How to Relieve Shoulder Blade Pain

How to relieve shoulder blade pain easily at home? How and when it gets serious? What are the possible causes? Let’s find the answers to these questions and a few more.

Also known as “interscapular pain,” pain between shoulder blades is very common. You may have aching, sore, dull, and shooting pain at the mid-back of your shoulder blades.

Usually, there is nothing serious about it, and it gets better in a few days. However, it can also be a sign of some more serious health conditions. Although it is not serious, it can surely disturb the quality of your life. Read on to find everything about shoulder blade pain.

What are the possible causes?

There may be various possible causes of shoulder blade pain. An injured muscle or tendon usually causes the pain, and the injury may cause due to:

  • Wrong exercise
  • Heavy lifting
  • Poor sitting position
  • Prolonged hours of working at computers
  • Muscle strain while sleeping.

Injuries to other different body parts like spine fracture, rotator cuff tears, or any type of injury due to trauma can also be responsible for pain at shoulder blades. Some other but rare causes of pain are:

  • Osteoarthritis of ribs, spine, neck
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Acid reflux
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Scoliosis
  • Shingles
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Nerve compression
  • Certain cancers like lymphomas, lung cancer, liver cancer, bone cancer, mesothelioma, oesophageal cancer, etc.
  • Gallstone

Shoulder blade pain can also be one of the heart attack symptoms, especially in women’s cases. It may be accompanied by other signs like shortness of breath and chest pain. If you suffer from these three symptoms at a time, you should not waste any time and seek immediate medical attention.

At times, sharp, severe pain in the upper-middle back is also a sign of rupture to the thoracic aorta. In such a case, the patient may suffer from severe pain and is more often than not a medical emergency.

Pulmonary embolism is another very serious condition and can be a factor responsible for shoulder blade pain. People with pulmonary embolism may complain about a sudden, sharp pain at the shoulder blade. It happens when the blood clots in the legs are breaking down and travel to the lungs. One of the major symptoms of pulmonary embolism is shortness of breath, and it also needs immediate medical attention.

When should you see a doctor?

When you suffer from severe, unusual pain for more than a couple of weeks, you should get in touch with a qualified medical practitioner. Persistent pain can be a sign of something wrong you are unable to find. Whether or not your condition is serious, if it doesn’t go away after a couple of weeks. So, it’s better to get medical attention instead of waiting for something serious.

If you develop shoulder blade pain along with some other symptoms, chances are of something really serious. It may even become life-threatening and require prompt medical attention. You should get immediate medical attention if the pain is accompanied by:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Excessive sweating
  • Chest pain
  • Cough with blood
  • Light-headedness or vertigo
  • Pain, redness, or swelling in the legs
  • Loss of vision
  • High fever
  • Sudden difficulty speaking
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Paralysis of any part of the body

Treatment for shoulder blade pain will be decided according to the exact cause and severity. And recovery time will also depend on the condition and causative factor(s).

Home remedies

The condition can be managed with home remedies if there is no other major complication. Here are some home remedies for shoulder and neck pain; you can try to get some relief.


Physical exercise is very important to follow a healthy life. But it can also be effective to strengthen your shoulder and back and may relieve acute pain. We recommend a few exercises like pullups, push-ups, and sit-ups, to improve pain initially.


Stretching techniques like Yoga can also effectively improve pain by managing blood circulation through better mobility.

Also Read: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Really Good Against Shingles?

You can try this stretching exercise for shoulder blade pain.

  • Cross one arm over the body.
  • Pull your elbow using the other hand towards your chest, and hold for about 10 seconds.

Diet and Regimen

Some foods can increase the inflammation and hence pain. You should avoid processed foods and add a lot of fruits and vegetables to your diet. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, are also helpful in improving the condition.


Sometimes, rest is more than enough to recover from shoulder blade pain, especially if developed due to injury or exercise.

Cold or Hot Therapy

Cold or hot compresses in the affected areas can also be a solution. Repeat cold or hot compress every two hours for fifteen minutes to relieve discomfort


A professional therapist can help you overcome the pain by working between your shoulder blades to relax the stiffed muscles.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is effective in case of pain due to a compressed or injured nerve. The therapist will help you to perform certain physical exercises targeting the affected muscles and tissues.

Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt contains magnesium and, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can give some relief to your shoulder blades.

How to get Epsom salt bath:

  • Add one cup of Epsom salt to your bathwater and dissolve for a couple of minutes.
  • Soak yourself in the bath for 15-20 minutes to feel the calming and pain-relieving effects of Epsom.

Kinesiology Tape

Using kinesiology tapes to relieve shoulder blade pain is also a great ideal. It is used to control the movements of the scapular region to avoid shoulder pain. The function of this medicated tape is to support the injured shoulder during movement. It is also great short-term pain management but is recommended for acute pains only.

What You Need

  • A kinesiology tape from a renowned brand

Steps to use the tape

  • Put the tape across the muscles of your shoulder griddle (You can get help from someone for proper placement).
  • Watching a tutorial or seeking help from a therapist isn’t a bad idea, either.
  • Keep it for four to five days or until you feel better.
  • You can also reuse the tape for a few months.

OTC Medications

Over the counter medications for shoulder blade pain can also be effective, especially there are mild symptoms. OTC medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, etc. may improve the condition.

When you need surgery?

Surgery is very rarely recommended for this condition. As many as 90 percent of patients get better by nonsurgical treatment like exercises, medications, rest, etc. But your doctor may advise for in case if the condition is caused by an injury and is not improving after prolonged treatment. The doctor may remove minor scar tissues or repair tendons in the affected area.

Chances of Prognosis

Prognosis is very good in the case of shoulder blade pain. However, if there is severe chronic pain, the prognosis also depends on the duration and severity of pain.

More often than not, it is a temporary condition and goes away with a combination of treatment and rest. However, some people may live the whole of their life with the pain!

Some Prevention Tips

Instead of knowing how to help shoulder blade pain, you are better if you know how to prevent this condition. Here are some prevention tips:

  • Always maintain good posture: Posture matters a lot! Bad posture can affect your body very heavily. Always stand or sit tall. Avoid slouching as much as possible. An ergonomic chair or a special pillow can help you maintain your posture if you have sitting work.
  • Avoid long sitting hours: Don’t sit continuously for hours, even if you have a sitting work. Take a break now and then, and walk around for a few minutes.
  • Avoid lifting very heavy items: Heavy lifting is also one of the major causes of shoulder blade pain. Don’t carry heavy bags on your shoulder. And if you have to lift something very heavy, don’t do it alone, and avoid so much pressure on your back.
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle: Lifestyle changes can go a long way in dealing with shoulder pain. Try to get a healthy and wholesome diet, get proper sleep of six to eight hours, and do regular physical exercises.

Pain between your shoulder blades is mainly because of bad lifestyle habits. You can surely avoid it to a decent extent. And now, you have some very effective methods to improve mild to moderate pain. If you have severe pain for more than a few days, we recommend you visit a qualified doctor to find the exact cause and start proper treatment.


How To Get Rid of Shoulder Acne Fast

Shoulder acne may make you feel uncomfortable to wear your favorite sleeveless dress? It can be annoying sometimes.

How to get rid of shoulder acne? Is it really possible to remove shoulder acne? Of course yes, don’t worry about shoulder acne anymore because you are not alone.

I know it’s very hard for you to say no for your special dresses in summer just because of acne on shoulders? But you can get rid of them easily by following some home remedies.

Shoulder acne occurs when dead skin cells or sebum and other impurities or bacteria inflamed the hair follicles on your shoulders. These will cause extreme pain and pores will be larger in this part of your body. You can also experience redness and soreness over this place.

What Causes Shoulder Acne?

There are several factors that can lead to development of acne on shoulders. Some of them are shown below:

  • Hormonal changes are one of the major factors for the formation of acne on shoulders.
  • Hormones triggers sebum secretion and increase chances of clogged hair follicles that lead to formation of acne on your shoulders.
  • Wearing tight and uncomfortable clothes may lead to friction and sweat production. This results in formation of acnes on your body. Even heat and humidity also plays a vital role for your skin to form pores.
  • Waxing is one of the causes for formation of acne on shoulders.
  • Dandruff from scalp, which means the flaking of dead skin cells results in the formation of pores on your shoulders.
  • It can also be caused by eating foods that contain allergens, which affects the immune system.
  • Nutritional imbalance can also cause shoulder acne. If you lack in certain essential vitamins and minerals in your diet, then it results in formation of acne on your shoulders. Because shoulders contain high number of oil glands compared to all other parts of your body.
  • The products like laundry detergents, fabric softeners, body lotions and moisturizers, cause allergic reactions which ultimately lead to formation of acne on your shoulders.

How To Get Rid Of Shoulder Acne

The main aim is to remove the excess oils, sweat and bacteria without irritating skin. The skin over the shoulder and upper back is tougher than the face; you can try these simple and powerful home remedies to get rid of Shoulder acne.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the effective ingredient used in many skin products. The anti bacterial and anti viral properties in apple cider vinegar will help you get rid of redness and soreness caused by acne on your shoulders.The acidic nature of ACV will exfoliate the skin, and balance the skin PH levels with added beauty benefits.

  • Mix raw apple cider vinegar with small amount of water  in 1:3 ratios and apply it on the affected area. Wash it after 15 minutes with lukewarm water. Repeat this process for 2-3 times in a day to see quick results.
  • You can also have a glass of lukewarm water with a table spoon of raw apple cider vinegar added in it, twice a day for additional healing.

2. Warm Compress

This is a quick process to get rid of shoulder acne. The warm temperature will help to draw out the pus and bacteria from clogged skin pores and starts healing the condition.This is one way to reduce inflammation and pain caused due to pores.

You may need other persons help for this process.

  • Mix one table spoon of salt in two cups of water then place a cotton cloth in it.
  • Wring out the excess water from cloth and place it on the affected area for 10 minutes.
  • When its starts cooling down, replace the cloth with another one, repeat this process for few times a day.

3. Tea Tree Oil

For the treatment of acne on any part of your body, you should never ignore the effectiveness of tea tree oil. The antibacterial, antiviral and anti inflammatory properties in tea tree oil help to reduce the formation of acne within a short time.

It also alleviates acne symptoms like pain and soreness. Many studies have shown that, tea tree oil is effective in treating mild to moderate acne.

  • Dip a cotton ball in a table spoon of tea tree oil and apply it slowly on the affected area and leave it for one hour. Rinse it off with cool water and repeat it for few times in a week.
  • Alternatively, you can add honey to 2 table spoon of tea tree oil and make it a paste.
  • Apply this amazing paste on affected area and leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with normal water. Do this twice in a day.


It’s highly recommended to do a patch test before following the above procedure. If you are allergic to this oil, do not carry on with the process.

4. Turmeric

How To Get Rid of Shoulder Acne Fast

Turmeric is a well known home ingredient used for many purposes. It is also used to treat many skin and health issues, including acne on your shoulders.

The anti bacterial and anti healing properties in turmeric helps in killing the bacteria which causes acne and prevents infection from developing in the acne affecting area.Turmeric is also used in many skin products to treat several type of skin issues without any side effects.

  • Mix a table spoon of turmeric powder with a little amount of water and coconut oil and make it a paste.
  • Apply this paste on the affected area and leave it for an hour, then wash it off with cool water. Repeat this process for twice in a day.

5. Baking Soda

Baking soda is another effective remedy to treat acne on your shoulders. Because of antiseptic and anti inflammatory properties of baking soda it acts as a exfoliating agent.

It has the ability to fight against bacteria and prevents the spread of acne on your body.

  • Mix baking soda with required amount of water to form a paste. Apply this paste on affected area and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes and wash it off with water. Repeat this twice in a day.
  • Alternatively, you can also mix one tes spoon of baking soda with one tea spoon of cinnamon powder, 1/2 table spoon of lemon juice and 2 table spoons of honey.
  • Apply this mixture on affected are and wait until it’s dry. Then wash it with lukewarm water. Repeat this process daily to see beneficial results.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural herb which has countless benefits for skin, hair and even for health too. It’s an effective herb to treat shoulder acne too.

Its astringent, anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties help to fight against the cause of acne and reduce the symptoms of acne.

Take a fresh aloe Vera leaf and extract the gel form it and apply this gel on affected area. Allow it to dry and then rinse t off with lukewarm water. Do this for 2-3 times daily for a week.

7. Healthy Diet

Diet plays a major role in maintaining healthy body and it plays a vital role in preventing different types of acne including shoulder acne.

Try to consume low glycemic foods which are made of carbohydrates like whole grains, legumes and unprocessed fruits and vegetables.

Include vitamin and mineral rich foods in your diet such as tomatoes, blue berries, sweet potatoes, pumpkin seeds, seeds, beans, peas, dark green and leafy vegetables and fatty fish.

Avoid oily and spicy foods, especially street food which may trigger acne.