Top 20 Foods and Exercises on How to Increase Height Naturally

Are you embarrassed with your height or fed up of being called Shorty all your life?

Or did you made endless things to improve height?

Wishing for a way to increase your height without any medications and surgery?

If your answer is YES, then you are on the right tract to improve your height and grow taller.

This article provides you all the details about growing taller along with some great tips and helps you how to grow fast.

Before that we will see the causes of short height.

Causes for Short Height?

The proper growth of the body mainly depends upon human growth hormones which are produced by pituitary glands. The fewer amounts of these hormones are also one of the causes for short height.

Well, mostly human height depends about 60-70% on genetics. And the remaining 20-40% depends on the environment and habits.

Apart from these there are some of the factors which can be controllable and prevents you from growing taller.

  • Irregular lifestyle
  • Improper diet
  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Incorrect posture
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption.

The food we take has the great impact on our height.

Here we will see what Foods we need to take to Grow Taller:

 1 Proteins

Protein helps to build up our body and various tissues that helps in improving the height growth. Acting as enzymes they also encourage various reactions like digestion, respiration and excretion.

2 Minerals

Calcium is one of the best mineral to improve our growth of the body. Minerals include magnesium, phosphorous, iodine and manganese plays a significant role for increasing body height and growth.

3 Vitamins

All vitamins have immense importance for our growth especially Vitamin D, which helps in absorbing and utilizing calcium for bones.

Exposing your body to the sun in early morning is the best way to gain vitamin D easily.

4 Milk

Milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D which are very essential for bones. Drink 2-3 glasses of milk every day, it will strengthen you and keeps you healthy.

5 Beans

Beans are rich in minerals and vitamins which help in building your tissues and muscles which leads to natural height growth.

Consume it twice or thrice in a week for regular growth.

6 Broccoli

Top 15 Foods and Exercises to How to Increase Height Naturally

It helps in proper functioning of the body and helps to stimulate growth hormones because it contains high amounts of vitamin C and iron.

7 Fruits

All fruits are rich in potassium, fibers and folates. Especially fruits like pineapple, mango, and apricots which are rich in vitamins.

The nutrients of these fruits help in healthy growth of bones and promote height growth as well.

8 Banana

Banana is rich source of nutrients such as calcium, potassium and healthy probiotic bacteria. Scientist and nutritionist have found that these nutrients are essential for human growth.

It also reduces the harmful impacts of sodium on teeth and bones. Banana should not be ignored if you want to mention the wonderful foods to increase the height.

9 Soya beans

Soya beans contain number of proteins which help to improve bone and tissue density for their growth.

In order to increase your height growth, consume 50 grams of soya beans on daily basis.

10 Leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals which promote good health and it also helps in stimulating the growth hormones in the body. This in turn increases your height.

11 Whole grains

Whole grain helps in bodily functions and also in proper elimination of waste out of the body. Whole grains provides the required calories and some of the whole grains are rich in calcium too.

Consumption of whole grains regularly should be increased.

12 Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in amino acids which helps the body in improving growth. This is also essential for proper bone and tooth formation.

13 Eggs

Eggs are the most popular foods we see daily. These are rich in calcium, minerals and riboflavin which help in regular growth of bones.

The white albumen in egg contains high proteins which enhances the height increase.

14 Chicken

Chicken have greater proteins compared to other animal foods. These proteins help in building tissues and muscles in our body.

15 Beef

Beef contains vital source of proteins which supports your height of growth. But it also contains high level of fat which leads to increasing your cholesterol.

16 Oatmeal

Oatmeal is also rich in number of proteins and minerals that assists in improving your muscles and reduces fat.

Consume 50 grams of oatmeal as a breakfast everyday that will help you to add extra inches to your height.

17 Coral calcium

Coral calcium helps in improving bones mass and makes them to grow in length.

Sea corals are rich source of coral calcium, consumption of this calcium regularly will give you maximum results.

18 Dairy foods

Dairy products like cheese, yogurt, and ice cream are excellent source for vitamin A, B, D and E. These will help you in effective result in your height growth.

19 Bok Choy

Bok Choy is nothing but the Chinese cabbage which has the ability to increase our height. It is loaded with the essential minerals that play an important role in stimulating the growth of hormones in our body.

Regular consumption of bok Choy will give you numerous health and beauty benefits.

20 Turnip

Turnip is a vegetable rich in fat, minerals, fibers and protein. The nutrients inside the turnip will boost the growth development.

This healthy vegetable should be cooked for dinner to see optimal growth.

Best Exercise to Increase Your Height:

1 Bar hanging

Bar hanging helps in decreasing the pull on your vertebras and makes your trunk weight stretch the spine.

Place a horizontal bar in a position where your body is allowed to move in all directions. While hanging keep your hip, shoulders and arms as relaxed as possible.

This will make you to pull the body effectively by gravitational force. This exercise should be done three times each done for 20 seconds with a break in between.

2 Hopping With One Leg

This exercise is very easy and helps in brain development and also in growth of hormones.

Hop with your right leg 8 times while holding your hands up and do same with your left leg this helps in strengthens your leg.

3 Pelvic Shift

This exercise helps your body in stretching up and down.

To start the exercise first you have to lie down on the floor by placing shoulders and arms firmly on the floor.

Bend your knees and draw your feet as close to your buttocks then arch your back to thrust your pelvis remain in the position for 20-30 seconds.

4 Forward Spine Stretch

This exercise helps in keeping your spine flexed.

Sit straight on the mat with your feet in front and your legs should be extended up to the shoulders width apart. Inhale and extend your arms out in front of you.

Repeat this exercise for several times for making your spine flexible.

5 Bow Down

Stand straight and place your hands on your hip. Bend slightly from the original position by placing your chin off your chest. Always remember while doing this doesn’t bend your knees.

6 Spot Jump

Stand straight with your toes keeping your legs together and hand up in the air and starts jumping for at least two minutes.

7 Wall stretch

This exercise helps in keeping your spine straight.

Stand straight with your toes against the wall and place your hands on the wall as high as possible. Your spine should be kept flat against the wall as much as possible.

Each repetition should be of 4–5 seconds.

8 Cobra Stretch

This is a type of yoga exercise intended to increase your vertical height.

Lie down on the mat with your face down and place your palms under the shoulders. Bend your spine upwards your chin to form an elevated angle.

Repeat 3to 4 times by giving 30-40 seconds gap each.

9 Downhill

Stand up straight by keeping your hands together and arms at your back. Bend down from your waist and start swinging as high you can. Repeat this exercise for 4 to 6 seconds each time.

10 Forward Bend

Stand straight and keep your feet wide apart and put your hands up and bends towards front to touch the ground.

While doing this exercise you should not bend your knees, remain in this position for 10 seconds and get back to the original position slowly.

11 Rope Skipping

Skipping with a rope will help you in increasing your height. Take a skipping rope and make it a daily routine to skip.

12 Swimming

Swimming helps us to keep our muscles strong and healthy. Swimming for at least 5 days in a week for couple of hours is very useful for gaining height.

13 Pilates Roll Over

This exercise helps to strengthen and elongate the spine.

Lie on back with your arms along your sides and palms down. Then keep your legs together and extend them straight up towards the ceiling and bend them backwards to touch the floor.

The more you stretch the more your spine lengthens.

14 Ankle Weights

This will help to increase your lower body.

Sit straight in a chair and use an ankle weight fastener to add weight to the ankle and allow your legs to stretch down with the pressure of the weights.

If you complete then remove the weights and relax your legs by kicking your legs gently for 5- 10 times.

15 Warriors Pose

This is not only an exercise but also a yoga pose which improves your hormones growth.

Stand straight and keep your feet wide apart, then bring your arms over your head.

Turn your left foot by 95 degree and right foot by 45 degree then bend your left knee.

Now raise both the hands and remain in the position for 10-20 seconds.

Get back to original position slowly.

16 Dry Land Swims

This exercise is the best way to increase your weight.

This is an alternating leg hand pair, your right arms pair up with left leg and left arm pair with right leg.

Lie down in a prone position and lift each pair turn by turn and outstretching each limb as far as you can.

17 Table Stretch Exercise

This exercise is one of the most effective to gain height. But it should be done under an expert supervision to prevent any injury.

Sit on the floor and stretch your hands and legs by keeping it straight.

18 Cycling

Cycling helps to enhance the coordination and balance in the body and stretches and tones the muscles for immense growth.

Try to ride a bicycle on regular basis. It takes 1-4 months to increase the height depending the intake of nutrients like nutrients, minerals and proteins.

19 Walking

It is the safest cardio exercise with lots of benefits.

Regular walking helps production of growth hormone in the body and decreases the stress hormone level which leads to improving your metabolism.

It also helps in increasing your height like other stretching exercises.

20 Basket ball for Height

Basket ball is a solid game which includes drunks, jumps, swivels that helps your body to be stretched in all directions.



Olive Leaf Extract for Herpes

Herpes is an infective disease which spread from one person to another easily and are in varying forms. There are two types of common herpes known as genetic herpes and oral herpes.

These are painful sores developing around the infected area. It affects both men and women.

Genital herpes in men causes blisters on the buttocks, anus and inside the urethra. Genital herpes in women appears blisters in vaginal area, anus and external genitals.

Are you one of them who are suffering from herpes and embarrasses to get prescriptions or medications? No worries, as we have so many natural remedies for treating many diseases including herpes.

Here in this article we will see how to cure herpes virus with natural ingredient called olive leaf extract (OLE).

Olive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract is nothing but an olive extract taken from the tree leaf. This has been used from decades for several medical purposes. It has the ability to kill and inhibit the multiplication of viruses in the body

This extract contains phenolics called oleuropin that helps in maintaining glucose metabolism and skin health.

Olive Leaf Extract for Herpes

Olive leaf extract contains elinolic acid which has the ability to inhibit viruses. In case of herpes it helps in relieving out breaking sores, increase healing time and stores the energy levels that may be depleted by virus active phase.

Olive leaf contains many biologically active constituents that help to create a resistance the viruses causing herbs.

Olive leaf extract contains anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti fungal and anti- viral properties. It also helps in boosting your immune system.

It helps in preventing herpes by out breaking the layer more efficiently which causes spreading of disease.

Types of Olive Leaf Extract

Most of the olive leaf extract can be found in capsules. The leaves are grounded to make a powder for consumption.

  • Powdered Whole Leaf Capsules

This capsule is made by leaf of olive without any standardizes extract that comes in 400-700 mg. It helps in effective healing of herpes.

  • Powdered Leaf Extracts Capsules

It contains oelurophin which gives strength to the capsules and ranges between 6-20%. These are hygroscopic in nature which makes use of standard fillers for stabilizing the capsule.

  • Olive Leaf Tea

Olive leaf is also available in tea bags. This helps in reducing the infection of herpes in the body and also helps to control cold and flu.

  • Powdered Olive Leaf

Powdered olive leaf is easy to use when compared to the capsules. You can directly sprinkle on the food you take to speed up the healing process, if teas and capsules are taking longer time.

  • Olive Leaf Extracts Tinctures

Olive leaf extract can also be found in tinctures (dry leaf mixture).

How to Use Olive Oil Extract for Herpes

It’s very easy to use olive oil extract in capsule form, instead here are some of the ways how to take olive leaf extract for herpes:

  • Consume 3-4 capsules which contain 6% of oleuropein for every 6 hours regularly until you see the symptoms f reducing herpes on your body.
  • You can directly apply the oil leaf extract on the affected area by using a cotton pads.
  • Consume only two capsules which contain 20% of oleuropein after the meals regularly.
  • Mix the olive leaf powder directly in a glass of warm water and drink it for better healing process, it also helps in boosting your immune system.
  • Drink olive leaf tea regularly until you get rid from the infection.
  • Combine olive leaf extract with aluminum gel and consume it daily.
  • Fewer amounts of capsules is taken until you see the changes in your body, huge amount may lead to many other diseases.

Note: Always consult a doctor before having it.

Other Benefits of Olive Leaf

Olive Leaf Extract for Herpes

Olive leaf extract can be used in many other ways which are shown below:


Olive oil extract helps in reducing cholesterol, reducing weight and to maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Colds and Flu

Olive leaf contains anti-bacterial and anti viral properties which reduces the virus which is causes flu and heals it completely and removes the infection.


This olive leaf extract increases twice the amount of anti oxidants as green tea. If it is consumed for more than 6 weeks it has been shown that it lowers heart rates and blood pressure.

 Side Effects of Olive Leaf Extracts

Even it’s a substance that eliminates the toxins from the body; organs in the body may work even harder for pathogenic organisms which may result in some of the symptoms as follows:

  • Diarrhea
  • Joint pains
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea

Well these side effects are temporary, which causes only when you are using olive leaf extract for the first time.

Some of the Other Natural Remedies to Get Rid From Herpes

Consume Garlic Paste

Garlic contains allicin which helps to kill the host of bacteria and viruses that cause infections.

Because of its anti bacterial and anti viral properties it helps in out breaking of herpes.

How to use garlic paste?

Take chopped garlic in a small bowl and mix it with one table spoon of honey.

Mix the ingredients together and consume, repeat this regularly.

Apply Garlic Oil

Take chopped garlic in a cup.

Place a pan and pour 5 table spoons of olive oil and add one table spoon of crushed garlic in it, cook until it get into golden brown color

Strain the oil and apply it on the affected area.

Use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an excellent natural remedy to kill the virus that leads to herpes outbreaks.

Coconut oil contains lauric acid which helps in deactivating the virus to perform its activities.

How to use coconut oil?

Dip the cotton swab in a coconut oil and apply in on the affected area, allow the oil to completely absorb in to the skin.

Repeat the remedy every day night before going to bed.

Alternatively you can drink coconut milk to get elevated from the infection.

10 Most Effective Home Remedies for Gout

Gout is just a type of arthritis that causes inflammation usually in one joint that starts suddenly. This can be found in most of the people who have high level of uric acid in their blood.

In this article you will get to know about the types, causes, symptoms and 10 most effective home remedies for gout.

Types of Gouts

They are four types of gouts; well these types are also known as several stages of gouts.

Acute Gout

This stage starts when the uric acid starts to deposit in the body joints causing swelling, pain and tenderness.

Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia

This stage occurs when we have elevated levels of uric acid in the blood.

Interval Gout

This stage occurs in between the stage of acute gout but shows no symptoms.

Chronic Gout

This can be found in people who have high level of uric acid in blood for several years. Attacks become more frequent and the pain may not go away as it used to be.

Joints damage may occur during this stage and loses its mobility. This is a rare case and cannot be treated easily.

Cause of Gouts

Gout is a result of excess of uric acid in the blood, a condition called hyperuricemia. When the kidneys cannot excrete the uric acid, it results in formation of their deposits.

The uric acid forms a needle like substance between the joints and causes sudden pain, swelling and redness.

Causes of an elevated uric acid level includes genetics, obesity and medications such as diuretics and if the kidney has chronic disease.

Symptoms of Gout

Most Effective Home Remedies for Gout

The characteristics symptoms and signs of gout are as follows

  • Intense joint pain
  • Joint swelling
  • Redness
  • Heat in the affected area
  • Formation of lumps under the skin

These symptoms normally affect the single joint pain.

10 Effective Home Remedies for Gouts

Although we have no cure for gout, but we have effective home remedies for gouts which are shown below

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has alkalizing agent and helps to neutralize the affect of uric acid in the blood. The high level of vitamin c in lemon juice helps in breaking down of gout deposited by raising the urines PH.

You will need

  • Two fresh lemons
  • A glass of water
  • ½ tea spoon of baking soda

What you have to do?

  • Take two fresh lemons and cut it, squeeze out the juice from the lemon and add it to the glass of water.
  • Add some baking soda to the juice and drink daily.
  • Have 2-3 glasses of lemon juice daily for beneficial results.

Ginger Root for Gout

Ginger is a natural herb that is used for treating various illnesses in the ayurvedic medicine. It also contains anti inflammatory properties which helps to relieve the joint inflammation.

You will need

  • One inch piece of ginger

What you have to do?

Consume this every day morning to get relief from the gout. You can also apply ginger paste to the affected joints.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains anti-inflammatory properties which helps the assuage pain and soreness associated with a gout. The acidic nature of vinegar elevates the pain and reduces inflammation.

You need

1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar

One glass of water

What you have to do?

Add 1 table spoon of apple cider vinegar in water and drink it two to three times a day. If you find it as helpful in relieving the pain increase the amount of apple cider vinegar in water.

Cold Water

Cold water helps in reducing swelling. All you need to do is soak the affected area in cold water for few mkinutes to get relief from the pain.


Cherries contain anti oxidant properties and anthocyanin which helps in reducing the inflammation and gout flare ups.

You need


Glass of cherry juice

What you have to do?

Eat 10-15 cherries in a day or drink a glass of cherry juice 3 times in a day. This will give you tremendous result by relieving the pain of gout.

Baking Soda for Gout

Baking soda helps in increasing the pH levels of the body fluids or deposit to dissolve in the blood quickly which can be eliminated from the body.

You need

  • ½ table spoon of baking soda
  • Glass of water

What you have to do?

Mix ½ table spoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink 2/ 3 times a day.


Consult your doctor before using this home remedy for gout.

Epsom Salt for Gout

This salt helps in removing toxins from the body and soothes the inflamed joints. The warmness in the water helps you from reducing swelling and pain.

You need

½ cup of Epsom salt

A bucket of water

What you have to do?

Mix the Epsom salt in bucket of warm water and make sure it is dissolved and soak the affected area in the bucket for 15 minutes.

Remove the feet and rinse it with normal water.

Pineapple for Gout

Pineapple contains anti inflammatory properties and an enzyme called bromelain which is beneficial for joint inflammation in gouts.

You need

1 cup pine apple

What you have to do?

Eat the pineapple directly or combine it with other fruits.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal acts as an effective absorbent. It absorbs the uric acid from the body and relieves the pain caused by gout.

You need

1 table spoon of Activated charcoal

Cup of water

What you have to do?

Mix the activated charcoal with a cup of water and make it a paste.

Apply this paste on the affected area for instant relief.

For better result it is advised to take a charcoal bath twice a week.

Continue this process for a month.

Turmeric and Honey

Turmeric and honey contains number of antibiotics that destroy the harmful germs in the body.

Turmeric helps in enhancing the immune system and also helps in fighting against certain disorders successfully.

Honey is a great restorative and powerful medicine with amazing curative effects.

You need

2/3 table spoons of turmeric

2/3 table spoons of organic raw honey

What you have to do?

Combine the two ingredients and form a paste. Apply this on the affected area directly or you can consume the paste orally to get rid from the joint pains.

How to Get Relief from Stomach Ache

Stomach aches are most common among the uninvited guests and almost everyone suffers from them at certain point. There are dozens of reasons why you get a tummy ache ,most of the causes aren’t serious and the symptoms pass quickly.

For some of  people it can be mild discomfort and may ease up on its own, but for some it leads to chronic disorder and need a doctor’s concern.

Ranging from indigestion to gastritis and GERD, an aching stomach can stem from many things.

The remedies shown below will help you to get rid from pain and the discomfort.

Let’s see the causes for stomach ache:

Causes of stomach ache

Indigestion is the common cause for tummy ache, other than that these are the causes for tummy ache as follows:

  • Infections
  • Food poisoning
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Acid reflux
  • Gastritis
  • Constipation
  • Stomach or peptic ulcers
  • Pulled or strained muscles
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Irritable bowel symptoms

Symptoms of stomach ache

Some of the stomach ache symptoms are

  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea

Home Remedies for Stomach Ache

Many of us are not aware of the ingredients which are effectively useful for relieving from stomach pain after one or two doses.

However if the pain still exists don’t neglect to concern a doctor within the time.

Here are some of the natural remedies to get rid of stomach pain

Use a Hot Pad or Hot Water Bottle

How to Get Relief from Stomach Ache

This is the best remedy to get rid from stomach pain; heat increases the blood flow to the skin surface and transfers the pain into relief.

Place a hot bottle or heating pad over your upset stomach. It takes 10-15 minutes to get relief from the pain.

Enjoy Some Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea helps in reducing the inflammation in your stomach which causes the pain.

Required Ingredients

  • A tea bag of chamomile or 2 table spoons of dried chamomile
  • Hot water
  • A jug


Pour boiling water over chamomile tea bag and cover it with a jug or if you are using dried chamomile steep then place chamomile in boiling water for 10 or 15 minutes and sip slowly.

Rice Water

Rice water acts as demulcent, it releases some of the compounds which help in coat the inside walls of the stomach for ease digestion.

Required ingredients

  • ½ cup of rice
  • 2 cups of water


Make rice water by cooking white rice with double amount of water you would normally use. Cook the rice until it becomes soft.

Pour the rice in to strainer by catching the left over liquid in a bowl.

Once the liquid is cool enough then drink it by adding some honey which helps you in relieving from stomach pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains pectin which helps in soothing the entire gastrointestinal tract and eliminate symptoms like cramps, gas and nausea.

Regular consumption of apple cider vinegar will boost immunity, improve digestion and maintain body’s proper ph levels.

Required Ingredients

2 table spoon of apple cider vinegar

One cup of Luke warm water


Pour 2 table spoons of vinegar into one cup of luck warm water and drink twice a day after meals to get rid of stomach pain and infections.

Use Baking Soda

Baking soda is commonly used in recipes, it is also useful for relieving from stomach aches as it acts as an antacid to relieve an upset stomach.

It undergoes a chemical reaction in your stomach which forms carbon dioxide and promotes burping.


Do not take it to cure stomach pain if you are undergoing any medical conditions.

How to Take Baking Soda for Stomach Ache?

Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and drink it slowly

It will relieve the pain and bloating instantly by making you burp. Drink up to 5 glasses per day.

Some Ginger

Ginger contains natural compounds that fight inflammation, reduces excess stomach acid and stimulate digestion.

The chemicals in ginger help in relaxing muscles which lies inside the intestinal track and relieves from stomach cramp and pain.

Required Ingredients

2 inches of ginger root

A cup of boiled water

Table spoon of honey


In boiled water add fresh ginger which is sliced in to pieces.

Boil it for 2-3 minutes then pour it in a glass and add one table spoon of honey.

Sip slowly and relax.

Lemon Water

The acidic nature in lemon stimulates the hydrochloric acid which gives the digestion a boost.

This also helps in keeping your system flushed and makes it run smoothly.

How to Take Lemon Water?

Add 2 table spoon of lemon juice in warm water and sip it slowly. You can add honey to this water for taste.

Have Some Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds contain anethole, it’s a volatile oil helps in secretion of digestive juices to move things.

It can reduce bloating, improve digestion and relieves cramps.

How to Take Fennel Seeds?

Chew some of the fennel seeds after your meals or take a cup of boil water and add one table spoon of fennel seeds and cover it with a lid.

Let the seeds steep inside water for ten minutes, then strain the fennel tea into a cup and sip it slowly.

Consuming it regularly will give you good results.

Drink Coke

Drinking your favorite cola can also be a remedy for mild stomach pains and it will hydrate you and relieves you from the pain.

Drinking cola after having your meals as it reduces the gastric troubles in your stomach and helps in ease digestion.

Try mint

Mint has natural painkilling properties, so it reduces the cramping in the stomach and maintains the digestive system.

Chew some of the mint or add it in the warm water and take it as a mint tea after your meals.

Try Some Yogurt

Yogurt is full of probiotics which can helps in ease digestion and boosts your immune system.

Just make sure to take plain yogurt instead of sweet one because sugar can affect your stomach.

Get Rid of Back Fat and Underarm Flab With These 4 Quick Exercises!

Fat doesn’t store always in your tummy or legs and it doesn’t go where you want to. While most fitness regimes will fight to reduce the tummy fat, toning up your body involving other parts too.

One of the most neglected fats in our body is back fat and underarm flab. It takes lots of effort to burn this fat. Well, this is not a permanent state but need to be more conscious about.

Back fat appears when your muscles lose strength, because of malnutrition and poor diet. Moreover lack of physical activity is also the main cause for unwanted back fat.

Underarm flab is due to the obesity or usually results in being overweight and hormonal imbalance is also one of the cause.

Dieting is not an effective way to reduce the back fat and underarm flab. So here this article will help you to get out of this problem by doing only simple four exercises.

These can be done at home easily, which saves money and bring back your self esteem and make you feel comfort again

So here we go….

4 Effective Exercises for Back Fat and Under Arm Flab

Combine these exercises with cardio for better results. You need to use 5-8 pounds of dumbbells while doing these four exercises.

Continue these exercises three times in a week with 15 repetition and 3 sets of each exercise should be done.

Push and touch

This exercise targets your chest, shoulders and upper back

Stand tall with your arms placing forward and by keeping your arms by your side. Raise your arms at shoulders height with your palms facing towards ceiling. Hold for few seconds until you feel the burn in your hands.

Gently raise your arms above your head with the palms facing towards ceiling.

Gently return them to the shoulder height, pause and bring them back to the normal position.

Repeat this for minimum 3 sets for 6-8 times.

Bent over circular row

This exercise targets to your upper back, mid back, chest and biceps.

Stand straight then bent your knees slightly with 90 degree angle by keeping your legs shoulder width apart.

Using one hand at a time, move the dumbbell to the opposite hand.

Pick up the dumbbell and move towards the chest and the back to the extended position in a circular motion.

Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Elbow Kiss

Get Rid of Back Fat and Underarm Flab With These 4 Quick Exercises!

This will target your chest and shoulders and provides you special treatment.

Place your palms facing up and spread out your arms on each side at shoulders height.

Your elbows need to be bended to 90 degrees.

Then swing your hands while folded to the front so that they close at the elbow.

Your forearms will touch on the sides which makes elbows kiss each other.

Slowly get your arms in actual position.

Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Crisscross Reverse Fly

This will target to strengthen your shoulders and upper arms

Stand straight and slightly bend your knees and lean your upper body for 45 degrees.

Cross your arms at the wrist and hang them in front of your knees.

Tighten your arms and slowly bring them to actual position.

Repeat this for 10 – 12 times vice versa to the left hand and the right hand.

6 Exercises for a Flat Belly That You Can Do Right in a Chair

It’s something we hear often that sitting for long hours is the cause of damaging our health.

However, the office job requires many of us to be sitting in our chairs for 8 long hours. That’s why we have come up with simple exercises that you can do it by sitting in a chair.

You need to do these exercises, if you want to protect your health from obesity, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

These exercises will also help you in digestion, melting the fat and strengtening the abdominal muscles.

6 Exercises for a flat belly that you can do right in a chair

Double knee lift

This targets your gut muscles to work properly and tenderly.

How to do?

Sit straight and keep your legs together, by holding the chair with the two hands and keeping your back straight lift your knees and force them towards the chest.

After 2-3 minutes keep your legs down but don’t touch the floor, do it for 10-20 times.

Knee to chest lift

It targets in consuming the fat and reinforces abs.

How to do?

Sit straight in your chair without touching the back of the seat, keep your feet on the floor hold your back straight then lift your knee and force it to the chest.

Place your hands on the shin for the better extend of your lower stomach muscles, and repeat this for 30 times by substituting your knees.


How to do?

Keep your feet’s on the floor and rectify the arms at your shoulder level. Then turn the abdominal area to one side and touch your left foot with correct hand and be in the position for some time.

Come back to your first position and twist your correct foot with your left hand and repeat it for 20-30 times by exchanging your sides with each twist.

Body lift above the chair

Exercises for a Flat Belly That You Can Do Right in a Chair

It targets your belly and back fat to burn faster.

Note: make sure that your chair is not a roller one.

How to do?

Sit in the chair and hold the arms of the chair tightly, by hanging your legs and hip lift your body above the chair and use your abdominal muscles to lift your knees to your chest.

Remain in the position for 20 seconds and back to the normal position slowly. Do this exercise for 4 times a day.

Knee to elbow lift

It targets your lower abdominal muscles for functioning properly.

How to do?

Sit straight in the chair without touching the back of the chair and put your hands back of your head.

Lift your right knee to your chest meanwhile bend your left elbow to touch your knee.

Return to the original position and repeat this by changing the knee and the elbow for 15 times.

Double knee lift with body side bands

This targets you to burn the belly fat easily.

Sit on the chair edge with straight back by holding the chair tightly and bend your body to a side.

Keep your legs together and lift your both legs to your chest.

Come back to normal position after 20 seconds.

Repeat 10-20 times.

Home Remedies for Swollen Ankles

Swollen feet and ankle is the most common problem now a days and it can be quite uncomfortable to handle. Usually this problem arises when the fluid accumulates in the tissues leading to swelling known as edema.

Some of the causes for swollen feet and ankles are overweight, menstrual periods, deficiency of potassium in the body, fluid retention or minor injuries.

The pain, inflammation, redness may be unbearable while walking, so here are the effective home remedies to get rid of swollen ankles.

Symptoms of Swollen Ankles

The below symptoms can be controlled by following  natural remedies but these are the root cause for swollen ankles.

The symptoms include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Puffy eyes
  • Weight gain
  • Headache
  • Blood clot
  • Swollen hands or wrists.

Home Remedies for Swollen Ankles

Home remedies of swollen ankles include:


Exercise is useful for general swelling, especially if you have been refraining from movement for an extended period of time.

Walking and jogging help in reducing the swollen feet and ankles and improve the blood to flow freely in the body.

Too much exercise can strain the swollen area even more so it should be avoided, especially in case of injury.


Foot massage is one of the most effective remedy for swollen feet. Sitting for long hours in one place or standing for long hours may lead to poor blood circulation and produces fluid retention in legs.

Gentle massage on the swollen part of your body will help in improving the blood flow and reduces swelling. If possible use some natural oil to help quicken up the reduction in your swelling.

Massage is the great way to reduce swelling and an easy way to relax.

Reduce the Intake of Salt

Excess of salt intake in your body have the capacity to hold water in much higher concentration and your desire to urinate will decrease.

That excess water is stored in ankles and feet and will lead to swelling. So, it’s better to reduce the intake of salt in your diet.

Take Magnesium Suppliants

Mineral deficiency is also one of the causes for swollen ankle; intake of magnesium by doctor’s advice will help you in reducing pain of your feet.

Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar helps in relieving the pain of the feet which causes swelling. It has high potassium content, which in turn help to reduce the fluid retention.

Mix water and vinegar in equal parts and boil them, soak the towel in the solution and wrap the towel around your feet for 5- 10 minutes.

Repeat the process for 5-6 times a day.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking lots of water will boost your body’s natural detoxification process which will reduce inflammation.

It will also help your tissues to stay hydrated for longer hours and improve the cleansing cycle.

If you are experiencing swollen feet then you need to drink more water which will help you to get rid of swollen ankles and keeps you healthy.

Tonic Water

Tonic water is constituents of carbonated water and quinine. The quinine in the tonic water helps in reducing swelling.

Soak the swollen area of your body in a tub of tonic water and remain it for 15-20 minutes.

Continue this method once in a day to get rid of swollen ankles and feet.

Lemon Juice

Lemon contains anti inflammatory properties which helps to reduce the acidic level in the body. As lemon has the ability to flush out excessive fluids and harmful toxins from your body, drink lemon juice every day morning to get beneficial results.

Onion Juice

The flavanoids in the onions make one of the best natural sources for reducing water retention in the body.

Onion juice contains detoxifying components which also helps in preventing the formation of kidney stones.

Boil the onions in four cups of water and add a pinch of salt before turning it off, cool, strain and then drink the liquid twice or thrice in a day to get rid of fluid accumulated in the feet.

Coriander Seeds

Coriander seeds contain anti inflammatory properties and have high amount of potassium, which acts as a natural diuretics that help to get rid of swelling and prevent recurrences.

To gain the benefits of this ingredient, boil a glass of water and add 3 spoons of coriander seeds and wait until the quantity of water is reduced up to half.

Cool this liquid, strain and consume it every day.

Fennel Seeds

This is the best option for treating swelling in the feet.

Fennel seeds help in removing the excess of sodium and water from the kidneys which help in cut down systolic pressure.

They have the ability to flush out and relieve unwanted toxins from our body and promotes optimal health.

You need to consume the water and chew the funnel seeds for twice or thrice in a day to eliminate retention.

Vitamin E Rich Foods

A diet rich in vitamin E foods helps you to relieve from swollen ankles. Some of vitamin E rich foods are leafy greens, nuts, seeds, meat, dairy products and fish.

Essential Oils

Essential oil offers a multitude of benefits to our health. Due to its anti inflammatory properties which can help in reducing swelling and improve circulation.

Take a little amount of peppermint essential oil, eucalyptus oil, almond oil and mix it with carrier oil and massage your swollen area in your body.

Regular massage will give you relief and increase the blood circulation and reduce the retention.

Compression Socks

Compression socks are best to wear when you are fighting with the swollen ankles, this will help you to avoid swelling of feet by preventing pooling of blood in your legs.

If you are travelling, then compression socks helps in relieving pain of the leg, try to wear compression socks everywhere.

If it’s long time remove the socks and place your feet on a pillow to rest for some time.

How Only 15 Minutes of Walking Can Change Everything

Walking is the most common thing we do daily but many of us don’t know how beneficial it is for our health.

According to recent French studies, walking is the most powerful exercise and it provides countless benefits in our lives.

Regular walking for 15 minutes daily may increase the mortality by 22% in adults. The study took over 12 years of extensive research, including hundreds of tests and all are confirmed by everyone who were suspicions.

A lot of people will not see the benefit of walking, it’s an aerobic exercise which is known to encourage the heart and respiratory rates to pump additional oxygen to muscles. The faster you walk the more aerobic walking becomes.

Muscle activity improves blood flow through veins and prevents varicose veins. Active energy process help get rid of fat the average rate burns 100 kcal.

Walking improves your Physical and Mental Health

Well, walking has many benefits in our lives some of them are discussed below:

  • Walking helps the nutrients you consume to go where they are needed in order to support the exercise.
  • Outdoor walking has positive influence on the mental health because nature is known for reducing the stress.
  • Walking helps in reducing the unsaturated fats which have a chance to store in fat cells, but rather consuming to provide with the energy needed for exercising.
  • Walking may improve your mood, decrease stress and lowers the feel of depression.
  • Taking a walk on sunny days is not only good for your mind but it also helps in improving bone and tissue growth because the sun provides vitamin D.
  • Regular walking improves mobility and reduces the risk of injuries. Walking is one of the main prevention methods for losing density of bones and decreasing their deterioration.
  • If you have trouble in sleep then take a short walk which clears your head and will give you sound sleep.

Walking for Obese Children?

According to recent studies, obese children who walk for 45 minutes daily for 5 days in a week increase their lung capacity in 6 weeks.

This study also resulted in finding that shifting between slow walk and fast walk is beneficial compared to walking just slowly or quickly for entire walk.

How Much Should You Walk to Prevent Diseases?


According to American heart association, you should walk regularly in order to decrease stroke, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

You should get a minimum of half an hour of physical activity daily to total two and half hours of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity within a week in order to enjoy the benefits of exercise. But unfortunately it has been found that 50 % of adults do not involve in exercises.

An analysis on walking from seven countries with average duration of eleven years have shown that regular walking reduces the incidence of cardiovascular events by 31 percent and mortality risk by 32 percent.

How to Reset Your Thyroid to Burn Fat and Activate Your Metabolism

It is estimation that over 12 percent of world populations are experiencing thyroid at certain point in their lives.

From last four decades thyroid cancer has been doubled by crossing the state of ‘epidemic” which is an incidence. Thyroid cancer rates have been increased steadily about 6% every year for more than 20 years.

This is a troubling fact that the small thyroid gland in the neck is the major component for proper functioning of immune system. If it doesn’t function properly then the body leads to wide range of diseases.

Thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones, which regulates metabolic rate. These hormones are important in regulating body energy, body temperature, and body’s use of other hormones and vitamins.

Thyroid disorders can range from a small harmless goiter that leads to threatening cancer. The most common cause of thyroid goiter is iodine deficiency

Too much thyroid hormones result in a condition called Hyperthyroidism. Insufficient hormones lead to Hypothyroidism.

When thyroid fails to provide proper amount of hormones especially T3 and T4 it leads to problems like depression, fatigue, increased blood pressure and weight gain.

And excessive production of these hormones may lead to anxiety, weight loss and accelerated heart rate.

To prevent the over production of thyroid hormones the pituitary gland sense the blood required for the hormones and adjust the production accordingly.

Lifestyle and environmental factors contribute to a malfunctioning of thyroid, while some can be controllable and many of them are not.

You need to rest your thyroid and activate your metabolism then you will be able to lose weight and boost your energy with optimal health.

Causes of Thyroid

  • One of the important factor in increasing thyroid malfunctioning is just because of micro fungi in food and air which affects the immune system.
  • This fungus is located on the skin typically known as mycosis. Mycotoxicosis is the disease which can be caused by over exposing to this fungus.
  • The severity of mycotoxin poisoning can be compounded by factors such as vitamin deficiency, alcohol abuse and infectial diseases.
  • Micotoxocosis is the main cause of increasing the production of microbial diseases, which worsens the effect of malnutrition.
  • Well, fungi are not destructive but it makes the immune system to not function properly.

Food sources of micotoxins

  • Peanuts
  • Sugar
  • Cheese
  • Antibiotics
  • Corn
  • Wheat
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Barley

Potential cause for thyroid dysfunction

How to Reset Your Thyroid to Burn Fat and Activate Your Metabolism

  • Smoking
  • Pesticides
  • Chronic stress
  • Chemicals and contaminants in tap water
  • Radiation including X-rays
  • Too much soy in your diet
  • Iodine deficiency
  • Family history

To reset your thyroid and improve your metabolism, you need to take some essential food as follows:

Combining selenium rich foods and ionized salt will also help in controlling thyroid and improves metabolism

The followed food items should be included i  your daily diet so as to maintain thyroid level.

  • Brazil nuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Meat(pork, beef, liver)
  • Eggs(not more than 3 a day)
  • Whole grains
  • Shell fish(sardines, flounder and halibut)
  • Veggies(avocados, cabbage, celery, bean sprouts, cucumbers, collard greens, asparagus)
  • Fruits
  • Poultry

These Tips Can Help You Reduce up to 34 Inches of Belly without Exercise

Sticking to a conventional diet and exercise plan can be difficult, but there are several tips that can help you mindlessly to eat few calories.

There are many effective ways to reduce your weight, as well as to prevent weight gain in future. From drinking water to turning up the music.

Follow the tips below for better results

Tips to reduce Belly Fat with Diet

  • Little changes in diet may go a long way. switch whole milk for skimmed milk, swap your ice cream, sodas for lime water and buttermilk.
  • Eat food in regular intervals and keep a gap of two hours between your last meal and sleeping.
  • You can minimize your water retention by avoiding sodium intake and increase your fiber intake by consuming more whole grain products.
  • If you want to reduce your stomach, don’t skip breakfast because when you skip meals your body metabolism slows down which forces the body to break down muscle tissues for energy and conserve fat.
  • Avoid junk food, chips and cookies at any cost.

Tips to Reduce Belly Fat with your Lifestyle

Your lifestyle often determines your health, so maintain healthy lifestyle:

First thing that you should keep in mind is that proper sleep goes  long way ensuring that your waistline stays under check.

It is important to sleep for 7-8 hours for optimal weight management. This is not only useful for temporary weight loss but also helps in your future too.

People who have full night’s sleep tend to feel less hungry throughout the day.

Stress is a big thing which causes fat to collect around your tummy and makes it difficult to reduce tummy. When you take too much stress, your body secretes hormones cortisol which leads to fat-build up.

These Tips Can Help You Reduce up to 34 Inches of Belly without Exercise

This fat build up happens around the organs in the abdominal cavity, staying stress free helps you in reducing tummy fat quickly.

Avoid sitting at one place for a long duration.

Many people feel enthusiastic while starting a new exercise at the beginning but lose interest in the mid way. So instead of stopping those activities, inculcate those activities as a way of life.

Some of the tips without diet and exercise

Many of us don’t have time to exercise daily instead we can lose tummy weight by following these simple tips:

Store unhealthy food out of sight

Storing unhealthy foods may increase carvings and hunger when you see them; this is linked to weight gain.

Store unhealthy foods out of sight such as high on cupboards, this may help to not catch your eye when you’re hungry.

Eat fiber rich foods

Fiber intake helps in reducing weight loss and increases fullness of your tummy.

Viscous fiber is one of the richest foods in fiber which is found in plants. Examples of rich fiber foods are beans, sprouts, oranges, flax seeds.

Chew thoroughly

Chewing your food thoroughly will make to eat more slowly, which results in decreasing intake of food and increased fullness in smaller portions.

Fast eaters may gain weight easily compared to slow eaters which is founded in recent studies.

Eat plenty of protein

Proteins help in increasing the fullness and reducing the feeling of hunger and help you to eat fewer calories.

Increasing protein intake from 15% to 20% helps to eat 441 fewer calories per day and lose 11 pounds in 12 weeks.

Reduce the intake of sugars

Sugary beverages have been associated with an increased rate of several diseases. And it’s very easy to take sugary drinks instead of taking solid food items.

Avoiding these beverages completely will help you enormously in long term health benefits.