

Home Remedies For Wet Cough

1. Honey


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Honey is well known ingredient for many people that is capable of treating many types of skin and health issues. The antibacterial and anti viral properties in honey help to fight against infections and prevent them completely that causes wet cough.

It also helps to reduce thickness of mucus and promotes its easy removal from the respiratory track.

What You Need To Do

  • Heat a pan on low flame and add half cup of sliced onion, 1 teaspoon of thyme, ceramic and 2 cups of organic honey.
  • Cook it until onions becomes juicy and soft, turn off the heat and pour this mixture in to a glass jar with a lid.
  • Consume one table spoon of this mixture everyday to prevent cough and cold completely.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar is another effective remedy to get rid of cold and cough. It can easily reduce the thickness of mucus in the chest and reduce coughing, it also helps in boosting your immunity.

 What You Need To Do

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of luke warm water and add one table spoon of honey in it.
  • Mix them well and drink this mixture 2 times in a day to prevent cough.

3. Ginger


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Ginger acts as good remedy in treating wet cough. It even reduces the intensity of coughing bouts characterized by airway hyper responsiveness and inflammation.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one teaspoon of fresh ginger juice with one table spoon of honey and consume this mixture twice in a day.
  • Alternatively, take a pan and add one glass of water and few pieces of ginger in it and bring it to boil.
  • Let it simmer on low heat for another five minutes and strain the solution. Drink this mixture by adding a teaspoon of honey 2 times a day.

4. Garlic


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Garlic is also wonderful to treat any type of cough and provides quick relief. The anti bacterial and anti viral properties in garlic make it effective remedy to clear up infections that causes coughs.

What You Need To Do

  • You can directly consume one clove of crushed garlic mixed with table spoon of honey twice in a day.
  • Alternatively, add few cloves of crushed garlic to a pot of boiling water and inhale the vapor by covering your head with a towel for some time.

5. Salt Water Gargle


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The mixture of salt and warm water helps in reducing the mucus formed in respiratory system and reduces the irritation caused by it. Gargling with salt water several times a day provides you complete relief from cough.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and mix them well until the salt dissolves completely in the water.
  • Use this water to gargle for 2-3 times in a day to get relief from cough and cold.


Tips To Follow

Here are some more tips you can follow to prevent cough and protect your health.

  • Keep the common areas in your home neat and clean.
  • Avoid getting in contact with others who are sick.
  • Cover your mouth while coughing or sneezing
  • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water
  • Don’t forget to wash your hands, especially after coughing, eating or looking after someone sick.




How To Get Rid Of Onion Breath Natural Way

Onions! One of the most popular ingredients used in many cuisines in different forms to add flavor to your dishes and salads. Onions also a good source of folic acid and number of vitamins like B, C which has many health benefits.

Even though onions have lots of good benefits, there is a fact that many people don’t like to have it in all dishes because of its smell. Once you chop an onion, it tends to produce methy sulphide compound and this compound is the reason behind the formation of bad onion breath after the consumption.

In detail, the molecules of the methyl sulphide compound are the main culprit causing uncomfortable odor that hit your lungs through the blood stream. And this process give rise to foul onion breath when you exhale. Cooked onions cause no odor while the raw ones gives odor.

Apart from consuming raw onions, factors like smoking, gum diseases, medications can also cause bad breath. So, the best way to get rid of bad onion breathe is by just stop eating raw onions or else you can even try some natural remedies to prevent it completely.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Onion Breath

The following are some natural remedies that will help you to get rid of onion breath in a natural way.

1. Lemons


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The citric acid in the lemons will help to neutralize onion odor in the mouth. The powerful anti bacterial properties in lemons also helps in killing bacteria which causes bad breath.

What You Need To Do

  • Add one table spoon of lemon juice to cup of water and mix it well. Use this water to rinse your mouth thoroughly for 2-3 times in a day to get rid of bad odor.
  • Alternatively, drink one glass of homemade lemonade to prevent onion breath.

2. Milk


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Generally milk acts as a natural mouth rinse to remove onion breath. The fat content in milk helps to neutralize the sulphur present in onions and reduces onion breath easily. Full fat milk is more effective to prevent onion breath when compared with skimmed milk.

What You Need To Do

Simply drink a glass of full fat milk before or after your meals to reduce onion breath.

3. Apples


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Apples are considered as one of the best remedy to get rid of onion breath easily. Apple is loaded with natural enzymes that help to breakdown the sulphur compounds and fight against onion breath easily.

What You Need To Do

  • Eat an apple after eating any onion flavored food.
  • You can even drink a glass of apple juice to prevent onion odor.

3. Baking Soda


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Baking soda is not only used for cleaning and adding crispiness for your special dishes, it is also used for treating many health and skin conditions.

It has the capability to inhibit the growth of bacteria and maintain Ph balance of mouth and neutralizes onion breath.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one glass of warm water and add one tea spoon of baking soda and mix it well.
  • Use this solution as a natural mouth wash several times a day to control onion odor or to prevent it completely.

 4. Apple Cider Vinegar


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Apple cider vinegar is another effective remedy to get rid of onion breath easily. It helps to neutralize the onion breath and destroy the growth of bacteria that results in causing onion breathe.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one glass of warm water and mix one table spoon of apple cider vinegar in it. Use this solution to gargle your mouth for 10 seconds at a time until the onion breath is gone.

5. Parsley


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Parsley is a natural herb that acts effectively to prevent bad breath because of the presence of compound called chlorophyll in it.

What You Need To Do

  • Take handful of fresh parsley leaves and dip them in the white vinegar. Now, sprinkle some salt on them.
  • Chew these leaves for 1-2 minutes and then swallow them to prevent bad breath.

6. Green Tea


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Green tea is perfect for preventing onion breathe due to the presence of powerful antioxidants and polyphenols. The anti oxidants have the capability to destroy sulphorous compounds present in onion and reduces bad breathe.

What You Need To Do

  • Drink green tea several times in a day or depending upon the severity of onion breathe to prevent it completely.

7. Mint


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Mint is loaded with chlorophyll that helps to mask the onion smell and freshens your breathe. Even the antiseptic properties in mint will help to reduce growth of bacteria which causes bad breathe.

What You Need To Do

  • Take handful of fresh mint leaves and chew them thoroughly once or twice in a day. It works effectively when used immediately after eating raw onions.
  • Alternatively, Crush handful of mint leaves in to paste and add it to cup of warm water and let it steep for few minutes. Strain it and add one table spoon of honey and drink this tea several times in a day.

How To Get Rid Of Onion Breath Natural Way

Additional Tips

  • Drink lot of water to promote the production of saliva and that acts as a constant cleansing agent.
  • Avoid all alcoholic beverages like beer and alcohol as they exceed the problem.
  • You can even use citrus of mint flavored mouth washes to prevent onion breath.
  • Scrape your tongue thoroughly to remove germs.
  • Drink a shot of vodka to prevent onion breath.

How To Deal With Numbness In Hands And Feet Natural Way

Numbness is common condition faced by everyone at certain point in their lives. This condition generally indicates lack of sensation at particular area in our body and causes tingling and sharp pain in the affected area.

It can be caused due to many reasons like constant pressure on hands and limbs, nerve injuries, nerve compression, excessive drinking, smoking, fatigue, exposure to cold compress for longer time and nutritional deficiency. Even some medical conditions like diabetes, thyroid, and multiple sclerosis will also increase the risk of hypoesthesia.

However, this condition is not at all a big deal if it lasts only for few minutes, but if it lasts more than minutes you must immediately consult to your physician for proper treatment.

Apart from medications, you can even try following remedies that will help you get rid of numbness in hands and feet.

Home Remedies TO Deal With Numbness In Hands And Feet

Here are the best remedies to deal with numbness:

1. Massage


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Massaging your hands and legs when you feel numbness is the best way to get rid of. It helps to increase the blood circulation and lessens numbness. Moreover, it stimulates all over nerves and muscles and thereby improving their overall function.

What You Need To Do

  • Take any essential oil mixed with one table spoon of carrier oil in your hands.
  • Massage the affected area for few minutes in circular motions.
  • Repeat as many times as needed.

2. Warm Compress


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Warm compress will increase the blood flow in the affected area and relax  muscles and nerves by reducing the feeling of numbness.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one bowl of warm water and dip a wash cloth in it, wring out the excess water.
  • Place this cloth on affected area for 5-6 minutes and repeat it several time until you feel no numbness at the affected area.

3. Turmeric


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The specific compound called curcumin in turmeric improves blood flow throughout your body. Additionally, the anti inflammatory properties in turmeric help to reduce pain and discomfort in the affected area.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one tea spoon of turmeric powder with little amount of water and apply this paste and massage the affected area for few minutes.
  • Alternatively add one tea spoon of turmeric to one cup of milk and heat it over a low flame. Add one table spoon of honey and drink it once in a day to improve circulation.

4. Cinnamon

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cinnamon sticks with powder isolated on white background

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Cinnamon is loaded with numerous vitamins and chemicals such as potassium, manganese and vitamin B6. All these vitamins help in improving the blood flow and reduces the feeling of numbness in your hands and feet.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one tea spoon of cinnamon in a glass of warm water and drink it regularly to see best results.
  • Alternatively, mix one table spoon of honey with one tea spoon of cinnamon powder and consume it every day in the morning for few days.

5. Epsom Salt Bath


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Epsom salt is rich in magnesium, which helps to raise magnesium levels in the body and improve blood circulation. Adequate circulation in the body reduces the feeling of numbness and prevents it from reoccurring.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one cup of Epsom salt in warm water bath tub and soak your hands and feet in the water for 10- 15 minutes.
  • Repeat this process twice in every week.

6. Cayenne Pepper

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Cayenne pepper is rich in vitamin A, C and E and the compound called capasaicin is essential for proper blood flow in our body. It also contains magnesium and potassium which are great nutrients for healthy blood circulation.

All these vitamins and minerals make it a great remedy for reducing numbness in your feet and hand.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one cup of water in to boil by adding little amount of ginger and garlic and heat it for five minutes.
  • Then add one tea spoon of cayenne pepper to this mixture and allow it to boil for other few minutes.
  • Allow it cool down by turning it off. Drink this mixture once in a day for better relief from numbness in hands and legs.

7. Chamomile Tea

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Chamomile tea is another best remedy to get relief from the numbness in your feet and hands. Consuming chamomile tea on regular basis also helps in improving blood circulation in the body and gives you relief in the affected areas.

What You Need To Do

  • Add one teaspoon of chamomile powder to one cup of water and allow the mixture to heat for few minutes.
  • Reduce the heat and simmer the mixture for about 10 minutes and turn off the heat.
  • Strain the solution and consume the mixture.
  • Follow this remedy everyday to improve circulation in your body.

8. Consume More Foods In Vitamin B


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Vitamin B deficiency is one of the major causes for numbness in some areas of your body. So increasing the intake of vitamin B foods can help you to prevent numbness and gives you healthy body.

Foods such as eggs, beans, yogurt, bananas, fresh milk, nuts, and milk are rich in vitamin D. you can also include vitamin B supplements in your diet.

How To Deal With Numbness In Hands And Feet Natural Way (1)

Additional Tips

  • Avoid being in the same position for longer time especially while working on the computer.
  • Drink minimum of 8 ounces of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration.
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to prevent vitamin deficiencies.
  • Avoid excess consumption of alcohol and if possible quit smoking.
  • Try to lose weight to reduce numbness in your feet




Home Remedies For Motion Sickness

Feeling of queasiness especially while travelling will disturb our mood and make us to lose interest for enjoying little space for little things around us. Are you one of them who often feel queasy while travelling in car, bus, or anything for longer distances?  Don’t worry because you’re not alone.

This condition is generally called as motion sickness. This is very common in people who always love to travel for longer distances and disruptive for those who are trying to enjoy well deserved vacation.

Causes And Symptoms Of Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is caused by the confliction of your sense organs. Common symptoms include nausea, sweating, vomiting, dizziness, headache, increased salivation and fatigue. All these symptoms usually disappear once the motion stops.

However, we do have many medications to treat this condition, but all of them are not convenient every time to give a try. Instead, you can even try some simple home remedies to get rid out the feeling of queasiness and fatigue.

Below are some remedies that will help you to get rid out of the feeling of queasiness easily, once you start using it.

Home Remedies For Motion Sickness

1. Lemon


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Fresh lemons or fresh lemon juice contain high amount of citric acid that help to neutralize your stomach acid and alleviates nausea. Even smelling the lemon also helps relief as it triggers higher brain region to suppress the problem.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one table spoon of lemon juice in a glass of lemon water and add one table spoon of honey and stir the mixture well. Drink this solution before and during your journey.
  • You can even try adding lemon juice in a glass of warm water and add little amount of salt. Drink this mixture before starting a journey.
  • You can suck a slice of lemon at regular intervals while travelling.

2. Ginger

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Ginger is popular and effective remedy for treating motion sickness easily. The compound called gingerol and its strong flavor in ginger help to ease nausea and the symptoms of motion sickness.

What You Need To Do

  • You can mix one table spoon of lemon juice with one table spoon of ginger juice and drink it before travelling.
  • Alternatively, you can also swallow small root of ginger without mixing with honey before half an hour of journey.

3. Green Apple



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Green apple contain a compound called pectin which helps to neutralize acid in the stomach and make it very effective in preventive motion sickness. Even the natural sugars in green apples help to settle and soothe the stomach.

What You Need To Do

  • Extract juice from green apple and add one table spoon of lemon and pinch of black salt to it and mix them well.
  • Now, drink this mixture before starting journey.

4. Peppermint


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The menthol present in peppermint will soothe the stomach muscles to ease feeling of nausea and motion sickness.

What You Need To Do

  • Take a cup of boiling water and add few peppermint leaves in it and allow it to steep for few minutes. Strain it and add one table spoon of honey and drink it before you start your journey.
  • Drinking peppermint tea is one of the best things to prevent complete motion sickness.
  • Alternatively, keep a peppermint candy in your mouth and suck on it slowly. This simple tip will work very well that ease the feeling of queasy.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar


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Apple cider vinegar is alkaline in nature and it has a PH effecting balance on the body that can help you manage motion sickness.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix 2 table spoons of apple cider vinegar with one table spoon of honey in one glass of warm water and stir it well.
  • Sip it slowly half an hour before travelling that helps to settle down your stomach and control nausea.

6. Pickle Juice

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Pickle juice is capable of restoring electrolytes and balances the PH level in your stomach that often leads to cause of nausea. It is also effective in preventing nausea, vomiting and hangovers.

What You Need To Do

Sip little amount of pickle juice whenever you feel nauseous or experience motion sickness.

7. Chamomile Tea


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Chamomile tea is an effective remedy for treating many health issues including mental issues like anxiety and makes you feel relaxed and peaceful. All these activities have positive effects on motion sickness and help to relive it from symptoms like nausea and vomiting.

What You Need To Do

  • Bring one cup of water to boil by adding chamomile tea and simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  • Strain the solution and drink tea after it is warm enough to touch.
  • Drink this tea whenever you experience motion sickness while travelling.

8. Drink Lots Of Water


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Drinking lots of water help you to stay hydrated that help to combat motion sickness. Dehydration may worsen the symptoms of motion sickness, so it’s better to carry water and other types of fluids while travelling.


Home Remedies For Motion Sickness