Apple Cider Vinegar for Sore Throat

Sore throat is a very common but extremely annoying condition. It can make your day worse if it is accompanied by inflammation and pain. Factors like a draught of cold air, environmental changes, cold foods and drinks, and certain infections etc. can cause soreness of throat. Some people find apple cider vinegar for sore throat very helpful. Is it?

That’s what we are trying to discuss in this article. Despite the insufficient scientific proofs, ACV does have good anecdotal evidence of being handy against sore throat. It can improve the condition, especially if caused by a bacterial infection.

You can use diluted ACV alone or with water to improve sore throat. But there are some other effective remedies you can use with ACV to get a more potent response. Before jumping on those ACV recipes for sore throat, let’s talk about some of its possible causes and why ACV can help you to get over this annoying condition.

What are the Causes of a Sore Throat?

There is a wide range of sore throat causes, including:

Bacterial Infection:

Infection from the Streptococcus bacteria is very common and can be characterized by sore throat among other common conditions.

Viral Infections:

  • Common Cold
  • Chickenpox
  • Influenza
  • Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
  • Croup
  • Measles

Some other possible causes of sore throat:

  • Dryness in the air: Prolonged dryness in the air can make your throat scratchy and rough.
  • Nasal Congestion: Chronic nasal congestion is also a common cause, and forces you to breath more from your mouth than nasal passage.
  • Allergies: Allergies to dust, pollens, dander, and moulds can also cause soreness of throat. Sore throat due to allergy is usually accompanied by irritation and inflammation of throat along with postnasal drip.
  • Irritants: Outdoor and indoor pollutants like smoke, cigarette, chemicals etc. can also be responsible for chronic soreness of throat. Irritation is sometimes induced by tobacco chewing, consumption of alcohol and eating very spicy foods etc.
  • Muscle Strain: People who work at announcement desks, call centres etc. are prone to strain to the throat muscles due to continuous and loud talking or yelling.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): It is a disorder of digestive system characterized by backing up of stomach acids to the oesophagus. It can cause sudden irritation to throat muscles and can be one of the rare causes of sore throat. GERD is usually accompanied by other symptoms like heartburn, regurgitation of stomach contents, hoarseness and sensation of a lump in the throat etc.
  • HIV Infection: A sore throat, especially when accompanied by other flu symptoms, can be an early sign of HIV infection.

Chronic and recurring sore throat is a common phenomenon in HIV-positive people, because people with HIV infection have compromised immune system, and can easily get affected by even minor infections.

  • Tumours: Cancerous tumours of larynx or throat can also cause sore throat. Other signs of cancerous growth are difficulty swallowing, lump in the neck, pain while speaking of eating, painful and noisy breathing and bloody phlegm etc.

Also Read: Apple Cider Vinegar for Toenail Fungus

Why Apple Cider Vinegar is a Good Option?

Despite a lack of scientific data for apple cider vinegar for sore throat, various studies suggest that ACV can improve the condition, especially if caused by bacterial or viral infections. ACV produces a slightly acidic environment in your body and makes the survival difficult for most types of bacteria and viruses, and can be a natural treatment for sore throat. Here are some proven benefits of using ACV for sore throat.

  • ACV is acidic in nature and can stop the growth of bacteria and viruses by balancing the pH level of throat tissues.
  • Thanks to its antibacterial properties, ACV can fight against certain bacteria and germs.
  • ACV is a very good natural expectorant and can thin the phlegm in your throat and nasal passage, and help you feel better.
  • Prebiotic content of ACV, known as inulin, can improve your immunity and can help your body stronger to fight against infections.
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Sore Throat?

1. Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar

Thanks to the antibacterial and acidic properties, diluted apple cider vinegar for sore throat can be very helpful in healing sore throat even without other home ingredients

What do You need?

  • One tbsp diluted apple cider vinegar
  • One warm glass water

Steps to Follow

  • Add ACV to water and mix for a few seconds
  • Gargle with the solution several times a day to feel better.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar with Saltwater

Salt (sodium chloride) is also known for its strong antimicrobial properties and can increase the effectiveness of ACV to fight with a sore throat.

What do you need?

  • One tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp salt
  • One warm glass water

Steps to follow:

  • Add ACV and salt to the water and mix well.
  • Use the solution to gargle multiple times daily to cure sore throat fast.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon

Hot water and lemon can be one answer to many health problems, including viral infections. Lemon is one of the greatest sources of vitamins B complex and C, iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Regular use of lemon juice can also strengthen your immune system and can keep viral infections at bay. And lemon with apple cider vinegar can eliminate soreness of throat within a few days.

What do You need?

  • One tbsp of apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp of lemon juice
  • One warm glass water
  • Honey (Optional)

Steps to Follow:

  • Add apple cider vinegar and lemon to warm water and sip very slowly.
  • You can add one tbsp honey as a taste enhancer as well.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar with Baking Soda

Baking soda is getting very popular as a second-line of treatment for numerous infections and can be a great home remedy for sore throat, especially if used with ACV. Also known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda works as a ubiquitous buffer in your body and reduces the pH gradient across the membranes of bacteria, and hence, controls the infection.

You Will Need:

  • One tbsp of apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp of baking soda
  • One glass warm water

What You Have to Do?

  • Add both ingredients in water, mix well, and use for a gargle in the morning.
  • Repeat it every day for a week to see the difference.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey

Thanks to its amazing antibacterial properties, honey is known as a very potent healer, and can be the answer if you are asking “how to get a sore throat fast overnight”. Yes, that’s how quick honey can work, especially when used with ACV.

ACV is packed with expectorant properties, and on the other hand, the anti-inflammatory nature of honey can provide very quick relief from a sore throat.

Ingredients You Need:

  • Two tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • Two tbsp honey
  • One glass warm water

What you should do:

  • Add ACV and honey to water and mix well.
  • Drink the solution once daily to improve your throat condition.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar and Cinnamon

Cinnamon is commonly used for soreness and infection of the throat. It is packed with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and can speed up the recovery from sore throat if used with apple cider vinegar.

You Will Need:

  • One tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp cinnamon powder
  • One tbsp honey
  • One tbsp lemon juice
  • One cup of warm water

What You Should Do:

  • Add all ingredients to one glass warm water and mix well.
  • Drink the solution slowly or gargle with it.
  • Repeat this thrice a day to cure sore throat fast.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin as the active component and can be very effective, especially against the inflammation of the throat. On the other hand, ACV can break down the irritating phlegm and also decongest your nasal passage.

Ingredients You Need:

  • One tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp cayenne pepper
  • Three tbsp of honey
  • One glass warm water

Steps You Need to Follow

  • Mix these ingredients in a glass of warm water.
  • Gargle with this solution three to four times a day to get relief from soreness.
  • You can also take small sips in between to get even better results.

Apple cider vinegar for sore throat is, without a doubt very effective, and you can fight seasonal throat infection with diluted ACV mixed with one of these remedies packed with anti-inflammatory and healing properties. In case, if you have a sore throat for a long time, you should not rely on these home remedies and get proper treatment from a licensed practitioner. If you have anything to suggest, or anything to share with us, you can reach to us through the comment section. We will be very happy to reply.


The Surprising Benefits of Hot Water and Lemon,relevant%20to%20wound%20repair%20too.

Home Remedies To Treat Sore Throat During Pregnancy

For most of the women pregnancy comes along with morning sickness, vomiting, giddiness etc, apart from all these, dealing with sore throat becomes more difficult. Sore throat is basically inflammation that is caused due to any viral or bacterial infection.

Sore throat can lead to swollen tonsils, difficulty in swallowing, severe throat pain, hoarseness and sometimes  it mat even lead to ear pain. Even though medications and antibiotics can treat this condition easily, but many medicines may not be safe during pregnancy.

In order to get rid of all the discomfort caused due to sore throat during pregnancy you can follow the below mentioned home remedies. These can be followed by children and men as well.

Home Remedies For Sore Throat

  1. Ginger





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Ginger is naturally loaded with certain properties such as volatile oil and phenolic, that can treat sore throat that is caused due to acid re flux during pregnancy. Ginger has anti bacterial ,anti viral and anti fungal properties that helps to combat nausea and vomiting as well as helps in reducing inflammation.

All you need to do is prepare ginger tea by adding one teaspoon of grated ginger or a small piece of ginger to a glass of warm water. Let the ginger steep for few minutes, strain and drink this tea warm only.

You can enjoy this tea twice a day. Make sure you use ginger in moderate amount, too much of ginger during pregnancy can be harmful.

2. Salt Water Gargle


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One of the safest way to treat sore throat during pregnancy is gargling with warm salt water. It can sooth your throat by removing the irritants that causes sore throat as well as loosen the mucus. Salt water has anti septic properties that clears out all infection as well as restricts the growth of bacteria.

For this you need to take lukewarm water and add one teaspoon of salt to it, stir it well and then gargle with this water. You can do in 2-3 times a day.

3. Turmeric Milk


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Turmeric contains certain compounds that helps in treating sore throat and is safe to use during pregnancy, but in moderation. Turmeric contains anti septic and anti microbial properties that helps to loosen the mucus and treats the inflammation of the membranes. It gives calming effect to throat and even reduces cough.

For preparing turmeric milk, heat a cup of milk and then add one forth tea spoon of  turmeric powder, stir it well and then drink it warm. You can add a bit of sugar as well.

4. Hot Chicken Soup


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Drinking or eating something warm can give soothing effect to throat and helps in treating sore throat. Chicken soup has got anti inflammatory properties that helps to fight against infection, it has also got nutrients that helps to improve the immune system and prevents the entry of harmful bacteria in body.

5. Steam


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Steam inhalation is one of the best remedy to treat sore throat. This remedy allow you to breath easily as well as gives you sound sleep. Use a steamer for inhaling the steam, but if you dont have one then you can take it in home style.

Boil half a liter of water such that it should have steam. Now remove the water container from stove, add few drops of any essential oil, cover your head with a towel or thick cloth and then bend down to inhale the steam.

Additional Remedies

Apart from the above mentioned remedies you can even you some of the below mentioned remedies.

  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Lukewarm water is very helpful in treating sore throat.
  • Use humidifier as breathing in humid air can treat sore throat, it will  also give you undisturbed sleep and sound sleep is very necessary for quick recovery.
  • Avoid having caffeinated drinks.
  • Avoid using other persons towels, cups or other things who have sore throat, you may also get infected.
  • Eat diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • If the problem continues for longer tine then do consult your doctor.

Home Remedies To Treat Sore Throat During Pregnancy




Natural Home Remedies For Sore Throat

Sore throat is not only painful, but a discomfort for doing daily activities such as drinking and eating. This is the first sign of cold and flu or it may be result of allergies or inflammation of the vocal chords or infected tonsils. Sometimes it may lead to many respiratory allergies.

If sore throat is accompanied with headache, fever and other symptoms, then you should consult your physician immediately to get proper medication for your condition.

Whatever may be the reason, sore throat is really annoying. Instead of going to medications directly, try these natural home remedies which will help you to get rid of pain and to get quick relief.

Home Remedies For Sore Throat

These are effective home remedies to treat your sore throat easily and help you to get rid of pain.

1. Chew Garlic

Garlic has wide range of antimicrobial and anti inflammatory properties which helps to prevent viral and yeast infections. Many people find it is the easiest and most effective way to get relief from sore throat.

You just need one or two cloves of garlic a day. You just need to chew a piece of garlic which can release juice in your mouth and can help to relieve the pain of sore throat in a day or two.

2. Gargle Salt Water

As we know salt is the major ingredient in all dishes to make it more tasteful. Apart from that, it has anti inflammatory properties which help to relieve the sore throat. Even salt at high concentrations kills off the microbes and break down secretions that cause pain in your sore throat.

Make a salt water solution by adding  ½ a tea spoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Gargle this solution for every three hours in a day, so that it can clean your throat and reduce the swelling of your throat.

3. Turmeric Milk

This is one of the effective and ancient traditions in our country to treat sore throat. In ayurvedic tradition it is known as natural antibiotic for sore throat.

Mix ½ tea spoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk then drink it twice in a day. It will help you to get relief from swelling and pain caused by sore throat. It even treats cold and coughs too.

4. Honey

The antimicrobial and anti inflammatory properties in honey will help to treat respiratory conditions such as sore throat. Honey has capability to reduce mucus secretion and coughs which are associated with sore throat.

The antioxidant properties in honey will fight against certain viruses and bacteria that lead to weaken of immune system.Just mix a table spoon of honey to a glass of warm water or mix it with lemon essential oil which can treat your sore throat faster.

5. Licorice Root

Natural Home Remedies For Sore Throat

Licorice root is considered as a powerful expectorant which helps to expel mucus from throat. It also helps to soothe the irritation and reduces the inflammation of the tonsils which makes an effective home remedy for sore throat.

Several studies have shown that, this wonderful ancient root has powerful antiviral and antimicrobial properties. To enjoy the benefits of licorice root, making tea is the best way to get rid of sore throat as well as any health issues of your immune system.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is often considered as a potent healer for many conditions. The acidic nature in apple cider vinegar kills the bacteria in the throat and eases the process of cold symptoms if the throat infection is a result of mucus buildup.

All you need to do is add a table spoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water with a table spoon of honey in it. Now, mix this solution well and drink it slowly.

If you don’t like to drink apple cider vinegar solution then you can opt for gargling this solution for every two hours, it gives a tremendous relief from sore infection.

7. Take Steam

Inhaling steam is an effective way to treat sore throat easily. It also helps you to breath easier if you are congested and fights against bacteria and viruses which causes pain and inflammation for your throat.

You just need to boil a pot of water and then pour it in a bowl. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam fully and for better results add few drops of eucalyptus oil in it.