The Best Natural Pain killer That Can Be Grown in Your Backyard

Pain is an unpleasant sensation and an experience which is linked to tissue damage. There are different kinds of pain and the experience of pain is different for one another.

Number of people are addicted to drugs and pain killers without the prescription of doctor and often depend just for masking the problem rather than fixing the cause.

Herbal medicines are the only thing at our convenience when we suffer from an injury or illness. The new technology and modern medicines have forced us to forget about wonderful herbs that may help us in many ways.

Here is one of the best and natural pain killer called wild lettuce that can be grown in your backyard is wild lettuce.

What is Wild Lettuce?

Wild lettuce is a natural pain killer that has been used from centuries to relieve pain. It is a mild sedative that can also improve sleep and also help with many other health issues like inflammation, arthritis, cough, sore throat and much more.

Why Wild Lettuce as a Healthy Alternative?

Wild lettuce is known as Lactuca Virosa in scientific term. It is most commonly found in England and North America and also referred as bitter lettuce.

This is a leafy and tall plant with small yellow buds; it produces white substance from step and leaves which is known as lactucarium.

This milky substance from wild lettuce contains sesquiterpene lactones that are known as active chemicals responsible for pain relieving.

Even though it is used as a pain killer, better be careful because it is very strong and acts directly on central nervous system and may affect you when you take it in higher amount. Lesser the amount when you want to get rid of pain as well as to avoid the side effects caused by it.

Other Health Benefits Of Wild Lettuce

Wild lettuce have many other health benefits.Some of them are as follows:


This wonderful herb and the sedative properties are mild which make it an excellent remedy for treating asthma.

Reduce Migraines

It is believed that the users of wild lettuce have been cured for migraines after using this natural herb for several days.

Relieves Pains and Tension

Due to effects of opiate, it is also known as opium lettuce. It is not only useful for reducing or relieving pain, if the opiate wild is high, then it leads to relieving pain and tension in your body.

Mild Diuretic

Lettuce helps you to increase your urine output and reduce all urinary tract infections and edema. When the fluid builds up in the body tissues and causes swelling this herbs has the ability to cure it.

Sleeping Aids

The best natural pain killer that can be grown in your backyard

This became an addictive tool for many people with many side effects. The use of wild lettuce is reported to be relaxing and brings out the feeling of elated and make the person sleep faster.

It also helps in reducing many other alternatives of health issues.

How Wild Lettuce Can Be Used?

Pick up the plant and brake it down, you can see a white milky sap which can be made in to alcohol tincture, you can take fresh leaves and flowery tops to make salad, or dried to make it as a tea, or you can take it as a capsule.


  1. Do not take it in large amounts, because it may lead to nausea, vomiting and dizziness.
  2. If you are on medication the do consult your doctor before taking it.

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