How to Improve Your Health by Taking Care of Your Teeth

Oral health is much more than only “oral health”. If you think that oral health only covers teeth, gums, tongue, and the upper throat, etc., you are living with a myth. It is much more than your mouth. Your oral health is directly or indirectly linked with almost every vital organ of your body. If you are not maintaining good oral hygiene, or you’re ignoring your oral problems, you may suffer from some serious illness.

Taking care of your oral health will also ensure better physical and mental health. Your mouth is the entrance of the whole of your health, and if it is healthy, there are high chances that your physical and mental health is also okay.

Here are some tips on how to improve your health by taking care of your teeth.

How to Improve Your Health by Taking Care of Your Teeth

 Brush your teeth, thoroughly, at least twice a day:

Although, morning is usually the most preferred time for brushing. But you should brush your teeth after every meal. If you can’t do that, brush them at least twice a day. Brush your teeth thoroughly ensuring that each tooth is covered.

Toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles are best for people of almost all ages. If you can get toothpaste with fluoride, that’s even better, as fluoride strengthens the teeth enamel and reduces the risk of tooth decay.

Floss your teeth at least once daily:

Tiny food particles may remain between the teeth even after brushing and can make your teeth and gums unhealthy. You should floss your teeth at least once daily to avoid such problems.

Related: How to Naturally Remove Plaque and Tartar from Teeth

 Reduce the intake of acidic drinks:

Acidic drinks are extremely harmful for your health. Regular intake of them can cause a lot of health problems, including tooth decay, swelling and sensitivity of gums, cracked or broken teeth, and periodontitis etc. In severe cases, the teeth may even get “eaten” down to the gums. So, if you are taking high amount of acidic drinks, start limiting them to ensure good oral health.

Limit Sugary Foods:

A high intake of sugary foods is harmful to your health in a lot of ways. They can cause dental plaque which changes sugars into acids. Speedy conversion of sugars into acids can cause mild to severe problems including acidity, heartburn, injuries to the internal intestinal walls, etc.

So, if you want to ensure good oral health, limit your sugar intake.

Protect your teeth from injury:

Injury to your teeth can be extremely dangerous in a lot of ways. It can be responsible for some other health issues as well. So, protect your teeth in the best possible way, especially when you playing a sport. Wearing a full-face helmet or mouthguard can be helpful.

Your teeth are only for chewing foods:

Always remember that your teeth are only for chewing food items. If you use them for removing bottle tops, cracking nuts, or opening packaging, you may have chipped or broken teeth.

Related: How To Control Wisdom Tooth Pain With Home Remedies

Don’t throw out the knocked-out tooth:

If you suffer from an injury, and your tooth is knocked out, try to keep it safely. If possible, try to place the it back in your mouth while seeking immediate medical attention. If keeping it back in mouth is not possible, wrap the tooth properly in plastic and take it while going to your dentist.

Go for a regular dental check-up:

Try to visit your dentist regularly, even if you don’t have dental problems. It will help you to take care of your teeth in a more professional manner.

Taking care of your oral health is very important in every aspect. As we have already discussed, oral health is interlinked with your overall physical and mental health. If you feel even a minor problem to your oral cavity, don’t ignore it and get proper medical attention.

Related: Best Home Remedies For Receding Gums

How to Get Rid of Black Gums

No ornament or makeup can make your face more attractive than smile. Smile makes you look more beautiful/ handsome to attract people.

Black gums will makes us to be more self conscious about our face. It may even give us the feeling of embarrassment. On, the other hand they are more than unpleasant look in the crowd.

These black gums not only give us unpleasant look, these may also lead to cause number of oral problems. So, to get rid of these unpleasant dark gums, we are here to give you some easy and simple remedies to treat this condition along with tips to prevent and avoid them completely.

Before jumping directly in to the remedies, we need to know the causes of this condition to treat it completely with perfect solution.

Causes Of Dark Gums

There are countless reasons for the cause for dark gums. But according to a recent research, melanin production on the surface of gums is the major cause which eventually corrodes the natural pink color of your gums.

Some more causes include:


As we know stress lead to number of health problems and even gums are affected by it. The hormonal changes due to stress and anxiety in people also results in forming black gums easily.


Drugs and medications such as anti depressants, which are used to treat malaria and other psychological conditions, are more prone to cause dark gums. If you’re noticing the change in color of your gums after taking certain medicines, then immediately consult your doctor for better treatment.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor Oral hygiene also leads to the cause of dark gums, lack of proper brushing results in accumulation of food particles between your teeth and serves as breeding ground for bacteria. These bacteria automatically turn your gums into dark color.

Improper Nutrition In Your Diet

A healthy diet will always results in maintaining strong and healthy immune system. Lack of nutrition and anti oxidants in your diet will become havoc to your immune system giving rise to bacteria in your body. This bacteria can often be the cause for several diseases including black gums.


Smoking regularly will results in changing the color of your gums by increasing the growth of bacteria in your mouth. The nicotin in tobacco will cause melanocytes to produce more melanin which leads the gums to become more brown or black.

Dental Treatments

Implantation of silver amalgam to restore the extracted gum tissue in process of dental treatment will also lead to formation of grey gum. Even filling and dentures in the treatment will blacken your gums because of prosthetics. These types of treatment often called as amalgam tattoos.


People belong to particular region and race will automatically born with black gums or develop black gums over time. It is extremely common in African country.

Addison ’s Disease

How to Get Rid of Black Gums

Primary adrenal insufficiency or hypoadrenalism i9s nothing but the Addison disease often leads to formation of black gums too. This condition occurs just because of insufficiency of adrenaline hormone produced by adrenal gland which elevates ACTH hormones in the body. Formation of excessive levels of ACTH will lead to hyper pigmentation in several parts of your body including your gums.

Peutz Jegher Syndrome

This condition is a genetic disorder which leads to the development of macules of lips and blackness of gums. This condition is very rare in the people and is inherited heritadily or genetically.

HIV Aids

People suffering from these deadly diseases have low levels of immunity that cause deadly bacteria. They can easily convert in to gingivitis and periondotitis easily, therefore dark gums are quite common in HIV and Aids people.

How To Avoid Dark Gums

You cannot avoid darkening of gums if you are undergoing certain dreadful diseases as shown in above section. But the following remedies will definitely help you to fight against this condition and improve your confidence.

  1. Lemon Oil
  2. Aloe Vera
  3. Green Tea
  4. Black Tea Bugs
  5. Tea Tree Oil
  6. Rose Vinegar
  7. Clove Oil
  8. Coconut Oil
  9. Sesame Oil
  10. Drink Enough Water

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Black Gums

1. Lemon Oil


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Lemon Oil is a treasure source of antiseptic and antibacterial properties that helps to get rid of bacterial infection and cleansing teeth and gums effectively.

Direct application of lemon oil might results in infecting your mouth.

  • Instead mix table spoon of lemon juice with little amount of olive oil and blend them well.
  • Let it sit for few weeks to prepare lemon oil.
  • Use this oil to swish your mouth regularly in the morning to improve your oral health.

2. Aloe Vera


Aloe vera gel helps to fight against infected gums and the anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties will eliminate bacteria from your mouth.

  • Extract little amount of fresh aloe vera gel from the leaf and massage it on your gum for few minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth with water thoroughly.
  • You can also use it as a mouth wash and swish it around your mouth for about 2-3 minutes.

3. Green Tea


Everyone knows green tea helps to treat numerous heath and skin issues without causing any side effects. It works effective in clearing impurities and bacteria inside your mouth due to its amazing properties.

It also reduces the inflammation of gums and improves the health of your gums. Try to drink one cup of green tea regularly twice in a day to enhance stronger teeth and even healthy pinkish gums.

4. Black Tea Bags


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Black tea is capable of treating microbes and reduce the inflammation and swelling in your mouth. Drinking a cup of black tea or applying it on the black gums often results in improving its color.

  • Boil one cup of water and place black tea bags in it, now steep them for few minutes.
  • Then allow the tea bag to cool down, apply these tea bags all over the gums and massage gently for few minutes.
  • Repeat the same process regularly until you see desired results.

5. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is effective in reducing all types of gum diseases. It also helps to prevent root damage due to its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties.

  • Dilute few drops of tea tree oil by adding coconut or olive oil and stir it well.
  • Now apply this oil on your gums and massage gently for few minutes. You can also use this oil as mouth wash and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.
  • Repeat this process regularly for beneficial results.

6. Rose Vinegar


Rose vinegar also helps to maintain healthy gums by preventing bacteria which is buildup in your mouth. Take handful of rose petals and steep them in one glass of red wine vinegar.

Now, take one table spoon of rose vinegar and mix it with one cup of warm water and use this solution as mouth wash regularly. Repeat this process until you see healthy pink gums in your mouth.

7. Clove Oil

Due to the antiseptic, anti bacterial and antimicrobial properties of clove oil will stimulate the growth and repairs the damage tissues. It also helps to improve overall oral health

  • Take some clove oil and massage it on your gums for 2-3 minutes.
  • Allow it to sit for another few minutes and then rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.
  • Do this regularly to get rid of black gums easily.

8. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is loaded with number of essential properties to treat all type of skin conditions both internally and externally. It also do wonders in maintaining your oral health. The anti microbial, anti bacterial properties of coconut oil prevents all the bacteria in your mouth.

  • Take one table spoon of coconut oil and swish it in your mouth like a mouth wash for few minutes before washing your teeth regularly.
  • You can also make it to sit for more than 10 minutes in your mouth to remove all type of oral problems.

9. Sesame Oil

The powerful sesame oil will help to lessen the buildup of plaque and thereby reduces the gum weakening, darkening and receding.

  • Take ¼ cup of sesame oil which is diluted and swish it in your mouth for few minutes.
  • Split it out after some time and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.
  • Repeat this process regularly to enhance your oral health

10. Drink Enough Water

Drinking enough amount of water has numerous benefits for health. As per doctors suggestion a human should drink more than 8 ounces of water per day to keep all health issues at bay.

Drinking limited amount of water will also help to prevent unnecessary toxins and bacteria from your body and keep you healthy all time.

Tips And Precautions To Avoid Black Gums

Here are some tips that will definitely help you to avoid formation of black gums.

  • Brush properly once in the morning and once before going to sleep.
  • Clean your mouth daily by using antibacterial mouth wash.
  • Use the right toothbrush with right tooth paste and never use tooth brush which has hard bristles.
  • Quit smoking and reduce consumption of alcohol in your regular routine.
  • Have regular checkups with your dentist to avoid gum diseases.
  • Maintain healthy diet by having foods which are rich in vitamins, iron and calcium.

How To Control Wisdom Tooth Pain With Home Remedies

Wisdom tooth pain is probably the worst thing that has to be faced by everyone at least once in our life time. These tooth usually appear after 17 years of age and before 25 years. But for some people it may even come after 25 years. These are the last and the most posterior teeth amongst all.

The reason why it pains so much is that, they are the last ones to come so there might not be enough space for them to fit in their place, as a result they tend to push or get stuck with other teeth. This is known as impacted wisdom tooth that causes swelling, irritation and severe pain.

This pain mostly develops sudden without any prior warning and may even hamper your day to day activities. In most cases extracting the tooth can only give you relief from the pain but in some cases certain home remedies can also give you relief from pain and swelling.

Home Remedies For Wisdom Tooth Pain

  1. Salt


This is one of the easiest and effective home remedy that can reduce the inflammation and fights infectio

  • Take a glass of warm water and mix a teaspoon of salt in it. Now swish this water in your mouth for 3-4 times in a day. This way the germs will stay away and lowers your pain.
  • You can even apply salt directly on the affected area and leave it for few minutes. Both the remedies can be followed daily until you get relief.
  1. Clove


Clove is one of the best remedy used to treat all types of tooth ache including wisdom tooth pain. It has got anti septic and analgesic properties which can numb the pain. Apart from this it is antibacterial in nature that prevents infection.

  • Take few drops of clove oil and using a cotton ball apply it on the effected wisdom tooth as well as the surrounding area. If you wish you can dilute it with olive oil. Apply it 2-3 times in a day.
  • Another remedy is to place a clove near the wisdom tooth and close your mouth, let it remain for 4-5 minutes and then remove it.
  1. Peppermint


Peppermint is another age old remedy that is effective in treating wisdom tooth pain by eliminating the bacteria causing infection.

  • Apply some peppermint oil on the affected area with the help of cotton ball or your finger. Let it remain for few minutes and then rinse with water.
  1. Asafetida


Asafetida is also known is hing, which is a powerful ayurvedic remedy to treat tooth pain. It is antiseptic, anti inflammatory and anti bacterial in nature.

  • Take small amount of asafetida and rub it on the aching tooth, this will give you quick relief from the pain.
  1. Wheat grass


This is another natural remedy that can treat your aching wisdom tooth

  • Take few wheat grass shoots and chew it slowly, do not swallow it, spit it after chewing.
  • Alternately you can extract wheat grass juice and swish it in your mouth, then rinse with normal water.

Additional Tips

  • You can apply ice pack on the cheek above the tooth where you are having pain. This will numb the pain for sometime.
  • Try chewing sugar free gum slowly for some time, this will stimulate saliva and fights infection.
  • Floss after every meal.
  • Oil pulling can also help in reducing the pain.
  • Lower the intake of sugar and sugar based products.

How To Control Wisdom Tooth Pain With Home Remedies





Best Home Remedies For Receding Gums

If you think brushing twice in day that makes your teeth look white is the perfect oral hygiene to follow? Then you stepped in a wrong way, having clean white teeth no cavities are not only the thing to maintain. You also need to maintain healthy gums when it comes to perfect oral hygiene.

Not taking care about your gums often results in causing gum recession or gingival recession. This is a common problem face by many people around the world and most of them aren’t aware of it.

Gum recession is nothing but the soft tissues and bones that hold your teeth wears away and pull back and exposing more of the tooth or tooth’s root.

Receding gums will lead to produce gap between the gum and teeth line and this results in building bacteria and oral diseases. If this condition is left untreated, then the supporting tissue and bone structure of teeth can severely and completely damaged that ultimately causes tooth loss.

Tooth sensitivity is probably the first sign shown by gum recession. Gums may also look swollen and tender and can easily bleed, there can also bad breath too.

Causes Of Receding Gums

There are several factors that cause receding gums. Some of them include as follows:

  • Insufficient tooth care
  • Aggressive tooth brushing
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Hormonal changes in the body
  • Teeth grinding
  • Crooked tooth
  • Genes
  • Periodontal diseases
  • Tongue jewelry.

Even though maintaining good oral hygiene and brushing your teeth more gently are good to reverse the recession process. You can even try some home remedies that help your gums to grow back and protect them from further damage.

Effective Home Remedies For Receding Gums

1. Oil Pulling


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Oil pulling is one of the ancient remedy to treat various types of dental diseases and maintain good oral health.

It helps in preventing plaque buildup and plays significant role in coating your teeth. Coconut oil is best for oil pulling because of its anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties, it can take care of any gum and dental diseases.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one table spoon of virgin coconut oil and swish it around your mouth for 15 minutes.
  • Spit it out and rinse your mouth with water followed by brushing.
  • Repeat this every day morning on an empty stomach at least for one month.

2. Baking Soda


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Baking soda is also capable of treating all types of dental diseases including receding gums. It acts more effectively to keep your mouth free from germs and bacteria.

The antiseptic properties present in baking soda prevent infections and neutralizes acid production in the mouth that causes receding gums.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one cup of water in a bowl and add one teaspoon of baking soda, 4 drops of tea tree oil and 4 drops of peppermint oil.
  • Mix all ingredients well and use it as a mouth wash twice in a day for few weeks.

3. Aloe Vera

aloe-vera-gel-has-many-medicinal-properties-and-is-often-used-in-creams-and-lotions (1)

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Aloe vera is an effective remedy for treating all types of skin and health issues including oral issues like receding gums. The anti bacterial properties in aloe vera fights against infections and plaque buildup.

What You Need To Do

  • Take table spoon of fresh aloe vera gel and massage it on your gums and leave it for at least 30 minutes.
  • Then rinse your mouth with water and repeat it twice in a day for few days.
  • Alternatively, swish table spoon of aloe vera juice in your mouth few minutes and spit it out. Repeat it twice in a day.

4. Green Tea


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Green tea is not only used for maintaining healthy weight, it also helps in reducing receding gums too.

Due to its anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties it helps to strengthen the connection between your gums and teeth.

It also brings down gum inflammation and reduces the chance of developing periodontal disease.

What You Need To Do

  • Drink 1-2 cups of green tea regularly to maintain strong and healthy gums with bright teeth.

5. Indian Lilac


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Indian lilac is also known as neem which acts as effective remedy for maintaining healthy gums. It can easily destroy bacteria due to its anti bacterial properties as well as all other oral problems.

What You Need To Do

  • Take handful of fresh neem leaves and grind it to form a thick paste.
  • Use this paste to brush your teeth and gums regularly for few weeks.
  • Alternatively, rub juice of neem leaves on your teeth and allow it to sit for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth with water and continue this regularly.

6. Hydrogen Peroxide


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Hydrogen peroxide is loaded with anti bacterial properties that kill germs and fight against gum diseases. You can also see your teeth whiter when you use it regularly.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water in a small bowl. Use this mixture as mouth wash for few weeks.

Best Home Remedies For Receding GumsNote

Do not use hydrogen peroxide too often, well once a day is more than enough. Do not swallow it.

How to Naturally Remove Plaque and Tartar from Teeth

Not brushing your teeth properly or improper oral hygiene often results in build up of bacteria in your mouth which causes plaque. When you allow it to settle down on your teeth and solidify, then it becomes tartar that leads to face many gum diseases and also makes us to experience many serious complications.

It is necessary to remove plaque from your mouth to prevent tooth decay, formation of cavities and serious issues like gingivitis.

Regular dental visits are the best way to prevent them, but we cannot reach out to doctor every time. So that’s the reason we came out here with best home remedies that will help you to remove plaque and tartar naturally from your teeth.

Read on complete article to know about natural remedies to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth.

How To remove Plaque And Tartar From Your Teeth Using Natural Remedies:

  1. Brush Your Teeth Properly:

brushing teeth

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Brushing your teeth properly is the best way to prevent the formation of tartar. Brush your teeth at all angles even the tooth surfaces with soft bristled tooth brush. Always remember to hold the brush at angle of 45 degrees to gum line.

  1. Use Fluoride Tooth Paste:

fluoride tooth paste

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Using fluoride toothpaste for your teeth helps in reducing the formation of tartar on your teeth and remineralises the areas affected by decay and protects them from bacteria. Fluoride makes the tooth enamel stronger and your teeth are less likely to suffer from the intake of acidic foods and drinks.

  1. Baking Soda:

baking soda for lice

Baking soda has capability to neutralize acids in mouth and it reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in mouth. It also helps in whitening and brightening your teeth.

What You Need To Do:

  • Mix teaspoon of salt and baking soda together.
  • Dip a dammed brush in this mixture and brush your teeth with this mixture gently.
  • Repeat it regularly to get desired results.
  1. Aloe Vera:

aloe vera - Copy

Aloe vera is another effective home remedy in removing plaque and tartar on your teeth. The antimicrobial properties in aloe vera help in killing bacteria that build-up to form plaque.

What You Need To Do:

  • Extract fresh gel of aloe Vera from aloe Vera leaf and rub it on your teeth and gums.
  • Let it remain for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.
  • Repeat it twice in a day to get beneficial results.
  1. Orange Peel:

orange peel for teeth

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This is one of the natural ways to remove tartar and plaque in your mouth. It easily helps to fight against microorganisms in the mouth.

What You Need To Do:

  • Take a piece of orange peel and rub it directly on your teeth.
  • Leave the juice for 10 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water
  • Do this twice in a week to prevent plaque.
  1. Chew Some Sesame Seeds:

    sesame seeds for teeth

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Sesame seeds acts as natural scrub and polish your teeth by removing plaque and tartar.

What You Need To Do:

  • Chew two teaspoons of sesame seeds for few minutes but do not swallow them.
  • Spit it after few minutes and floss properly
  • If you feel that seeds are still in your mouth, brush your teeth thoroughly with dry brush.
  • Repeat this twice in a week.
  1. Lemon: 

lemon for antioxidant

The antimicrobial properties and acidic nature in lemon helps in removing plaque and tartar. It also acts as natural bleach to whiten your teeth.

What You Need To Do:

  • Brush your teeth as usual.
  • Now, wash your toothbrush and dip in a table spoon of lemon juice.
  • Gently brush your teeth with this juice and let it remain for more than a minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth with fresh and clean water.
  • Do this alternate day to prevent plaque completely from your teeth.
  1. Oil Pulling:

Oil pulling is the great way to remove plaque and tartar from your mouth. Coconut oil is best for oil pulling, because the lauric acid in coconut oil contains anti microbial and anti inflammatory properties and works effectively in removing tartar.

What You Need To Do:

  • Swish one tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes.
  • Do not swallow the oil, spit it out once the time is done.
  • Brush your teeth as usual. Repeat it regularly before eating anything.
  1. White Vinegar:

white vinegar

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The acetic acid and antimicrobial properties in white vinegar will help to prevent demineralization enamel as well as prevent and reduce the accumulation of plaque.

What You Need To Do:

  • Take ½ cup of warm water and mix one tea spoon of white vinegar and ½ tea spoon of salt.
  • Rinse your mouth with this mixture regularly.
  1. Cheese: 

cheese for teeth

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Cheese helps to create protective layer around your teeth that keeps plaque bacteria at bay. Even the calcium and phosphate content in cheese helps in demineralise the teeth.

What You Need To Do:

Eat a small amount of hard cheese after having your meals regularly to prevent formation of plaque in your mouth.

5 Reasons For Bad Breath In Children

One of the most common question asked by parents to dentist is why do their children have bad breath? Bad breath is not a big problem , it seems to affect your children all day long and may go away easily.

It’s better to know the cause of bad breathe in your children and treat them wisely to lead a healthy day.

Causes Of Bad Breath

The major cause for bad breath in children and toddler is development of bacteria within the mouth. This happens when they do not brush their teeth regularly and breath through their mouth instead of their nose.

Many children don’t like to brush their teeth thoroughly, which often leads to buildup of bacteria on their teeth and tongue and cause bad breath.

Breathing through their mouth will lead to dry mouth, one of the leading causes for bad breath. Even though the teeth of children are temporary, it’s important to take them for regular checkup with dentist to maintain oral hygiene.

Apart from these two reasons, this article will help you to know more 5 reasons for bad breath in children.

Let’s see other 5 reasons for bad breath in children.

5 Reasons For Bad Breath In Children

  1. Sinus Infection:


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Have you noticed your child with stuffy nose and sore throat in recent days, this might be sinus infection.  Sinus infection will cause fluid to collect in the nasal passages and make it a platform for certain bacteria in your mouth. It makes it difficult for your child to speak and breathe.

This stinky breathe will not be cured through mouthwashes or tooth brushes. It’s time to reach out to your doctor for better treatment for your infection.

  1. Swollen Tonsils:


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If your child’s tonsils are red and inflamed, it will definitely lead to cause of bad breath. Because healthy tonsils will look pink and spot free, bacteria is collected in the pits of the tonsils and lead to sour smell of infection and this causes bad breath in children.

If the tonsils are inflamed and red then your doctor may prescribe antibiotic to treat the problem.

  1. Poor Oral Hygeine:


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This is one of the most common causes for bad breath for children, when plaque and bacteria are not brushed away properly then it leads to the infection and infected gums lead to bad breath. Even the best brushing and oral hygiene will not protect the child from bad breath caused by tooth decay and gum diseases.

If your child is suffering with tooth decay or any type of gum diseases should consult doctor immediately.

  1. Foreign Object:

Many children unknowingly place or put many foreign objects in their mouth such as toys, food and nick nacks.

If you see your child’s nostrils are running and having bad breath, then it means that some foreign object has stucked in his nose. It’s time to reach out to doctor immediately.

  1. Tongue:


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The grooves of your children tongue becomes house for bacteria that result in bad breath. So, it’s important to brush your teeth and clean their tongue as well regularly to prevent build up of bacteria or accumulation of odor causing  bacteria in mouth.

Oral Hygiene – Ayurvedic Way

Often oral hygiene is considered to be an integral part of well being and also reflects the health of a person. A perfect oral hygiene will protect you from several types of diseases starting from gum diseases to diabetes, asthma etc.

Many people just know that brushing teeth and scraping tongue are the only methods beneficial for oral hygiene. But, this process only cleans about 25% of your mouth and keeps it unclean all day long and leads to increase of bacteria which often results in certain problems.

According to ayurveda brushing teeth with twigs will make it healthy than brushing teeth with toothbrush along with paste. If you compare the oral hygiene of using people ancient brushes and now, you would notice vast difference.

In this article, we are going to see how we need to maintain oral hygiene in ayurvedic way to keep our body healthier.

The most common way to brush teeth in ancient days is just using twigs of different herbal trees. These twigs are loaded with many medicinal properties which will help you to get rid of several oral diseases.

How To Choose A Twig?

You should choose the twig that has bitter, pungent taste. Because the bitter tasting twigs has anti microbial properties which helps to fight against the bacteria in your mouth and avoid all oral diseases.

The best example of ayurvedic twig is neem,  this herb with pungent taste will remove all toxins from your mouth and improve salivation from the mouth. The astringent taste helps in healing wounds or ulcers and fight against bad breath.


How To Use Twig As A Toothbrush

  • Choose the twig length of about 25 cm and thickness should be of your fingers.
  • Chew twig a bit from the front and use gentle strokes to brush your teeth.

Use Herbal Toothpaste

Always choose herbal toothpastes that have clove, fennel and neem properties, which help to get rid of bad odor. All the sweetened toothpastes in market are heavily loaded with calcium and baking soda that often results in tarter formation in your mouth.

The herbal toothpastes are better than the tooth pastes that are available in market.

How To Brush Your Teeth Properly

  • Brush your teeth gently for more than two minutes.
  • Use short and gentle strokes and clean the gaps between your teeth properly.
  • While brushing upper teeth, keep your brush at 45 degree angle.
  • Put special attention while brushing backside teeth, gums and the areas of restoration.


Use Of Tongue Scraping

Ayurveda strongly recommends to clean your tongue right after brushing your teeth. This must become a regular habit to maintain good oral health along with physical and mental health.

Tongue scraping removes the foul smell and the dirt build up on your tongue. You must choose tongue scrapes that do not have sharp edges, Ayurveda mainly recommends silver, gold, copper tin and brass scrapers to clean your tongue.


Use Of Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is one of the oldest ayurvedic methods to maintain oral hygiene. Using particular essential oil for this process will help you to prevent all the bacteria and dirt built up in your mouth and reduces bad breath and infections.

It also prevents decay, bleeding gums, cracked lips and even strengthens your teeth, gums and jaws.

You can use sunflower oil or sesame oil or coconut oil for this process.

How To Do Oil Pulling?

  • Take one table spoon of sunflower or sesame oil and fill your mouth with this oil and swish it around for 10 -15 minutes in your mouth.
  • Never swallow this oil, because it turns out with toxins and microbes.
  • Once the time is up, spit it out and wash your mouth with plain water for more than 3 times.

This process should be done after brushing in an empty stomach every morning to maintain healthy oral hygiene.

Causes And Ways To Prevent Bad Breath

If you are out for a party or to meet a friend, suddenly if you sense bad breath from your mouth, this makes you embarrassed. We tend to become self conscious and may not laugh out freely on a joke and may even hesitate to speak.

The immediate solution for preventing bad breath is obviously mouth wash or mint. But this will only give you temporary solution but not the permanent one. So what you need to do now? How we can get rid of ugly bad breath?

Let’s see the possible things we can do to prevent bad breath in our lives.

What Is bad Breath?

Bad breath is generally called as halitosis in medical terms. This is a common and simple problem faced by many people and can be easily preventable.

The main cause for bad breath is poor oral hygiene and excessive addiction of alcohol, smoking and certain health issues like infection in your lungs and even sinus can also cause bad breath due to the presence of nasal secretion that may drain in to your mouth.

Causes of Bad Breath

Here are some more causes of bad breath shown below:

  • Food

Food is the primary source of bad breath from our mouth. Certain foods like garlic, meat, cheese, and fish will leave lingering smell in your mouth. Sometimes, the food can stuck in your teeth and lead to growth of bacteria and dental plaques, often leads to cause of bad odor.

  • Poor Oral Health

Poor dental care will lead to buildup of plaque in your mouth and cause odor on its own. The plaque buildup on teeth is also called as tartar that can irritate the gums and also lead to gum diseases.

  • Dry Mouth

Dry mouth  is also called as xerostomia, is one of the cause for bad breath. When the required amount of saliva is not produced in your mouth, then it causes salivary gland problems and tissue disorders that causes bad odor.

  • Mouth Infections

Even certain mouth infections such as gingivitis, cavities cause bad breath.

Causes And Ways To Prevent Bad Breath

  • Medications

Medications such as antihistamines will lead to cause of bad breath because of its diuretics properties.

How To Prevent Bad Breath

One of the best solution to prevent this simple problem is by brushing your teeth by following constant pattern,it will automatically helps to remove plaque thoroughly.

Here are some more simple ways to get rid of bad breath:

  • Visit your dentist regularly to know whether your braces are cleaned regularly and thoroughly.
  • Drink lots of water, so that you can avoid dry mouth to stimulate the production of saliva.
  • Reduce regular consumption of alcohol and quit smoking.
  • Don’t chew sugar or candy gums for longer time, they can also make the mouth to drying out.
  • Regular use of mouth wash will also help you to get rid of bad odor from your mouth.
  • For more severe cases of bad breath, dentist will suggest you toothpaste and mouthwash along with tooth brush to improve of bad breath.

Home Remedies For Oral Thrush

Oral thrush is basically infection that effects tongue and can spread in mouth also. It is often experience by babies and often called as oral candidiasis in medical terms.

This condition can even affect the other portions of the tongue around your mouth. You need not worry if you are one of them who are experiencing this condition, however it is harmless we have disclosed number of home remedies for oral thrush in this article.

Let’s get deep in to the topic:

Table Of Contents

  • What is oral thrush?
  • Causes of oral thrush
  • Symptoms of oral thrush
  • Home remedies to treat oral thrush
  1. Coconut Oil
  2. Salt Water
  3. Baking Soda
  4. Aloe Vera
  5. Apple Cider Vinegar
  6. Green Tea
  7. Yogurt Or Butter Milk
  8. Lemon Juice
  9. Garlic
  10. Boric Acid
  11. Grape Fruit Seeds Extract
  12. Tea Tree And Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Risk factors of oral thrush
  • Preventive Measures

What Is Oral Thrush?

Oral thrush is a tongue infection caused by the formation of yeast called candida albogans which develops insider your mouth and on the tongue.

Generally, everyone have little amount of this fungus in mouth without causing any harm. When this fungus begins to grow uncontrollably it leads to mouth infection called oral thrush.

Most of the individuals will not face any severe health issues because of this condition, it rarely causes complications. However, this condition can cause complications for those who have weak immune system.

Causes Of Oral Thrush

Oral thrush can easily occur by spreading of fungus called Candida albogans uncontrollably in your mouth. It can also occur, when your immune system gets weaken by using certain medications which automatically reduces good micro organisms which prevent the infection.

Diseases like diabetes, leukemia and HIV will increase the risk of oral thrush and one of the surprising thing is that same fungus will also cause yeast infections in pregnant women too.

Symptoms Of Oral Thrush

Oral thrush typically develops suddenly, but symptoms become noticeable and more serious unknowingly.

Some of the symptoms include:

  • Inflammation in oral
  • Creamy lesions on your tongue or roof of the mouth or sides of your cheeks
  • Erosion of tooth enamel
  • Pain
  • Loss of taste
  • Sometimes bleeding
  • Oral mucus

Home Remedies To Treat Oral Thrush

As we known the causes, symptoms of oral thrush, just take a look on some home remedies too!

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is capable of eliminating thrush easily from your mouth and prevents all the bacteria which often lead to cause of infections in your mouth.

What To Do

  • Mix couple of teaspoons of coconut oil in a glass of warm water. Gargle this mixture twice or thrice per day.
  • You can also soak a cotton ball in coconut oil and dab the affected area with this mixture regularly to get rid out of thrush.

2. Salt Water

Salt water is one of the best home remedies to treat thrush easily. The powerful components in salt water will remove all the thrush from your mouth and keep it healthy.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one table spoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Gargle with this mixture twice or thrice in a day. Probably, by the second week you will see the results.

3. Baking Soda

Baking soda is considered as another effective home remedy for removing thrush in your mouth.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix table spoon of baking soda in two table spoons of water to form a paste. Dab this paste on the affected area by using a cotton ball. Apply this paste two times in a day to get relief.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel also helps to heal thrush and get rid of certain bacteria and virus that causes infections.

What You Need To Do

  • You can directly apply aloe Vera gel on the affected area or you can drink ¼th glass of aloe vera juice regularly.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Use apple cider vinegar to maintain healthy oral hygiene as well as to get rid of thrush. This can be used as mouthwash.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one table spoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of warm water. Gargle this mixture at least for 3 times in a day.

6. Green Tea

Home Remedies For Oral Thrush

Green tea also heals thrush which can be used for both infants and adults.

What You Need To Do

  • Boil green tea leaves in a cup full of water.
  • Allow it to cool down at room temperature, now apply this mixture on the affected area by using a cotton ball.

7. Yogurt Or Butter Milk

The powerful properties in yogurt will fight against the fungus called Candida and remove thrush. The probiotic properties in yogurt will also help to heal inflammations and cuts in the mouth.

What You Need To Do

  • Eat a small cup of yogurt twice or thrice regularly to heal the thrush.

8. Lemon Juice

The anti fungal properties in lemon can remove the fungus of candida and heals thrush.

What You Need To Do

  • You just swish little amount of lemon juice in your mouth for at least 4-5 times in a day.

9. Garlic

The antimicrobial properties in garlic will help to remove all the bacteria and fungi which lead to infection in your mouth.

What You Need To Do

  • Eat raw garlic or take garlic pills regularly to get rid of thrush.

10. Boric Acid

Boric acid can be used as mouth wash for the people who are experiencing oral thrush.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one table spoon of boric acid in cup of warm water and use it as a mouth wash twice in a day.

11. Grape Fruit Seeds Extract

Grape seed extract will also help to heal thrush easily. This oil is often known to reduce inflammation and cuts in the mouth.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix two table spoons of oil in cup of warm water and apply directly on the affected area.
  • You can use this mixture for mouth wash and rinse your mouth several times in a day.

12. Tea Tree And Peppermint Essential Oil

Essential oils do wonders in maintaining oral health. Especially mixture of tea tree oil and peppermint oil will heal thrush and maintain oral hygiene.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix 2 table spoons of tea tree oil with one table spoon of peppermint oil
  • Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it on the affected area twice in a day to get rid of thrushes.

Risk Factors For Oral Thrush

The following are some of the risk factors which help you to protect yourself from certain fungal infections which causes oral thrush

  • Antibiotics: Never take antibiotics until and unless doctor’s prescribe, because this may kill the bacteria or it resists the growth of good bacteria in your mouth.
  • Dry Mouth: people with less amount of saliva formation in their mouth are more prone to oral thrush.
  • Excessive Usage Of Mouthwash: Excessive usage of mouthwash also leads to kill the good bacteria and leads to the cause of oral thrush easily.
  • Smoking: even smokers are at higher risk to develop oral easily in their lives.
  • Diet: if you are following the diet which has low in iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 will also affect the infected rates.
  • Steroid Medication: Long lasting use of steroid medication also leads to increase the risk of developing oral thrush.

Precautions To Prevent Oral Thrush

The following precautions will help you to prevent the occurrence of oral thrush.

  • Brush your teeth twice in a day.
  • Rinse your mouth after eating or every food intake and meals
  • Don’t include excessive amount of sugar in your diet.
  • If you have diabetes, make sure you maintain it in control state
  • Stop smoker, if you are a smoker
  • Wash and clean your dentures thoroughly after meal and remove them during night

It is possible to treat and prevent oral thrush by following all preventative measures and if none of them works, then immediately consult your dentist.

How To Get Rid Of White Spots On Teeth Fast

tA simple smile on our face makes us look more beautiful. But some people hesitate to smile in front of others, because of white spots on their teeth. Are you one of them who have white spots on teeth? Are you not getting solution to get rid of these white spots? Then here we go with wonderful home remedies which makes you more comfortable to smile more than before.

Before, getting into the topic, let’s see what are white spots and causes of white spots on teeth.

What Are White Spots On Teeth?

White spots on teeth are not a major concern but it affects your self confidence and makes you feel unattractive while you are in public places or talking with people. It makes you more conscious.

White spots generally happen because of loss of mineral called enamel of teeth. In medical terms this condition is often known as hypo calcification.

In fact, white spots on teeth are the initial sign that your teeth start decaying.

Causes Of White Spots On Teeth

There are several causes for the formation of white spots on teeth. Well, some of them are as follows:

1. Fluorosis

This condition occurs when you have consumed excess amount of fluoride in young years before the teeth are fully developed.

2. Dry mouth

When your mouth doesn’t have enough amount of saliva to maintain PH levels of your mouth it results in acidic producing bacteria that lead to white spots on the teeth.

3. Poor Oral Hygiene

If you don’t take enough care to clean your mouth, plaque will build up on teeth. This plaque will dissolve teeth enamel formed on your teeth and results in white spots.

4. Braces For Teeth

If you do not maintain dental hygiene while wearing braces it may lead to build up of plaque on those hard places where you are unable to brush your teeth and lead to form white spots.

5. Consumption Of Acidic Foods

Excessive consumption of acidic food also leads to formation of white spots on teeth. Because the acidic content in certain foods and drinks such as sugar candies removes the teeth’s enamel and natural minerals.

6. Celiac Disease

This is an autoimmune disease that shortens the life span of those who affected. This disease is also associated with teeth enamel defects. This disease can also lead to undersized teeth, yellow teeth and teeth with grooves and pitting.

How To Get rid Of White Spots On Teeth

How To Get Rid Of White Spots On Teeth Fast

There are number of ways which helps you to get rid of white spots on teeth and some of them are as follows:

1. Maintain Oral Hygeine

This is the best way to get rid of white spots on your teeth. In fact, white spots on teeth can be easily removable and washable by brushing your teeth regularly.

What You Need To Do

Brush your teeth twice a day and make sure that you brush all different surfaces of your teeth.

2. Try Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is the great way to maintain your oral hygiene. Oil pulling helps to remove plaque which buildsup on your teeth and reduces the risk of white spots on your teeth.

What You Need To Do

Take a little amount of extra virgin coconut oil and put it in your mouth.

Swish the oil around your mouth for about 20 minutes and split it out, now rinse your mouth and brush the teeth as normal.

Repeat this remedy every morning with empty stomach.

3. Lemon Juice

Fresh lemon juice is considered as bleaching agent to remove white spots on your teeth. As it is rich in vitamin C, it helps in maintaining good oral health and help to whiten the teeth naturally.

What You Need To Do

Mix three table spoons of lemon juice in a glass of water and keep it aside.

Now soak a cotton ball in a little amount of lemon juice and apply it on the affected area and leave it for few minutes.

Now wash your mouth with lukewarm water mixed with lemon juice, but make sure to stop this process if you experience any pain or sensitivity in your mouth.

Repeat this process for 2-3 times in a day until you get desired results.

4. Baking Soda

Baking soda is often used in kitchen in number of delicious foods. It is also helpful to maintain oral health and treat bad breath and give your teeth a shiny look.

What You Need To Do

Wet your tooth brush and dip it in a table spoon of baking soda and brush your tooth for 2 minutes and then rinse your mouth with water.

Repeat this process for twice in a week.

Make sure you have diluted baking soda before you using it.

5. Drink Plenty Of Water

This is one of the best ways to get rid of white spots on your teeth. Drinking enough water will prevent your mouth to become dry and produce enough amount of saliva to maintains your PH levels in your mouth.

What You Need To Do

Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day or you can also include some fruit juices in your regular diet too.

6. Make Egg Shell Toothpaste

You may or may not know, egg shell consists of good amount of calcium and toothpaste which is made from eggshell will strengthen and make your teeth shiny.

What You Need To Do

Take 12 eggs and boil them, then dry and grind.

Take a bowl and add egg shell powder, one table spoon of baking soda and a table spoon of coconut oil, if possible add a little amount of diluted peppermint oil and mix them well.

Store it in a small jar and use it as regular toothpaste for your teeth for few months.

7. Use Green Tea Mouth Wash

Green tea consists of number of minerals, vitamins, chlorogenic acid and flavanoids which will help to remineralise teeth. It also helps to reduce the plaque buildup on teeth and prevent formation of white spots on your teeth.

What You Need To Do

Take a glass of warm water and place a green tea bag in it. Let it steep for few minutes then remove tea bag from water and let it cool down.

Now, use this tea as mouth wash and then rinse your mouth with warm water. Try to follow this remedy for 2-3 times in a day to see beneficial results.

8. Use White Vinegar Solution

White vinegar solution contains acetic acid that helps to reduce buildup of plaque in mouth and it also helps to kill bacteria in mouth and protects you from bad breath.

What You Need To Do

Take ½ cup of warm water and add a little amount of salt and a table spoons of white vinegar  andmix them well.

Use this solution to rinse your mouth twice a day.